Disney+ Announced A New Streaming Game Show Called ‘Star Wars: Jedi Temple Challenge’
You don’t need to go to a galaxy far, far away to check out how absolutely AWESOME Disney+ is. They can do no wrong in my book at this point. The more I dig into their lineup, the better they get!

Just when I thought they were about perfect, Disney+ went and announced they will bring the Star Wars Jedi Temple Challenge to their lineup in 2020. See, they just went and got BETTER!
In this competition show, streaming exclusively on Disney+, young padawans are tested on the three pillars of the Jedi — Strength (the force), Knowledge, and Bravery.
They will have to best obstacles on the way. The padawans may have to come face-to-face with a lightsaber or two. They may have to jump through hyperspace, and they will most definitely have to face the Dark Side before they reach their goal.
The Jedi Master and Mentor for these young padawans will be Ahmed Best. Padawan parents will remember him as Jar Jar Binks from the Star Wars prequels. Never fear, he will have a humanoid droid sidekick. I can’t wait to watch!

Senior Direct of Online Content and Programming for Lucasfilm, Mickey Capoferri says:
This is definitely a kids game show like no other. The various challenges will test a Padawan’s connection to the Force in three locations — a forest planet, on board a Jedi star cruiser, and inside a Jedi temple — immersing them and the audience in a fun, humorous, and exciting competition.

This will be no Double Dare Challenge. This will be a unique, immersive experience into the world of Star Wars.

Vice Presidents of Originals — Unscripted Content for Disney+, Dan Silver states:
Star Wars: Jedi Temple Challenge brings together the best of Star Wars — competitive spirit, harrowing obstacles and a hero’s triumph over challenges — in a totally new format for the franchise — A game show set in the Star Wars galaxy is a perfect fit for Disney+.
I can’t wait to jump right through hyperspace, and enter this world of Star Wars.

Admittedly, my family is a bit Star Wars crazy. I think my husband and son would buy a house on Tatooine, if it were possible. Needless to say, we will be anxiously awaiting the premiere of Star Wars Jedi Temple Challenge.

You will also totally want to check out the new ride at Disney World’s Hollywood Studios, Smugglers Run. Hello, four-hour wait! I don’t care. Totally worth it!
This ride is smack in the middle of the new Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge Land on the edge of the Hollywood Studios Park. I’m here to tell you — THIS LAND IS AWESOME! You HAVE to go experience it for yourself.