Here Is What To Do If Your Airline Credit Is Expiring Before You Can Use It
Odds are, if you had a vacation planned in the next couple months, it just might have been cancelled. Now, you are left with an airline credit, but what if it expires before you can use it?
Well, take solace in the fact that you are NOT the only person to experience this problem.
Most airlines have been proactive, and have already made plans for all these airline credits hanging out in the ether-sphere.
Depending on the airline, they have different rules on how to use those vouchers.
Here Is What To Do If Your Airline Credit Is Expiring
Southwest Airlines – You have to cancel your trip. Don’t just skip it. Only YOU can use your voucher — it can’t be transferred to someone else.
All travel booked with unused funds or a Southwest LUV Voucher must be completed by the expiration date. Don’t let your trips takeoff without you!
Southwest Airlines
United Airlines – Credits expire one year from the original date of issue.
JetBlue – Your voucher credit is good for one year from original date of issue.
American Airlines – Credits expire one year from the original date of issue.
Delta Airlines – Per the Delta website — “Whether they’re printed on paper or sent electronically, Certificates and eCredits give you a number of different ways to save big on your upcoming trips. You can use up to 3 eCredits per passenger. If your Unused eTicket is expiring in March 2020 or April 2020, then the expiration date of the Unused eTicket may be extended so that you can book and travel until December 31, 2020.”
Don’t just assume your voucher or credit has been extended. You need to follow up and check on it.
If you run into a problem, contact the airline directly. As you can imagine, they are inundated with calls right now. You could be waiting on the phone for a large chunk of your day.
You can try to contact them via email. This might get you a quicker response than trying to phone in a question.
Also, try to contact them on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. Some people are reporting success in contacting their airline that way.
Bottom line, never EVER assume it has been taken care of. Follow up to make sure you don’t lose your credit!