A Texas School District Is Banning Hoodies, Dresses, And Skirts and I Just Don’t Get It
A school district in North Texas has changed their dress code, and it’s probably going to cause a little bit of backlash.

According to a statement issued by Forney School District, they have decided to ban all hooded clothing, saying that the change will help the students be prepared for dressing for their future careers.

Get this. They have also banned dresses and skirts, too.


Yeah, I don’t get that one. Dresses have ALWAYS been allowed in any office setting in which I have worked.

The new dress code policy prohibits hoodies, coats, and jackets with hoods inside the school.
Also, if the student is in grade 5 or above, they can’t wear dresses, skirts, or skorts.

I would have been totally upset with this dress code when I was a student. As a parent, I think I would fight it.

I have several problems with the new rule.
First of all, the dress code is just a bit ridiculous. I mean, this is a public school system. I understand banning certain clothing that is crude or harmful. But, requiring the student to wear pants? No.

Also, what about the families who can’t afford to go out and buy “uniforms?” Are they going to be discriminated against?
The new dress code is going to require students to wear solid colored shirts and slacks, shorts, or capri pants. I’m actually surprised that students are allowed to wear capris!!

There is also a restriction on the color of the pants. The clothes have to be in navy blue, black, or khaki colors.

Besides hoodies, dresses, and skirts, there are other items that won’t be allowed. Students can’t wear denim pants, sleeveless shirts, t-shirts, overalls, or clothing with holes in it.

According to CNN, if a student is found to be in violation of the dress code, they have to change into something appropriate while at school.
If they can’t do this, they may be required to attend in-school suspension until a parent or guardian can bring them “appropriate” clothing.

[The dress code will] improve student self-esteem, bridge socio-economic differences among students, and promote positive behavior, thereby enhancing school safety and improving the learning environment.
FIDS Statement
What do you think about this new dress code?