Here’s Where All Your Daughter’s Scrunchies Are Going
No, they aren’t misplacing them.
You might be wondering where in the world all your daughter’s scrunchies are going and well, I have the answer. Whether or not you’ll like that answer, I don’t know…

But what I do know is why they are all of a sudden coming up short…

Here’s where all your daughter’s scrunchies are going…

Boys… Boys are wearing them!
No, boys aren’t wearing them in their hair (okay, some are) but most are wearing them around their wrists just like you may have noticed that your daughter is.
You see, it’s a symbol that a boy is taken or has a girlfriend. Basically a warning to all the other girls…
Girls are wearing scrunchies around their wrists and when they meet a boy they like, they give him one of the scrunchies off their wrist. If the boy wears it on his wrist, it means he likes the girl back and basically tells all the other girls that he’s taken.
One mom even shared this revelation on Facebook and of course, it was shared and commented on by parents everywhere:
Are you tired of wasting money on hair scrunchies? Feel like you’re buying them every week? Wondering why your daughter can’t keep up with them?
Well let me let you in on a little secret. ….They are being found in the dryer of every boy Mom’s home. I’m about to start a lost and found page for them on Facebook or better yet return them to school with a love note for me.
Apparently it’s cool to give your scrunchie to someone you think is cute, below is a stash that we have racked up just this week.
So basically stop wasting your money and clogging up my dryer.

Even people on Reddit know what’s going on…
So, before you head out to buy more just remember your daughter is giving them to boys.
Hey, it’s a lot less harmless than things they could be doing, right?
Little do our kids know that scrunchies were cool in the 90’s and we were the ones that started the idea behind the VSCO Girl trend. Scrunchies are now just part of a VSCO Girl’s Lifestyle.