This Mom’s Genius Glow-In-The-Dark Pajama Hack Saves Bedtime and I Am Trying It
Jessica D’Entremont is winning at the mom game!
I didn’t know whether the laugh really hard, or clap really slow for her ingenious idea she had for getting her girls to be quiet and get ready for bed.

Every mom knows the bedtime struggle. The kids are running around and yelling. They don’t want to get in bed. Meltdowns are commencing in 3…2…1.

I know I sometimes need a moment of quiet just to gather my thoughts, and not become atom-bomb mommy, ready to blow-up at any moment.

Jessica’s idea? Stick your kids in glow in the dark jammies. Tell them they have to lie really still on the ground to “charge” their jammies.

Worked like a charm!
Looking for a way to keep your kids still….
Buy them glow in the dark pjs. Tell them they have to lie really still under the light to “charge” them…..
I’m not even sorry ????
****Update: To expand on the trickery I’ve started putting the pjs back into their drawer when they get dressed in the morning……unexposed to light all day they dim and do not glow in the dark when they tried to test me last night until they laid down again. Reinforcing the need to lie quietly under the light before bed
Again #notevensorry
Just look at these little diligent ladies, working hard to get their jammies to glow!
(Shhhh. Don’t tell them the jammies don’t need to charge!)

Peace and quiet, the kids are happy, mommy gets her moment of silence … I call that a win!
Here are the pajamas that Jessica got her kids …
But, you can also get them some at

Looking for some cute pajamas? Try Target for matching pajamas for your whole family.