Move Over Elf on The Shelf, Krampus On The Mantle Is The Perfect Way To Have A Creepy Christmas
Move over Elf On The Shelf. Krampus On The Mantle is here, and he gives new meaning to the Christmas saying, You Better Watch Out!!

There’s not much that will whip my son into acting good and doing his chores. But, mention Krampus, and he becomes a sweet little angel.
You’ve heard of Krampus, right? He’s that horned, half-demon, half beast who scares the living beejoobies out of bad kids at Christmastime.
Watch out kids, there’s a new Christmas tradition. Krampus is coming to town and he’s on a mission. Unlike St. Nick, who rewards good kids with toys, Krampus dishes out terror to bad girls and boys.

You might be thinking, “What the actual hell?”

Yep. There is a Christmas tradition that includes this demon of darkness terrorizing and punishing bad kids, and he puts Santa and his stockings full of coal to shame.
Happy Holidays!!

Kids who are bad will be shaking in fear, But, too late, Krampus is already here.

This Krampus On The Mantle includes a deluxe version of Krampus, himself, and 2 of his evil gingerbread henchmen.

Sharp claws, pointed fangs and menacing horns. If he decides you were naughty, from this world you’ll be torn. When he comes for you, hear his chains and bells clank. You know you’re in trouble, this is definitely no prank.

This scary demon of holiday darkness will set you back $39.99, and he will be the most unique thing you bring to your Christmas decorating this year.

Don’t want to see Krampus? Don’t give him a reason. Be good all year long. Survive the Christmas season.

You can get your own Deluxe Edition Krampus On The Mantle from the FYE website.

Don’t do bad things, and always remember, Krampus is watching. He’ll be back next December!