The ‘Loki’ Series Is Starting To Give Me Wizard Of Oz Vibes And I Am All For It
Ok so today’s episode of Loki (Episode 5) had me SO confused. I mean…how many Lokis are there?!?

We finally get to see where Loki lands, in some void space of time with an angry looking dog cloud forcing them to stay. (As you can see, I’m highly confused)

He then meets MANY different Lokis, all different ages, sizes, and even an alligator version! (confusing) We even get to finally meet President Loki, the face of many posters of the series.

Sylvie finds her way to him (a romance between two Lokis…so like, they love themselves? Someone needs to help me here) and enchants the dog cloud thing to discover who is truly…behind the curtain (get it, like the Wizard of Oz?)

The green fog starts clearing and we see this creepy looking castle/house, suggestively leading to whoever is behind the Timekeepers so they can finally put a stop to this.

We also just lost this Loki who I was becoming a fan of. That’s how it usually works. There are SO many theories to who is behind the TVA. What are your theories? I would love to hear them!