Mustard Skittles Exist and No, We Aren’t Kidding
Two things we never thought would co-exist together as one, mustard and skittles.
Although, in a world where Doritos Tangy Ketchup and Pepsi infused ketchup have become a reality, it makes sense that the Skittles brand has followed in pursuit.

In honor of National Mustard Day, French’s Mustard and Skittles have come together in a rare partnership to create a condiment flavored candy.
So if you’re wondering whether or not you can now use Skittles to flavor your hot dog or hamburger, why not?

“From Mustard Ice Cream to last year’s viral Mustard Donuts, this year marks the fifth time French’s has gone all out with unique, flavorful innovations to celebrate National Mustard Day. With the yellow holiday landing on August 5th, we knew we had to outdo ourselves,” Valda Coryat, North America Vice President of Marketing for McCormick & Company, mentioned in a recent press release. “We are thrilled to collaborate with Skittles to deliver our beloved Classic Yellow Mustard tang in a new, fun way to French’s and Skittles fans alike.”
Valda Coryat

Described as “summer’s tangiest yellow candy” via the press release, these savory skittles unfortunately won’t be stocked on store shelves next to the Ketchup or Sweet Relish.
Rather instead, you’ll either have to be a resident or take a roadtrip to the three locations where the new Skittles will be handed out, courtesy of The French’s “Mustard Mobile”.

For those who spot the yellow bus while casually roaming the areas where the mustard car will be, you can also track the bus just incase you aren’t lucky enough to be on the same street as the yellow vehicle.
Just remember to follow French’s and Skittles if you do chose to track the Mustard Mobile.

The Mustard Mobile will be headed towards these three locations to hand out free, fun-sized Mustard Skittles:
- Atlanta — Monday, July 31: Ponce City Market (11 a.m. to 3 p.m.) 675 North Avenue NE, Atlanta, GA 30344
- Washington D.C. — Wednesday, August 2: City Center (11 a.m. to 3 p.m.) 825 10th St NW, Washington, DC 20001
- New York City — Saturday, August 5: Hudson River Park (11 a.m. to 3 p.m.) 555 12th Ave, New York, NY 10036

However, if you have a craving to try the new unique flavor but know you won’t be in either three areas, you can enter to win the bright yellow pack here, and to learn more information on the Mustard Skittles.