Netflix’s ‘Love Is Blind’ Spin-Off Series Has Officially Replaced ‘Bridgerton’ as the #1 Show on Netflix
I’ll admit it – I’ve been binge watching Netflix’s new Love is Blind Spin-Off Series all weekend. I can’t look away.

Apparently, others have felt the same because it has officially replaced Bridgerton as the #1 show on Netflix.

The show is once again hosted by Nick and Vanessa Lachey and is created by the same people as Love is Blind. It’s called The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On.

The show follows 6 couples with whom one partner gave an ultimatum to either get married or they will move on.

During the social experiment, couples live with other people for 3 weeks then back with their original partners for 3 weeks and see who they decide to move on with their life with (if anyone at all).

It has drama, suspense and of course people you likely won’t be able to stand (er – Madlyn).

So, if you need something new to watch, go check out The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On on Netflix now.