You’ll Soon Be Able To See October’s Meteor Shower. Here’s How.
Mark your calendars for October 21st because another meteor shower is here to light up the night sky with all its glory.

This month is packed with celestial events featuring two full moons, one falling on Halloween night, our planet becoming the closest it’s ever been to Mars and finally, we have the Orionids meteor shower.
According to NASA, every October the Orionids meteor shower illuminates the night sky and according to the experts, it’s considered to be the most beautiful show of the year.
“The Orionids are also framed by some of the brightest stars in the night sky, which lend a spectacular backdrop for theses showy meteors,” NASA said.
The meteor shower will peak on October 21st and will be the most visible after midnight in both the Northern and Southern hemispheres.
To watch the immaculate view, NASA recommends a dimly lit area and get this, the Orionids meteor shower is expected to show 20 meteors per hour in moonless skies!
I’ve never seen a meteor shower before but you can bet I’m setting an alarm so I don’t miss out on what NASA thinks is one of the most beautiful meteor showers to dance in the night sky.