Office Depot Will Laminate Your Covid-19 Vaccine Card For Free
Staples has recently announced that they will laminate your COVID vaccine cards for free, and it looks like Office Depot will too.

If you’re lucky enough to have had both vaccine appointments or one, considering which brand you received, Office Depot has also announced that they will laminate your vaccine card for free too!

Considering how important the COVID vaccine card is, Office Depot will laminate the card for free to protect the piece of paper that might give you freedom in the upcoming months.

“Keep your vaccination card in case you need it for future use,” according to the CDC. “Consider taking a picture of your vaccination card as a backup copy.”

Office Depot and OfficeMax stores across the U.S. will laminate your COVID-19 vaccine card for free until July 25th with the coupon code 52516714.

Keep in mind that you should not laminate your vaccine card until you have received all of your doses and while you protect your card, make sure to also stash it somewhere safe!