People Are Making Floating Baskets For Their Pets To Safely Enjoy The Pool and I Find It Genius
If you have small to medium sized dogs that really want to be near you in the pool, then this is the perfect DIY idea for you!
It’s super simple and extremely cheap to make and there is no need to worry about any nails poking holes in a pool float.
This is a pretty brilliant idea and I’m sitting here wondering why I never think of these things.
Thankfully Corey Schmidt is smarter than me and came up with this great idea for his adorable black Pug Marvin!
You only need a few things to build this super simple floating contraption for your dog.
Here’s what you’ll need to make yours
- A laundry basket that your dog can fit in
- A pool noodle
- Zip ties
- 2 Short pieces of PVC pipe
That’s literally all that you need and all of those items are extremely cheap to purchase!
All that you’ll need to do is bend the pool noodle to wrap around under the top edge of the laundry basket.
Then they used 2 short pieces of PVC pipe slipped into the noodles to keep the ends lined up.
You’ll use a ton of zip ties to attach it all together securely.
The holes in the laundry basket will allow your pup to enjoy cooling down in the pool with you
At the same time it will keep them floating above water!
Brilliant right?
Now to figure out how I could make something similar for my Great Dane…
Maybe a plastic lagoon pool with several extra noodles attached?