There’s A Petition With Over 54,000 Signatures To Hire LeVar Burton As The Next Jeopardy Host
Due to the recent passing of Jeopardy host Alex Trebek, R.I.P, a new petition has surfaced online for his replacement and to be completely honest, I think it’s too soon.

Many individuals have petitioned for LeVar Burton to fulfill the legend’s spot and the petition already has 54,011 signatures and counting!
The current goal is 75,000 and it looks like they might make it there.
If you haven’t heard of LeVar Burton. He is known for many contributing factors on why individuals think he would make a great host for the show.
Although he is mainly known for hosting the PBS classic Reading Rainbow for 21 years, which was one of my favorite childhood shows as a kid; I knew I recognized this guy!
Alongside the classic and educational television program for kids, the actor has also put in work with the Star Trek franchise, Roots, and other contributions to shows such as The Big Bang Theory, Captain Planet and the Planeteers, and more.
So you can definitely say he’s been around the bend or two in the entertainment industry!
The petition was created by Joshua Sanders, who is a clear fan of the TV personality LeVar Burton. His reasoning behind starting the petition is because he believes Mr. Lebar Burton would be a great addition to the Jeopardy show and that the public loves him!
Although I have to say, whoever replaces Alex Trebek will have big shoes to fill.
“Between hosting 21 seasons of the educational Reading Rainbow, playing the brainiac engineer Geordi La Forge on Star Trek: the Next Generation, and filling the roll of Kunta Kinte in the ever important mini-series Roots, LeVar Burton has inspired and shaped the minds of several generations of trivia-loving nerds. This petition is to show Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc. and producers Mike Richards and Harry Friedman just how much love the public has for Burton, and how much we’d all love to see him as the next host of Jeopardy!”
Joshua Sanders
So you can see why many individuals are excited and itching for Mr. LeVar Burton to take over the show.
You can visit the petition and even sign it if you agree here, however, I personally think no individual could ever replace the iconic Mr. Alex Trebek himself, RIP.