Police Are Warning People of Scam COVID-19 Text Messages; ‘Do Not Click The Link’
I’m sad to have to say this, but the scammers are coming out to try to take advantage of us all right now. The current scam is a text message sent to your phone.

Ugh, scammers! They really suck and yes, most of us are aware of things like this and would not click it. But, some people really don’t know. Especially elderly people that have become easily confused.
The message shown was sent to a person in Maine from a number with an Indiana area code. It tells them that they need to self-isolate because they had been in contact with someone who tested positive or has shown symptoms for COVID-19.
The message also tells the receiver to get tested and has a link to click. Don’t click that!

If you receive a text message like the one pictured, DO NOT click the link! It is not a message from any official agency. It is however a gateway for bad actors to find their way into your world.
Thomaston Police Department – Facebook
The police have said that this could be a phishing scam. Phishing scams are used as a way to get personal information from people.

The virus is not the only invisible enemy. Be vigilant against all threats!
Thomaston Police Department – Facebook
The Better Business Bureau has also said there have been messages sent to senior citizens. In these messages, the scammer is posing as the U.S. Department of Health.

They are telling them that they need to take a mandatory online COVID-19 test. Sadly, they are telling them that they must do this in order to receive their stimulus check.
This is completely untrue. Please make sure people are aware. Also, be sure to report scams such as this to the BBB Scam Tracker.