This Rainbow Barbie Cake Is Everything
How did I end up spending my weekend making rainbow cake push pops and a rainbow Barbie cake, you ask?
Well this Friday, one of my closest friends sent out a distress signal. The phone call came in and sounded something like this, “Help, I over committed. My daughter wants rainbow cake push pops and a rainbow Barbie cake, and the party is tomorrow, and the party is and it’s already 5pm and I haven’t even gone to the store yet and will you just come over and be my cheerleader and get me through this?”
I stared at my video game on my computer screen. I was ahead for the week, all my work done– Field Day was yesterday and I had big plans to watch movies and sleep on my couch. (That was my Friday night and it was poised to be glorious.) But this is a good friend, one of the best. She called for help, and I know if I called her, she wouldn’t think twice– she’d show up at my house, and she’d probably bring guacamole.
She makes the best guacamole.
I’ll admit, cake decorating is not my forte. You need me to whip a batch of homemade playdough or maybe a make your own bouncy ball, I’m the girl you call. But, to decorate a cake? I took a class once at a craft store. my ex-husband made better roses than me, so I quit.*
So, when I got there, she had the rainbow circles made for the cake pops, we just had to ice them and put them together. And they were adorable.
She did most of the work. I pretty much just sat there and handed her the different colors of icing. Which is super important when it comes to making rainbow cakes. I mean, I almost got it wrong like fifty-four times.
I love everything about this cake. It’s fantastic.
Especially the back. If I had a dress as awesome as this, I might start wearing dresses.
I’m glad I got to help her make this awesome rainbow Barbie cake. Maybe she will make me one for my birthday.
*Yeah, I have some crafting jealousy issues. It’s cool, I’m working on it.