Science Says Robert Pattinson Is The Most Beautiful Man Alive And Who Am I To Argue

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So, apparently Robert Pattinson is the most gorgeous man alive.

Hey, I didn’t say it. It’s science, and I’m not one to argue with the scientific process!

Have you heard of the Golden Ratio? It’s a thing, and it has been since ancient Greece. They used it for everything from paintings, to architecture, sculptures, and even looking at things found in nature.

You can also use this same Golden Ratio to determine, scientifically, who is beautiful. It takes your face proportions, and runs them through this math equation with numbers and letters — I don’t really do the maths.

This Golden Ratio is supposed to decide exactly who is the MOST beautiful, based on this set of scientific and mathematically proven ratios.

So, basically, out of a bunch of celebrities, Robert Pattinson’s face matches the Golden Ration 92.15%. He is supposed to be SUPER pleasing to the human eye.

I would have voted for Brad Pitt, honestly, but he came in third, with a 90.5% match.

I’m still going to contend that he is one beautiful human being, and is pleasing to MY eyes.

Some people don’t agree with this Golden Ratio. There are some that think the equation is mere myth.

Keep in mind, advertisers LOVE to use this Golden Ratio. Photoshop is their friend when it comes to adjusting pictures to a scientific set of standards.

What do YOU think? Is there something to this mathematical equation that scientifically proves who’s hot and who’s not?

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