Scientists Say You Should Never Wear Shoes in The House. Here’s Why.
Garb your best pair of socks, slippers or sandals because shoes are meant to be left at the door, according to scientists.
A group of environmental chemists that have been studying household dirt for a decade, says all signs point to kicking off your shoes not in the coat closet, or the living room rug, but at the front door.
Their program dubbed DustSafe, analyses the clump of dust sitting in Dysons, Bissells, Roombas, etc. from households around the world looking for contaminants.
And the verdict?
A lot of the harmful stuff sitting in your home was welcomed by you, from the outside world and your favorite pair of laced shoes sent out the invite list.
So while it seems like common sense that the bottom of your shoes can track in dirt from the places you visit outdoors, did you know that about one-third of the filth in your home comes from your shoes alone?
That filth from the bottom of your footwear can include harmful bacteria and microorganisms, toxins from asphalt, heavy metals, and chemicals from lawn and garden sprays, the chemists explained to CNN.
So while humans spend 90% of their time under their own roof, the dust that’s floating around in the air in your home is also what you’re breathing in, researchers say.
And what you could be breathing in may include microplastics, antibiotoic-resistent genes, PFAs, and toxic metals.
The dust itself typically consists of skin cells, pet dander, and the residue brought in from the outside, and your shoes are the culprit.
The DustSafe teams says that in conclusion, you should only be wearing socks or slippers, or whatever pair of shoes that helps you get around the house best; as long as the pair aren’t worn outdoors.
Door meet sneakers, sneakers, meet door.