These Seniors Are Giving Out Expert Relationship Advice and We Are Here For It
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, so if you need an extra nudge to walk up to your bestie who so happens to be your crush, or if you’re married and you need to break free from the dog house, seniors know best.

Therefore, if you’re looking for relationship advice, it makes the most sense to take it from senior residents who have spent their entire lives dating, getting re-married, finding the one and living happily ever after!

Introducing the senior residents at Oak Park Place!
Oak Park Place is a retirement home and assisted living facility in Wisconsin that apparently, has expert seniors who have key relationship advice for a happy spouse on Valentine’s Day.
Seven senior residents were asked what their Valentine’s Day advice would be and starting with Bob, he said that it’s best to “always be faithful because she should be the one and only.”

Wanda not only gave out her advice which included to “treat everyone like you want to be treated”, but her guidance can be used in everyday life.
Way to go Wanda!

Ellen stated that it’s best to “always smile at those you love” and Phil explained that a relationship needs to speak the same language, aka, have good communication!

Don’s Valentine’s Day advice was simple but critical, which stated to always “come home and keep on loving them!”

Allan quoted “never go to bed angry” and let me just say Allen, say it loud for the people in the back!

Finally, Rita only said two words for those who wish to have a good Valentine’s Day and that is “yes, dear!”
I couldn’t have said it better myself Rita.

Are you writing all of this down?