Target Is Selling A Light Up Trick-or-Treat Sign That Lets People Know When You’re Out of Candy
You know that feeling on Halloween when you run out of candy and you’ve already spent the total of a house payment on what did have and really can’t afford more?

I HATE that feeling, I feel so sorry for the kids that continue to stop and I have no more to give.

We normally turn the porch light off, which I hate doing, but sometimes they still come up and try anyhow.

Well, Target has the fix for this problem and this is something you can use year after year so it is well worth buying.

This 42-Inch light up Trick or Treat Stop Sign from Hyde & EEK! Boutique is perfection.

The stop sign is set on a round black base and has an octagon shaped sign, like a stop sign but in Halloween orange.

You can set it where it says “Trick or Treaters Stop Here” while you have candy to hand out.

When you run out of goodies, you can set your Halloween stop sign to say “Out of Candy (Booo!)”

It’s designed for both indoor and outdoor use and is perfect to set out at the sidewalk entry, or on your porch near your door.

It can be plugged in or operated with batteries, so you can stick it anywhere you like.

You can buy your own Halloween Light Up Trick or Treat Stop Sign from Target right now!