This Teacher Melted Plastic Cups In The Oven For Her Students and It Is Genius
This is some next level genius here!!
Teachers are always looking for ways to give their students the best while also living on a teacher budget.
Well, this teacher took things to the next level and made center tags for her preschool class.
What are center tags you ask? Well, they are tags that are used to help tell children which center that child is playing in. It is a visual indicator to the child that the center is full or open.
So, instead of this teaching making laminated tags or using some other method that wears out easily, she made the tags used melted plastic cups.
This is the same idea as those shrinky dinks you see everyone making in their oven. Same concept and same type of plastic.
This teacher started by preheating her oven to 275 degrees.
Once preheated, she placed Hefty plastic cups onto a cookie sheet with the top side down.
She then placed them in the oven and watched them closely. It should only take a few minutes but the plastic begins melting down into small circles.
She then takes a spatula and flattens them and continues to bake them slowly until the bubbles are removed.
She then takes them out of the oven and off the pan and shows all the tags she has already made.
Isn’t that just genius?!
So, if you are a teacher than needs something like these center tags for your students, keep this plastic cup hack in mind!