Children Are Being Sent Into Covid Crockpots Right Now and I’m Just Not Okay
I am just not okay right now.
My heart hurts. My stomach is sick and I am just left feeling so sad.
School has officially started across the nation and it’s hard not to notice all of the news surrounding schools with COVID outbreaks and even worse, reports of children dying.
You guys, our children are being sent into Covid Crockpots and I just don’t understand how we learned NOTHING from last year.
How are we back in this situation?
Last year was one of the hardest years for everyone and you’d think we’d do anything and everything in our power to not end back there again.
But, here we are. Our children are getting sick. Children are dying and somehow people seem to turn their eye and look away at it.
What the actual f–k?
I mean, my kids are home for a second year doing virtual learning and I don’t believe it was the right decision. I don’t believe sending them to school was the right decision either.
It was a tough decision to make but in the end, if my wrong decision keeps my kids alive then maybe it was the right decision after all.
But you know what? I truly care for other kids.
I don’t want to see your child end up so sick they have lingering lifetime effects or worse, end up dying from this awful disease.
You may not care about me or my family but I wish you would.
Can you imagine how much better this world would be if we all focused our energy on trying to help one another, care for one another and of course focus on the well-being of our children collectively? Instead we tear each other down.
You can’t deny this disease is real. You can’t deny children are vulnerable. You can’t deny that you have NO IDEA if your child got sick, if they’d end up okay.
You just can’t. Nobody can predict that.
But I do know this, people need to care more about others.
So, if you are anti-vaxx and anti-mask, do better. Find a better way to care for others if you really refuse to help the way the medical experts are asking. Use your “freedom” to make the world a better place rather than making it worse.