The Queen Has Stripped Prince Andrew of His Military Titles And Royal Patronages
Uh oh – this is NOT looking good for the royal family. The Queen Has Stripped Prince Andrew of His Military Titles And Royal Patronages.

Now if you don’t remember, Prince Andrew has had a sexual abuse civil lawsuit pending against him and as of Thursday, a judge ruled the case could proceed.

According to reports, Andrew will no longer use the style “His Royal Highness” in any official capacity, a royal source told CNN on Thursday. The source said the decision was “widely discussed” among the royal family.
“With The Queen’s approval and agreement, the Duke of York’s military affiliations and Royal patronages have been returned to The Queen. The Duke of York will continue not to undertake any public duties and is defending this case as a private citizen,” the palace said in a statement

What Is The Case Against Andrew?
A woman named Virginia Giuffre brought her case against Andrew under New York’s Child Victims Act, stating that she was a victim of being trafficked by Jeffrey Epstein and forced to have sex with his friends which included Prince Andrew at a time when she was underage (17) in the US.
You might remember seeing this photo (Prince Andrew is on the left)
After the allegations and filings, Prince Andrew’s legal team filed a motion to dismiss a civil lawsuit brought against him by Virginia Giuffre. Prince Andrew has vigorously denied those claims.
But as of this week, a New York judged ruled against that motion and says the claim in court can proceed.

After the announcement was made, Virginia posted on social media saying:
I’m pleased with Judge Kaplan’s ruling yesterday that allows my case against Prince Andrew to go forward. I’m glad I will have the chance to continue to expose the truth & I am deeply grateful to my extraordinary legal team. 1/3

She continued:
Their determination helps me seek justice from those who hurt me and so many others. My goal has always been to show that the rich and powerful are not above the law & must be held accountable. 2/3

I do not walk this path alone, but alongside countless other survivors of sexual abuse & trafficking

That is why The Queen now seems to be doing some damage control. Now that she has striped Andrew of many of his royal titles, she will be looking to other members of the family to fulfill that role.