This Surgeon Lets Patients Pay Their Medical Bills Through Volunteering

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There is a general surgeon in Nebraska that is letting his patients pay off their medical bills in volunteer hours, and I may need to move to Nebraska.

Doctor Demetrio J. Aguila III is at the helm of this great practice, known as the M25 program.

Courtesy of Healing Hands of Nebraska

His Healing Hands clinic works off the belief that they should “offer world-class healthcare to all comers in a way that’s compassionate, innovative, forward-thinking, affordable, and fair.”

They set a payment scale based on time, so everyone knows EXACTLY what they owe upfront.

They can pay this outright, use installment payments through a third party (Medicare or Medicaid), or they can use the M25 plan.

It’s this M25 plan that is making news. It lets you pay off your medical bills by volunteering hours to a local “humanitarian” organization.

They even let people HELP you get in your volunteer hours, by volunteering to help you.

For instance, if I owed 520 hours of volunteer work, my family could go volunteer with me, and their time worked would go towards the hours that I owed.

How freaking great is that?!?

Medical bills have been known to send people to the brink of bankruptcy. We, seriously, need more plans like this, that would help ease the financial burden of medical debt!

I want to go to Nebraska, and give Dr. Aguila a big hug! More healthcare practices need to take notice, and follow in the footsteps of such a great program.

Courtesy of Helping Hands of Nebraska

Watch an interview with Dr. Aguila, below.

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One Comment

  1. Good Vibes Only. This is the kind of content I signed up for! Good looking out to him and his team.

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