These TikTok Easter Crafts Are The Perfect Way To Entertain Your Kids This Weekend
I’m so excited about the holiday weekend!

After over a year inside with the kids for their school (they are doing Access Ed learning), we could use some great Easter activities as a fun brain break or boredom busters.

Of course, leave it to TikTok. They have about eleventymillion ideas for fun Easter activities that aren’t just egg decorating.
AND, they have things for all ages — so since my kids are a bit more grown, I can focus on the crafty things for older kids.

BUT, there are PLENTY of little-kid, age-appropriate activities.
TikTok Easter Activity Ideas
Easter Egg Baskets — These are more for the older kids, or maybe younger kids with help from parents.

Make these mini bunny baskets to hold little treats for their family or friends.
Get the directions HERE.

Easter Bunny Bag — This would be great to give out to friends or family, full of Easter goodies!

Easily done with some brown paper, scissors, tape, and ribbons — and don’t forget that cute little cotton ball tail!!
Get the directions HERE.

Rice Dyed Easter Eggs — Dying eggs is a time-honored, fun tradition, but we’ve probably all dyed traditional eggs a hundred times.

Why not grab some rice, food coloring, and some gallon-sized zip up bags, and get to making super fun eggs that look crazy cool?!?
Get the directions HERE.

Easter Egg Volcanoes — This is a super fun science experiment that you can do with older OR younger kids!!

Grab some empty egg cartons, some of those plastic fillable Easter eggs, some baking soda, vinegar, and food coloring, and you are set to go!!
Get the directions HERE.

Handprint Bunnies — This is super cute to do with your little — or HECK, I’d do it with my own hand. LOL!

All you need is some construction paper, scissors, and markers.
Get the directions HERE.

Colored Paper — I LOVE this idea, and it’s super simple!

All you need to do is get a container full of water, some different colored sidewalk chalk, and a plain piece of paper.

I would totally let this dry, and use it as stationary in my own collection!
Get the direction HERE.