50+ Random Acts of Kindness Ideas

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Sure, Valentine’s Day is this week but while everyone is focusing on the love holiday, I am focusing on something much bigger: Random Acts of Kindness Day, which is officially February 17th. Because, we could all spread more love and be more giving, right? Here are 50+ Random Acts of Kindness Ideas to help get you started:

50+ Random Acts of Kindness Ideas #randomacts #kindness #randomactsofkindnessday #kindness #kindideas

50+ Random Acts of Kindness Ideas

Giving is such a beautiful thing. The thing is, most have the impression that to be “giving” you have to spend money or even have money to spend. That just certainly is NOT the case. You can do little things, kind gestures that truly show your kindness. This in return will spread more kindness and love around the world.

But of course, sometimes if you can use some of your hard earned money to be a giver, that is okay too.

Kindness is contagious.

And, all it takes to be a good person is to be kind! 😉

50+ Random Acts of Kindness Ideas #randomacts #kindness #randomactsofkindnessday #kindness #kindideas

Now onto this list of random acts of kindness ideas…

  1. Hold the door for someone
  2. Donate time at a local food shelter
  3. Pay for someone’s food/coffee in line behind you
  4. Host a fundraiser for someone in need
  5. Bring in a neighbor’s garbage cans
  6. Assist the elderly across the street
  7. Load someone’s groceries into their car
  8. Shovel someone’s walk-ways
  9. Buy an on-duty officer/paramedic/firefighter a gift card as a thank you for protecting and serving your community
  10. Buy a friend some flowers just because
  11. Write your spouse a love note just because
  12. Give out free hugs50+ Random Acts of Kindness Ideas #randomacts #kindness #randomactsofkindnessday #kindness #kindideas
  13. Smile at everyone who passes by
  14. Offer to babysit a friend/family members’ children
  15. Put in extra change into a meter for someone
  16. Give a great tip to your waiter
  17. Donate blood or plasma
  18. Leave random nice letters on cars in the parking lot
  19. Offer to walk a neighbor’s dog
  20. Show up for a local grand opening to show your support
  21. Give money/food/personal care items to someone who may be homeless
  22. Transfer someone’s laundry into the dryer and pay for it at the laundry mat
  23. Pull over to assist someone who is having car trouble
  24. Volunteer at your local animal shelter
  25. Volunteer at your local hospital
  26. Donate breastmilk (if breastfeeding and approved by donation center)
  27. Pump someone’s gas for them
  28. Put quarters in candy machines at the grocery store50+ Random Acts of Kindness Ideas #randomacts #kindness #randomactsofkindnessday #kindness #kindideas
  29. Put unwanted items back to their shelf at a store
  30. Donate school supplies to a classroom/school in need
  31. Donate toys to a women and children’s shelter
  32. Donate blankets to homeless and pet shelter’s
  33. Give a compliment to a stranger
  34. Leave coupons on shelves in grocery stores for other shoppers
  35. Volunteer at local Veteran’s shelter
  36. Offer to give someone a ride home
  37. Tell a boss they are doing a great job
  38. Call and sing “Happy Birthday” to someone on their special day
  39. Pick up trash left on the ground
  40. Leave change in a tip jar
  41. Donate money to a charity50+ Random Acts of Kindness Ideas #randomacts #kindness #randomactsofkindnessday #kindness #kindideas
  42. Cook a meal for someone who just had a baby
  43. Donate food to a local food bank
  44. Write a thank you card to your mail carrier
  45. Leave out treats/water/goodies on your doorstep for mail carriers (USPS, UPS and FedEx)
  46. Write something nice in the comments on Facebook
  47. Send a care package to someone deployed
  48. Leave money inside a returned Redbox DVD to pay for someone’s rental/snacks
  49. Tape quarters to a vending machine for the next person to use
  50. Offer to sweep floors at a local salon for free
  51. Leave a great review online for a business
  52. Allow someone to move in front of you in line
  53. Leave a grocery gift card with a note attached of paying it forward
  54. Mow a neighbor’s lawn
  55. If someone drops something, pick it up for them
  56. Pay on someone’s layaway
  57. Put money into a child’s college fund
  58. Pay for someone’s gas
  59. Pick up after pet’s at a local dog park
  60. Donate diapers to a local diaper bank/women’s shelter

Now that you have 50+ ideas on how to show random acts of kindness this week, let’s talk about that last one.

As I mentioned, it doesn’t always have to cost money to spread kindness but when you can spend money to donate to someone in need, like a new mother who needs something as basic as diapers for her new baby, you are changing lives for the better.

That is why I wanted to share this great deal you can get right now at Sam’s Club. For a limited time, you can save $8 off the purchase of 2 Pampers products at Sam’s Club. Plus, you can get a $10 Sam’s Club eGift Card when you purchase $50 worth of Pampers. That means you can save on your donation and help a mom in need.

Aside from purchasing Pamper’s products at Sam’s Club to donate, we have some unused diapers my son no longer wears and plan to donate those as well. Every little bit helps!

So, what are you waiting for? Take advantage of February 17th and do some good this year. You can check out Sam’s Club online and in-store to find this amazing deal on Pampers products to help you spread some kindness this year.

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Pampers at Sam’s Club. The opinions and text are all mine.


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