April Review

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Don’t forget that the contest to win an autographed copy of The Splendor Falls is still going on! If you haven’t left a comment to win, get over there and do that!

It’s that time. The time where I waste an entire day’s worth of blog posting to wrap up the month.

You know, though–it isn’t really  a waste for me because it kind of puts the last 30 or so days in perspective, and I usually get a sense of accomplishment when I see all the stuff I’ve done.

Yeah, my ego is that big.

The Writing

  • I know that most of you are here because of the writing, we’ve met through various forms of internet crying over works in progress, query woes, etc. The other day I was listening to the radio and I heard someone talking about people who pretended to write novels but never really got it done. That’s when I realized something.
  • I’ve written an entire book. The whole thing, start to finish, with a plot, characters, settings, and everything else a book needs. (I’ve actually written three, but you know what I mean.) So, that’s an accomplishment in and of itself. If you’ve written a whole book, you’re a badass.
  • I haven’t made a huge deal out of it or anything, but I got a new agent this month. It’s the Fabulous Mary Kole. She’s with the Andrea Brown Literary Agency, and they’re like the Chuck Norris of kid’s publishing, so I’m way lucky to have her. We met at the DFW Writer’s conference earlier this month, and it was meant to be. Trust me when I say I knew about seven seconds in to meeting this girl that she and I would be working together in the publishing industry for a long time.
  • For those of you wondering what happened with my old agent, she had to take a sabbatical from the agenting business for a whole to take care of a sick family member. I’ll miss her a ton, and hope she gets to come back to the wide world of publishing soon. I actually met her at the writer’s conference, too– and she helped me set up things with Mary the Magnificent.
  • I’ve finished the beta read draft of a book, and I plan to send it out soon. I’m extremely lucky to have had so many people ask to read it. You guys rock my socks for that, and I am totally going to take you all up on that offer.

The Non Writing

  • We got a new dog this month. Well, he’s not technically new–he’s my old dog from when I was in high school that has been living with my parents all these years. They travel a lot, so he lives with me now. That is, if he can stop peeing on my carpet. That’s just gross.
  • We also got a new fence. I hate home construction. Even when it’s outside, it puts your whole life in a state of messy mcmessyness.

I’m fairly sure more stuff happened this last month, but I’ve already rambled on for too long, so let me just say that April was a huge month, and I’ve decided my May goal will be to blog every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday!

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  1. Hey, I just wanted to say hi. I don’t comment too often, because if I commented on all the blogs I follow I’d never have time to do anything else. lol…I love blogs!

    Anyway, speaking of which, I did want to tell you that out of the billion or so I follow, you’re one of my top five faves. Always entertaining over here, so thanks!
    .-= Callie Forester´s last blog ..How Do You Develop Your Story? =-.

  2. Congrats Jamie on getting Mary as your agent. She’s awesome!
    And, yes, just finishing a whole book it HUGE! A nice thing to remember.
    Sounds like you had a great month:)

  3. What a month! Congratulations on a new agent!

    I know you’ll figure stuff out with the dog. They’re a wiggly challenge!
    .-= Kate´s last blog ..Ghosts with life! =-.

    1. @jmartinlibrary, We are so cool!!

      Agency SISTAS FOREVAH!!!

      You aren’t in town tonight, right?

  4. Congratulations on your new agent! And hope pup stops peeing. Not fun. I know.

    Happy writing this month!
    .-= deb´s last blog ..Elana Johnson:Spreading the Awesome =-.

  5. Wow what a huge month. You should definitely pat yourself on the back for getting that draft done and acquiring a roundhouse kick of an agent. (Loved the Chuck Norris analogy. He looks like my dad–seriously!)

    And thanks for the encouragement that just getting a book written is a huge accomplishment. It’s hard to remember sometimes 🙂

  6. You might consider taking the dog to the vet to make sure he doesn’t have a UTI. When we brought our new girl home she kept peeing on the carpeting too, and it turns out the stress of the move gave her a UTI 🙁 Once she got on medication she stopped peeing on the carpet 🙂

    Congrats on the new agent!

    1. @Becka, I did take him in just to make sure he was transitioning okay. I think he’s just old and marking stuff 🙁 I know the move was really hard on him, though…