Spread the Awesome – Splendor Falls

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I’m back! First, let me thank you for the kind words and offers to beta read. I got loads done, and I plan to take many of you up on your offers soon.

Today I have the chance to participate in one of the coolest blog parties I’ve ever been a part of.

An amazing group of bloggers is spreading the awesome by telling you what books you simply have to read. Many of them are even giving away the books. So check out the list here on Elana Johnson’s blog, and maybe you’ll learn a thing or two. Heck, you might even WIN something!

That’s right, it’s like a MEGA Super Books That Rock!

And so, without further delay, I give you one of my favorite young adult books:

The Splendor Falls

by Rosemary Clement Moore

This is a classic ghost story.

There are so many reasons I love this book, it’s scary when it needs to be, hilarious when you’ve had enough of the scary, and so sad at times it will make you cry (but in a totally good way.) The main character is a ballerina who can’t dance. She gets shipped off to Alabama where her deceased father’s family history ends up being more present than past.

Are you hooked yet?

You so should be.

The author, Rosemary Clement Moore, isn’t just any regular author either, she’s also my mentor. She’s been there for me every step on my publishing journey, and has talked me off a ledge more than once. I’m so lucky to have her, and so are you guys, because she’s giving away an autographed copy of Splendor Falls to one of my readers!

Wait, you missed that. Here, let me say it again:

Rosemary Clement Moore is giving away an autographed copy of Splendor Falls RIGHT HERE on this blog!

How do you win?

In order to be entered in the drawing, all you have to do is comment below!

  • If you want an extra entry, well– just tweet about the blogs that are spreading the YA book love today!
  • If you facebook or blog about how we’re spreading the awesome, then you can have an extra entry, as well.

(To make sure you get an entry for each cool thing you do, please leave them in a separate comment below.)

This giveaway ends on Friday at 11:59pmCST, and please don’t comment anonymously–I won’t be able to contact you if you’re the winner! This contest is open to EVERYONE, so International people feel free to enter!

Also, check out Natalie Bahm’s review of When You Reach Me!

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  2. Sounds like a great book. Can’t wait to read it. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

  3. This sounds totally awesome! Can’t wait to read it. Of course, a signed copy would be extra super special.
    ; )

  4. Man, I so need to add this one to my to-be-read list now! It sounds awesome.

    Thanks for another great giveaway, Jamie!
    .-= Rachel Bateman´s last blog ..Road Trip Wednesday: Pretty Pictures =-.

  5. Did I leave a comment already? I can’t remember (brain fried!). But I do want that lovely book, so please enter me! Thanks.
    .-= Mary´s last blog ..Burned by PC & Kristin Cast =-.

  6. I was hooked. This sounds like my kind of reading! Thanks for spreading the awesome and the contest! I blogged about this on Monday, am carrying on with the blog reading today.

