Blackberry Hair Is The Gorgeous New Trend And I’m Jumping On Board
Blackberry hair is now a thing, and it is absolutely gorgeous.
Last year right about this time, Mulled Wine Hair was the trend. I was a big fan of the trend, but this blackberry purple is next level.
When you think of blackberry jam, you think of that delicious dark purple hue. The kind of color that stains your fingers and mouth when you eat it.

Now, people are getting that same blackberry purple color on their hair, and I LOVE it!!
Blackberry Hair Is A Trend That I Can Really Get Behind.
I have actually had purple hair for a couple years. It’s a deep purple, like a blackberry, and it’s unapologetically beautiful, IMHO. I guess I’m ahead of the trend in the hair department.
This blackberry color is so great, because you don’t need to bleach the hell out of your hair before you dye it. You can put this blackberry purple on brown hair. It won’t be as vibrant on darker hair, but it’s still amazing.
If you want a low maintenance hair color that still “pops,” this is the shade you want!
Now, it WILL fade out over time, but there are things you can do to liven it back up.
I use this purple color conditioner from Overtone. I completely swear by it, and recommend it to everyone. #notsponsored

This blackberry color looks FIRE on darker olive skin tones, but it will really “pop” on fairer skin tones.
The color is TOTALLY flattering on just about everybody. It adds rich vibrance to your hair that will be completely stunning!
I know the summer trend is usually sun-kissed blonde highlights, and this darker color kind of goes against the historical grain.
This blackberry color is such a welcome change, though.
You should totally have your hair color specialist put this color on your hair. Try it out just once. I bet you love it!
AND, we can be purple hair BFFs!!