Chick-fil-A Is Testing A New Restaurant That Will Use A Conveyer Belt to Deliver Your Food Faster
Chick-fil-A has the best chicken around. I said what I said.
I’m not embarrassed to say that I go to Chick-fil-A at least 6 times a week.
Don’t freak out. I don’t ALWAYS get chicken. I usually just get a diet lemonade.
By the way — if you are going to Chick-fil-A and not using the Chick-fil-A app, you’re doing life wrong. I get SO much free food through the app.

Now, there is some new Chick-fil-A news, and I’m damn near giddy about it.
If you’ve gone to Chick-fil-A recently — especially during lunch or dinner hours — you’ve probably had to wait in a super-long line. Usually wrapped around the dang restaurant.
Anything they can do to get that line moving a little bit faster is just fine with me.

Chick-fil-A Is Testing A New Restaurant Concept
Chick-fil-A is about to open a restaurant in Atlanta that is going to help with the problem of long lines.
This new Chick-fil-A is going to have FOUR drive-thru lines!
These lines aren’t going to be JUST plain ol’ drive-thru lines. They’ve really thought this through.
Two of those drive-thru lanes are going to be just for mobile orders. This is really going to help speed things up.
But, it’s not just the four drive-thru lines that makes this Chick-fil-A special.
The Chick-fil-A restaurant, itself, is going to be built above the drive-thru lines, and food will be delivered to customers via an overhead conveyor belt system.
They are really streamlining the entire Chick-fil-A fast food experience!
Chick-fil-A is testing this restaurant concept in Atlanta first, but the potential is there for it to expand nationwide.
Hopefully they find that this new concept will speed up service in a big way.
It might be time for a Chick-fil-A road trip to Atlanta!!