Dear Parents, It’s Okay To Not Be Okay Right Now

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Dear Parents, It’s Okay To Not Be Okay Right Now.

Trust me when I say, you are not alone. I myself, am not okay.

In March I felt I had a handle on things. Like things were going to be okay and things would be back to normal soon. But after 6 months of staring at the same 4 walls (aside from the occasional walk and grocery trip) I’ve lost that confidence.

The truth is, things are not in any way shape or form, normal right now and nobody knows when they will be.

That is why it is okay to be sad. It’s okay to be frustrated. It’s okay to not feel like yourself. It’s okay to be scared. It’s okay to be stressed.

It’s okay to miss everyone and everything. It’s okay to feel lost right now and unsure what to do.

All of those feelings, are valid. Honestly, I feel the same way. Just a ball of emotions.

I have struggled for months with the idea that I was just being negative and I had to be better but you know what? It’s okay to be honest and real too.

If all you are doing is surviving, it is okay. I know I am.

If you are just trying to get through day by day and the only thing you do today or tomorrow or the next day is keep you and your family fed, alive and well, it’s okay!

It’s okay to cry. I have done my fair share of that lately.

It’s even okay to just laugh your way through all of this if that is what makes you feel better.

Trust me, it’s okay to feel the way you do.

I’ve learned lately that I don’t have to try to be the perfect mom, the perfect wife/daughter/friend, etc. I just have to try my best to be a good one.

Things are rough right now and if all you can be is the best version of the person you are right now, it’s okay.

You’ve got this and we will make it through. Just hang onto this wild ride a little longer.


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  1. Yup what was normal before now looks impossible to do now.
    But we will get through this. Hugs