2020 Quarters Will Have Bats On Them and I Want One
Here is a $10 bill, I need a whole roll of these quarters NOW!
The U.S. Mint is bringing us these National Park of the American Samoa quarters, and they feature a Samoan fruit bat. I just heard a collective, *AWWW*.
As if the fruit bat, alone wasn’t cute enough, they have included her holding her pup. I’m in love!
These will officially be released into circulation in February, and I’m going to be first in line at the bank to get a roll.
Why is it that REAL bats scare the bejesus out of me, but drawings of bats are the cutest thing EVER?
The design is intended to promote awareness of the species’ threatened status due to habitat loss and commercial hunting.
I totally can’t get the Batman theme song out of my head now. Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na, BATMAN!
There are five designs being released this year in the America The Beautiful series, but this is the only design that will include an animal — unless you count the butterfly in the Kansas Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve quarter.
Thinking ahead a bit, these would be so cool to hand out with Halloween candy in October!
Come on, February! It can’t get here soon enough. I NEED these quarters in my life.