I Am So Scared To Leave My House Today

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Well, the day is here – election day. I’ve been loathing this day forever. Why? Because I fear it is not going to be pretty.

Look, I am not going to take a political side on this, this is not what this post is about, it’s about the fact that I am terrified to leave my home. I fear the safety of my family because to be frank, the world is not okay right now.

Aside from the election, we are in the middle of a pandemic. We are nearing winter which means more darkness, depression and people being stuck inside even more.

So, on top of everything going on, we are dealing with an election and so far, it’s already been so ugly from both sides.

No matter who wins, I fear today won’t be the end of it.

I fear things are going to get a lot worse over the next few weeks.

In fact, cities in my state are boarding up their businesses and public buildings in preparation for the shit storm that is to come.

I’ve stocked up on food, ammo and just about everything I could think of to ensure my family and I can stay hunkered down as long as possible.

I am scared. I am worried. I fear for all the innocent deaths that may come from riots, looters and just angry people no matter what comes of this election.

So, today, I am scared. I don’t want to leave my home. I want my family at home, safe with me until I feel safe to leave again.

Honestly, I hate that I feel this way because that is never how it should be in America. I truly hope for the sake of everyone, my fears are not validated and it’s just me being overly paranoid.

Either way, be safe out there.

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