Need A Good Laugh? Check Out These Hysterical Pictures Of People Posing With Statues
There’s nothing like a great-timed photo, and these people really know what they are doing when it comes to photographic excellence!

I wish I were this quick-witted when it comes to staging the perfectly funny photo.

There are plenty of times when I have been on vacation and come across funny statues outside of restaurants or hanging out in the park.

Heck, even those statues that are meant to be solemn and — well, rather boring — have such potential!

Some of these photos are hilariously timed out photographs. Some are happy coincidences. But, they are all epic!

Just take a look at these. Maybe they will give you a little belly laugh like they did me. Ha!

Makes me want to head to someplace like Washington D.C. or Disney World where there are statues all over the place. LOL!! Just think of the possibilities!

I have taken a vacation to Asheville, where all we did was take photos with the awesome murals. But, this is next level fun!

I wonder if I could talk my husband into getting in on the action when it comes to some priceless photos with statues.

One thing is FOR SURE!! I have to get my kids in on the witty photographic action. Kids make everything just a little more sweet, AMRITE?!?