This Realistic Sloth Costume Is Terrifying Cool
The detail on this is just mind-blowing!
After I saw the first photos, I had to pause and take a closer look! The costume was made by a freelance costume designer named Karoline Hinz from Berlin, Germany. Karoline also makes props and is a very talented sculptor.

Can you believe how realistic it is? The project took her 8 weeks to complete and I can only imagine how expensive it was!
The sloth costume has a padded undersuit and then of course the fursuit that goes over that. The head is hand-sculpted with a silicon cast. Each hair in the head was punched in by hand, talk about a labor of love! It has glass eyes, which give it a super realistic look.
The feet are like a slipper with claws and there are gloves with claws as well. The claws are made from a “semi-rigid translucent polyurethane” and are actually a bit terrifying in human size!
It has been a few years since she made the sloth, but it looks like they created a sloth son to go with it since then! Look how adorable!
Oh and a mama sloth too? Amazing! Sloth love! I want to see the whole group together for one happy sloth family portrait please!
Could you imagine walking down the street and coming across someone in the costume just dancing? Day made! I think we could use a little bit of that sort of happiness in our lives right now.
Now, these pieces shown are all sold to her clients. She makes so much more than just sloths! Her work is just breathtaking! The details that she puts into each piece, it’s crazy! Check out this bear!
You really should go check her out! I am kind of obsessed with her creations now! The girl has some major artistic skills! You can visit her Instagram and her website for more information.
Here is a great option for those of you that want your own sloth costume. It may not be as detailed and realistic, but it’s still freaking amazing!