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This ‘Smelly Spot’ Teacher Hack Gets Kids To Stay On Task and It’s Pure Genius

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TikTok for the life hack win!! I swear, I learn so much from the TikTok social media giant!! They are my life hack go-to.

This simple hack can be used in a classroom to keep kids on task.

It can even be used at home, as a reward for doing chores, helping, being nice, or really anything!

I’m going to assume that it works better for little kids. But, I’m not gonna lie, I want one for doing the laundry.

Here’s how the ‘Smelly Spot’ Hack works.

Thanks to @brooklynnichol94 on TikTok for bringing this hack to our attention.


The first thing you do is go to the store. If it were me, I’d hit up Target, but that’s just my happy spot.

After you hit up the Starbucks at the front of the store, head over to the makeup section.

Now, once you are in the makeup section, go to the part of the aisle that has kids’ “makeup,” like lip gloss.

Pick yourself out 5 or 6 lip gloss scents. You can go with my standard, the Lip Smackers, or you can get any of them that you think will smell sweet and yummy.


You can also head over to the kitchen or container section, and pick yourself out a cute small container that can hold the lip glosses.


That’s all you need!!

To make this hack work, whenever a kid does something good (stays quiet in class, cleans up their dinner dishes, shares with her brother, does his chores, whatever) you let them pick a scent out of your lip gloss collection.


Now you take the back of their little hand, and rub a little circle of scented lip gloss.


This gives them a “Smelly Spot” — a tangible positive reinforcement that they will LOVE!!

Don’t think it will work? Just give it a try!! I bet you will be pleasantly surprised.

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