No, WHO Did Not Tell People To Avoid Taking Ibuprofen For COVID-19 Symptoms
There is some rumors going around that WHO (World Health Organization) has recommended that you do NOT take Ibuprofen for COVID-19 symptoms but that is NOT true.

French officials have warned that anti-inflammatory drugs could worsen the effects of the virus. They are saying that an enzyme boosted by anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen could facilitate and worsen COVID-19 infections.
They are recommending that you take paracetamol as a fever reducer. Paracetamol is known to most of us as acetaminophen, something like Tylenol.

However, after this misinformation has gone viral, WHO decided to put the rumors to rest once and for all tweeting:
I get how hard this is to know whether it’s true or not especially when doctors are spreading this information like wildfire…
They suggest speaking to your doctor to get individual advice. Which you should always do with any changes to your medication protocol anyways.

So basically, WHO hasn’t said NOT to yet but if you want to stay on the side of precaution, you can and avoid taking it.