World Water Day Is March 22, And I’m Shocked It Has To Be A Thing
I started my morning off with a nice, hot shower.
My coffee maker was set to brew a hot pot of coffee using filtered water. I downed my morning pills with a refreshing glass of ice water. Then, I threw a load of clothes in the washing machine, before I gave the dog a nice cool bowl of water. Finishing my morning routine, I loaded the dishwasher, and then started the machine on a disinfecting hot water cycle.
Finally! I flopped on the couch, and opened my phone to check Facebook, the weather, and the news.
The first thing to pop up in bold letters was …
I would, if I’m being honest, usually just scroll right past the article. Something today, however made me stop and open it.
The more I read about this day set aside for something as simple as water, the more convicted I became.
I completely take water for granted. I just turn on a faucet, and know it’s going to be there. Hot or cold, it just runs freely from one of the four sinks we have in the house (not to mention the washing machine, the dishwasher, and the showers).
So, what is this World Water Day?
It is a day sponsored by the United Nations to bring awareness to the clean water crisis around the world. According to their website, “International World Water Day is held annually on March 22 as a means of focusing attention on the importance of freshwater and advocating for the sustainable management of freshwater resources.”
Did you know “a third of the global population do not use safely managed drinking water services and only two fifths have access to safely managed sanitation services.”
I was floored (and a bit ashamed of myself). A third of the population? I can’t even fathom the amount of people affected by unsafe water. I think back to my morning routine. How much water did I use … and waste … and not even think about?
I called up a friend of mine who lives in the Dominican Republic. She has been in villages there where people (usually ladies or children) have to walk, sometimes three miles or more, simply to get clean water for their families. They then have to carry this water (think of how much water weighs) all the way back to their house. Think of how they would have to ration this water for cooking and drinking.
One Third Of The Earth’s Population Doesn’t Have Easy Access To Clean Water.
ONE THIRD of the earth’s population. That number is just staggering to me. Every continent on the face of this earth is affected by this crisis; obviously some more than others.
So what can we do to help? Well, the obvious thing is to bring awareness to the problem. Set aside a Tweet or Facebook post on March 22 to let people know the importance of this day.
Maybe you could host an event in your area to bring awareness. You could do something as simple as a word-of-mouth campaign. If you want to think big, maybe an awareness walk or water festival.
Get your kids involved. Something as easy as a lemonade stand would help raise money, and also get the word out about the importance of clean water for all.
With everyone’s help, we can bring this life-sustaining water to all those who are in need. Even a single pump in a village would bring clean water to so many people.
We really do live blessed, easy lives compared to billions across the world.
I spend so much time worrying about my silly, #firstworldproblems. They seem stupid in comparison, when there are so many people that don’t enjoy the luxury of BASIC human needs.
I have extremely easy access to fresh, clean water. My family can drink it, bathe in it, sanitize dishes, wash, cook with it, swim in it, play in it, and even give our pets fresh water.
I will be spreading awareness March 22. Will you?