Experts Say, Expect To Pay More For Your Christmas Tree This Year. Here’s Why.
When you get your tree for the Christmas holiday, do you go with a beautiful fresh tree or do you get an artificial tree that you can use year after year?

Well, this year, no matter which tree you spring for, you can expect to spend an extra 10% to 30% more than in years past.

We have been hearing for MONTHS that the price of everything from lumber, to gas, to meat is skyrocketing.
Apparently, we can now add Christmas trees to the list of inflated prices.

Why? According to Newsday, there are several reasons for the price increase.
First, there is that stinkin’ supply chain issue that has been gumming up the works for months.

You can partially blame the higher tree prices on the lack of truckers available to deliver the trees across the country.
There was also a supply and demand issue last year, with the world opening back up after COVID wrecked everything for months. That means higher prices this year.

Then, there was that whole issue of the fires in the northwest smoke damaging and singeing the supply of live trees up in that section of the country.
One other thing, it takes about 10 years for a tree to reach maturity. If you remember, there was a giant recession just a little over 10 years ago, so farmers at that time couldn’t afford to plant as many trees. Fast Forward to now — there aren’t as many trees to go around.

What does all this mean? Higher prices.
They are also saying that we may not have as many choices for trees as we are used to.

Prices have gone up significantly,” John Mohlenhoff, secretary of the hook and ladder company for the Huntington fire department, told the newspaper. “We’ve had to compromise on what types of trees we’re getting, sizes, everything.
Bottom line, you don’t want to wait until the last minute to get your tree, because there just simply might not be trees available closer to Christmas.

Luckily, you can get trees RIGHT NOW on the Walmart website. They have everything from decorated pop up trees to pre-lit, beautiful Christmas trees.