Here’s A List of Grandparent Nicknames That Are Far From Boring
When I think of Grandma and Grandpa, I think of someone really old, out of touch, someone who carries partially used Kleenex in her purse, and eats really gross hard candy as a treat.
I definitely don’t ever want to be a “Grandma.”

BUT, I do someday hope to have grandchildren.
So, I’ve been thinking — what the heck are the kids going to call me?
I don’t want to be called something that is instantly going to age me 50 years, you know what I mean?

I want to be known by a name that’s as original and quirky as I am — something to match my personality.
First, let’s talk about the traditional names of our grandparents.

Traditional Names For Grandma
- Abuelita
- Amma
- Bubbie
- Gaga
- Gram
- Gran

- Granny
- Grammy
- Gammie
- Mammaw
- Marmie
- Mimsy

- Mimi
- Momo
- Nan
- Nana
- Nanny

- Nene
- Nonni
- Oma
- Yaya

Traditional Names For Grandpa
- Bobo
- Gramps
- Grampy
- Ompa
- Opa

- Pa
- Papa
- Pappoús
- PapPap

- Pappaw
- PawPaw
- PeePaw
- Pop
- Poppa
- PopPop

Now, here are some original, non-boring names for grandma and grandpa.
Non-Boring Alternatives To Grandma
- Bibbi
- G-Ma
- Gigi
- Honey
- Mamma

- Mamie
- Momo
- Mamsy
- Nooni

- Ona
- Nannaw
- Gam-Gam

Non-Boring Alternatives To Grandpa
- Baba (Ukrainian for “grandfather”)
- Babu (Swahili for “grandfather”)
- Bebop
- G-Pa
- Gramps

- Granpup
- Hee Haw
- UmPaPa
- Grandad

You might also want to consider one of these grandparent names from other countries.
I love some of these!! Check them out.

Nicknames For Grandma In Other Languages
- Cajun — MawMaw
- Chinese — Zumu or Wai Po
- Dutch — Grootmoeder
- Eskimo — Aanaga
- French — Mémère

- German — Oma
- Greek — Yaya
- Hawaiian — Kuku or Tutu
- Irish — Maimeo
- Italian — Nonna
- Jamaican — Nani or Granni

- Japanese — Obaasan
- Portuguese — Avó
- Russian — Babushka
- Spanish — Abuelita
- Yiddish — Bubbe

Nicknames For Grandpa In Other Languages
- Cajun — PawPaw
- Chinese — YeYe or Wai Gong
- Dutch — Grootvader
- French — Pépère

- German — Opa
- Greek — Pappous
- Hawaiian — Tutu Kane
- Irish — Daidoe
- Italian — Nonno

- Japanese — Ojiisan
- Portuguese — Vovô
- Russian — Dedushka
- Spanish — Abuelito
- Yiddish — Zayde