Disney Parks Are Now Accepting Reservations Starting In June. Here’s What You Need To Know.
As we all currently know, Disneyland and Disney World are shut down for now.
It’s been quite a hard adjustment accepting that we won’t be able to book a visit to see Mickey and friends, especially when Summer is just around the corner.
However, reservations are currently open beginning June 1st on their website, and here’s what we know so far.
Individuals who are interested in either modifying or making a new reservation for a future vacation, can do so starting June 1st.
Guests are also able to make any changes if necessary to their reservations if the park opens before or after June 1st, according to BlogMickey.
Disney park ticket holders should also know that unexpired multi-day and date-specific theme park tickets with unused days beginning March 12 of this year through the closure, will be extended to use on any date up until December 15th of 2020.
If you are unable to visit by December 15th, you can use the value of your unused ticket towards another purchase in the future at a later date that better suites, also according to BlogMickey.
So it looks like this is good news for it only being a Monday, and if this Disney news wasn’t quite exciting enough, check out the new ‘Twilight’ book that Stephanie Meyer has confirmed for release this year for pre-order!