Kroger is Donating 200,000 Gallons of Milk to Food Banks and My Heart Is Full
Hard times y’all!
So many people without work and they are turning to food banks for help. Having used food banks before myself, I can tell you, they don’t always have what you really need. Things like fresh milk and eggs are usually not something readily available at a food bank.

Kroger is trying to help with that. There is a huge surplus of milk right now from American dairy farmers. If not used it will be wasted. Kroger is donating 200,000 gallons of milk to food banks!
They will be sending milk to Feeding America food banks and other community organizations through the end of August. This helps those in need as well as out dairy farmers!

The surplus of milk is due to many businesses being forced to stay closed right now. Restaurants and hotels being a huge part of that. The milk would spoil because what is being produced is more than the need business-wise right now.

Dairy farmers have had to dump milk due to the lower demand. That is sad. Our farmers are so important to us. 2.7 – 3.7 million gallons of milk could be dumped PER DAY due to the coronavirus pandemic.
The “Dairy Rescue Program” is a partnership between Kroger and its dairy suppliers. It was set up so that those in need can get milk.
The program will supply the surplus milk that is not being sold to restaurants, hotels, and schools right now and Kroger will donate the processing and packaging.
Kroger will also take care of the transport of the milk to food banks.

Kroger recognizes the growing need for fresh, highly nutritious food in our community, especially for children as schools remain closed during the pandemic to flatten the curve. At a time when dairy farmers have surplus raw milk, we’re doubling down on our mission to reduce hunger and waste.
Erin Sharp, Kroger’s group vice president of manufacturing
This is a great idea and I hope that it helps many, including our dairy farmers. My heart is full!