Stephenie Meyers Wanted Two Completely Different Actors To Play Edward And Bella. Here’s Why.
It’s no secret that Stephenie Meyers preferred a completely different cast for Twilight, but can you image the trilogy starring individuals other than Robert Patterson and Kristian Stewart?! Personally, I can’t!

The list of celebrities she originally preferred will most likely come as a shock, as it did so for me!
Here was her exact thought process, which also include opinions from Twilight fans on who they wanted to see casted as vampires and werwolves.
Starting off with fan favorite Edward Cullen #teamedward, Henry Cavill was number one on Mrs. Meyer’s list, only realizing later that Henry’s age would interfere with Edward’s character and his appearance would look too mature. More specifically, she quotes
“The only actor I’ve ever seen who I think could come close to pulling off Edward Cullen.”
Stephenie Meyers
Therefore, instead of Henry booking the role of Edward, she also considered Cavill to play Carlisle… ugh Stephenie, you’re breaking my heart!
Regarding fan favorites, there were four specific actors that the audience wanted to see play as Edward. Hayden Christensen, Robert Pattinson, Orlando Bloom and Gerard Way, came out on top.
Now regarding Bella’s character, Meyers wanted Australian actress Emily Browning, who I think has a completely different look than Kristen Stewart!
However, Stephenie also considered Danielle Panabaker from SKY HIGH and I could totally see the similarity in Bella’s character! Oh, and if you’re unfamiliar with Sky High, it’s one of my all time favorite childhood movies and I totally recommend taking time out of your day to watch it!
Although Twilight fans had a completely different opinion on who should play Miss Bella Swan surprisingly, Kristen Stewart was not listed. Alexis Bledel, Rachel McAdams and Anna Paquin were top three.
Have I blown your mind yet?
Now try imagining Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart completely erased from every Twilight movie ever!