Doritos New Flamin’ Cool Ranch Chips Will Make You Perspire From the Heat
Doritos is turning up the heat this holiday season and we’re not only talking about the oven!

The famous triangular chip has turned up the heat on a classic go-to flavor for fans and if you constantly reach for Cool Ranch on grocery store shelves, we hope you have a hot tongue.

The perfect stocking stuffer for those who pour hot sauce on everything, Doritos new Flamin’ Cool Ranch is as hot as it sounds.

Coated in a flaming hot dusting and flavored with cool ranch, this once cool chip now has a heated temper.

The spicy sensation on your tongue after one bite will make you wish you had a tall glass of cold milk beside you.

Stepping into the fire with a bright blue bag in the snack aisle, you can find the spicy chip on the edge of snack shelves just in time for the new year at grocery stores nationwide soon!