5 Reasons To NOT Vaccinate Your Kids

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People shouldn’t have to vaccinate their kids. In fact, parents absolutely know what’s best for their kids in every situation, which is why you’ve never heard of a mom calling a doctor at two AM because her child has a fever.

Moms automatically know exactly what to do. They know better than anyone what their child needs or doesn’t need.

That’s why the vaccination debate is so ridiculous to me…because moms inherently know more than everyone. Which brings me to this… 5 Reasons To NOT Vaccinate Your Kids.

5 Reasons To NOT Vaccinate Your Kids #vaccinate #vaccinatedebate #vaccinations #kidsvaccinations #vaccinatekids

When a woman conceives a child, the entirety of human knowledge is written into her essence and as that child is brought forth unto this world, that knowledge flowers in her mommy brain and every decision she makes for her child is absolutely the right, and only right decision.

So who are we to judge those moms that choose NOT to vaccinate THEIR kids?

Before you get your mom panties in a knot, hear me out…

5 Reasons To NOT Vaccinate Your Kids

1. You don’t like them, anyway.

I get it. Some kids are just born a little more awful than others. So if your plan is to not vaccinate your kid in hopes that they’ll catch some horrible virus that’ll off them so you can start over, sure. That makes total sense.

It’s evil, and disgusting, and I hope you get a million fire ant bites, but hey, the good news is that’s less likely to happen to you than your child catching something deadly because you’re an inherent dumb-dumb.

5 Reasons To NOT Vaccinate Your Kids #vaccinate #vaccinatedebate #vaccinations #kidsvaccinations #vaccinatekids

2. You’re more scared of big scientific sounding words than you are of viruses that have killed millions upon millions of people.

I get it! Vaccines have a lot of big, scary words. And, some of the ingredients in vaccines have been linked to carcinogenic risks and I bet even a very eensy teensy tiny portion of the population might be allergic to some of the ingredients and they might have a bad reaction.

Know what? That’s why the doctor keeps you at the office for 15 minutes after your child receives a vaccine. That way if they react, the doctor can fix it. Nifty set up, huh?

As for the scary words, know what other scientific word kills people? Dihydrogen monoxide. And yet you still put it into your body every single day. So put away your dictionary, and stop freaking out over words that you maybe don’t understand.

5 Reasons To NOT Vaccinate Your Kids #vaccinate #vaccinatedebate #vaccinations #kidsvaccinations #vaccinatekids

3. You believe all internet memes are true.

“Gandhi was against vaccines. A mother flipping meme told me so.” Yeah, I’ve seen that meme. And I’ve looked it up. And you know what he compared vaccines to? Eating beef.

Vaccines are as bad as eating beef because cows and all life is sacred. So here’s where that comes from: the small pox vaccine was derived from cows infected with cow pox. Which means that every person who received a small pox vaccine was being given a small amount of cow.

I can definitely understand why a man whose religion holds cows as sacred would be against being injected with one. But unless you, too, are a fruitarian (which he was), perhaps you should put down your Big Mac and go get your kids their freakin’ vaccines.

4. You’d rather your children build their immunity to things like polio and measles naturally…just like you did.

Oh, wait. You didn’t have polio did you. Know why? ‘CAUSE YOUR PARENTS GOT YOU VACCINATED!

5. You know more about vaccines from that one article you read online than your pediatrician knows after eight years of higher education and thousands of hours of study.

I’ll just let the people in this video address that one…

Look, I understand that I don’t live in your house, I’ve not experienced your life and I certainly can’t judge you for your parenting choices. But I’m going to anyway.

Not getting your children vaccinated is really stupid. Like, it’s really stupid.

It makes me furious and makes the blood in my veins boil with hatred toward you for putting your children in such a vulnerable and dangerous position. And if it just affected YOUR children, I might even be able to hold back my vitriol; but, it doesn’t.

Your infected child can infect a child who is too young to be vaccinated. Your child can infect a child who is fighting cancer, or whose immunity has been compromised by something else entirely out of their control.

YOUR child can act as a walking time bomb and spread illnesses that haven’t been around for years all because the idea of giving them a medically sound shot scares you.

Your child deserves better. Get your kids vaccinated. Don’t be that parent that we all hate.

Jamie’s Note: To those parents who can’t vaccinate because their child is immunocompromised, or allergic, etc. this obviously isn’t directed at you. In fact, you should be the most pissed off at the people who don’t vaccinate their perfectly healthy children– because that is how your children stay safe!

5 Reasons To NOT Vaccinate Your Kids #vaccinate #vaccinatedebate #vaccinations #kidsvaccinations #vaccinatekids

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  1. Ohh, im happy for you that you are so sure of your position in this endless debate. So sure and convinced that you probably dont have children of your own. Because i do and i doubt. God help me but i do read and investigate especially about things that can harm my two children. And although i see the great aim of all the vaccinations i very much doubt they are harmless rspecially to little babies. Mary probably doesnt know all the different types of vaccinations but for the benefit of other doubting perents i reveal that we agreed to have both daughters to be vaccinated with hexa but refuse any other ( including obligatory prevenar and MMR).

  2. I had chicken pox when I was a kid and I remember the fever and the crying because it itched too much. I got both my kids vaccinated against chicken pox. So far only my older son got it and he did even realized it. He had no fever and no itch, just a small rash. I support vaccines.

  3. “You know more about vaccines from that one article you read online than your pediatrician knows after eight years of higher education and thousands of hours of study.”

    My sister is about to graduate from med school, and the amount of study devoted to vaccines is very small. It in no way encompasses a large part of their 8 years of study and mainly covers how vaccines are for the greater good. They do not teach them hardly anything about side effects or what to look for, which might explain why my son’s first pediatrician did not recognize when he had a reaction to the flu shot and REFUSED to acknowledge that yes it was indeed an allergic reaction when it happened a second time! Out of all the parents I know who made the decision not to vaccinate, none of them took the decision lightly or based it on a couple articles they read. For myself, I continued vaccinating my two older kids while researching about a year before deciding to stop. And yes a huge part of that decision was based on a doctor insisting my son was not allergic to the flu vaccine when he very clearly was. I am expected to continue injecting my child with something that is considered safe, but if he does by chance have an allergic reaction then I’m supposed to just deal with it myself and get no medical help from his doctor bc they won’t even acknowledge he had a reaction?? Oh and parents whose kids are allergic are totally fine not to vaccinate…how do you think they found out their kid was allergic? We were lucky that my son’s reaction was breaking out in a terrible full body rash that went away with Benadryl and not something more serious or permanently damaging.

    1. l am vaccinated as are all my siblings and all our children. However I cannot have the flu vac due to me having an intolerance/allergy to eggs. Many vaccines are cultured in eggs. If you or your children have a reaction to vaccines then maybe have your doctor to run allergy tests on them.

    2. Unless your sister is fully specialized as a researcher/immunology/epidemiology…then, yes…she wouldn’t have had been taught decades of research on vaccine safety and effectiveness. But actually as a student in medicine, she probably does have access to published accurate journals (not your googling) to review herself.
      How sad your child developed a rash treatable with benadryl…that is way way worst then getting the flu that get land you in a hospital bed on life support……

    3. That’s it, you stick it right up that bad doctor, you show him who’s boss buy not getting your child vaccinated. He will definitely feel terrible if your child gets a serious illness then.

  4. Mary, you speak with such authority. Exactly how much research and experience have you had with vaccinations.

    I regretfully have followed the herd to vaccination and my son took a severe reaction and left him permanently changed. The next time I took a lot of precautions and the reaction was only mild.

    What you don’t see are the pedetricians like mine who’s son is best friends with my son who will not vaccinate his kids, but when you speak to him about it he says that it’s his decision not to vaccinate.

    No why would a highly qualified pedetrician not vaccinate his children when they are so harmless to children?

    Maybe your ignorance has left you blinded to the fact there are two sides to this argument.

    1. Mary, you are a fool and should NEVER be giving your opinion on this matter !. You are a complete discrace to the human race and your diarrhea that you spewed from your face needs to be flushed and never infect the ears of anyone !

      1. What’s a discrace? It’s disgraceful that you don’t even know how to spell.

        Maybe you should spend more time developing a valid argument instead of insulting people.

      2. Pediatricians get paid approx. $700,000. or more a year to fully vaccinate their patients…no incentive there ! And there are interviews (Vaxxed chanel on YouTube is one place) of pediatricians who have admitted that they learn virtually nothing about the ingredients or the possible negative outcomes of vaccines.

      3. I am a nurse in a pediatrician’s office. You are wrong, oh so wrong. Do you have any idea how illegal it is to receive “kickbacks” from pharmaceutical companies? Do you have any idea how regulated that is? We literally have to sign a paper every time they come in the office stating what we recieved (samples to give to patients that can’t afford it themselves or a freaking potted plant as a Christmas gift, and I PROMISE YOU there is no money burried in the dirt). They can’t even give out pens anymore because that counts as advertisement and can sway the doctor’s opinion making them biased. Do you really think my boss is going to prescribe Gardasil because he got a plant that we will all forget to water!? Do you have any idea how many medical journals he reads CONSTANTLY to make sure he is as up to date as possible with information? 30 years experience as a pediatrician has not led him to blindly stick a needle in a kid because he heard a guy in a suit tell him to.

        Ever hear of meningitis? Your kid is dead before you even know they have it. Dead. Not autistic, not paralyzed, not covered in a rash. DEAD, as in not breathing, you will never see them again, hold them again, they will not grow up, they will die. You will not be the only one affected. Their friends will learn what death is at an early age, grandparents, siblings, uncles, aunts, etc will have to mourn that loss, too. And so will I, because to you, I may just be a nurse that herds kids through the office like cattle, stabbing needles into them left and right, not caring and not making eye contact, but you are wrong. I care about EVERY SINGLE KID that walks through my door. I get sad when they cry as I inject them, but I know it’s better that they cry now instead of dying later.

      4. I know for sure I grew up with at least a dozen kids who had some kind of autism and I went to college with many more, even though my classmates and I pre-date this disease. It wasn’t an available diagnosis almost 30 years ago in rural PA. Nor was ADHD or oppositional defiant disorder or maybe 50% of the childhood behavior issues that are considered worse than death these days. There was also no one to blame for your kid being different or not what you were hoping for. Maybe we need to quit creating diagnoses for every social oddity and instead look at each human as an individual instead of cookie cutter Stepford kids.
        There wasn’t a kid I knew who didn’t get vaccinated for everything we could, which did not include chicken pox at that time. Folks in my area are old farmers, and many of them had siblings, cousins, etc who died from childhood illnesses these vaccines prevent. No way in hell they were letting their kids and grand kids run the risk of dying. There weren’t too many of us who didn’t turn out all right, even with all those vaccines and weird behaviors, and nobody ever thought twice about any of it.

      5. RN and MSRN
        Everything you say is true. I lost a good friend to meningitis her freshman year of college. You can be sure my 3 were vaccinated before they left for college! And that was before it was required. Both my grandparents had 2 year old sisters that died of diphtheria. I had several friends whose parents or older siblings were crippled from polio. My husband’s grandmother wore a leg brace from polio she contracted at age five. My husband and daughter are pharmacists and my son is a nurse. Their kids are all vaccinated. Funny how the antivaxxers will give their kids meds for ADHD but won’t vaccinate! They are too stupid to know what they don’t know and they sure don’t know any history.

    2. Absolutely irresponsible and dangerous spreading voodoo lies about vaccines. You are putting children at serious risk of illnesses that have been halted. If your neglect caused a newborn to get ill you should be sued.

  5. I had a blast reading this.
    As a mom I always chose to have my kids vaccinated.
    To not do so is (in my opinion) a form of neglect.
    Alas I experienced a lot of negativity for my choice, but my kids are healthy, strong and alive.
    Hopefully more people will wake up and understand it is wrong not to protect their own kids and those of others by having their children vaccinated.
    Have a great day 🙂

  6. I don’t care if you hate me or not. I know better than to give a new born baby a flu shot! It makes them sick when they don’t have to be in the first place.. I didn’t get my first flu shot until I was 3 years old and I was deathly sick.. Now my body doesn’t even know what sickness is because I quit getting the shot..
    I’ve been around people with viruses and the flu and walked away unharmed.. My child deserves the same..
    Y’all are blind and it’s mad sad.. It’s called modern genocide.. Most people and children develop a stand of cancer from it too.. I pray that one day you all wake up

    1. lol where did you study medicine? Of course flu shots are only recommended for people with a healthy immune system. If enough people get one we can prevent those who are unable to fight the flu from getting it. For example your 3 year old, but if you don’t get one your child will be exposed to unnecessary risk of course all children should still obtain their boosters as these will prevent a number of deadly diseases.

    2. dam that moderen genocide with people living longer, population growth at its highest its ever been, child death rate halved in the last several years…… this is the worst genocide ive ever heard of

  7. Maybe you should make an informed decision based on advice from your health care practitioner instead of intuition or random internet articles. You are dead wrong. If you hear from your doctor that you should and you don’t then you deserve to have dead kids. It’s people like this that are causing major epidemics of preventable illnesses. Putting other people’s infants at risk of death sure you should be able to make a choice like this about your children if you want them to die that’s cool but it’s not just about your children it’s effecting everyone else who dont want there kids to die.

  8. Utter stupidity. Read some vaccine inserts. Hey read something! Because this article is such a joke I can’t even take it. Maybe you should stop reading pro vax memes because that’s about all this article is sighting. Ugh the stupidity is overwhelming

    1. “Read some vaccine inserts.”

      Jesus Christ, really…this is your standard of proof and support for anti-vaxxing? Do you use aspirin, ibuprofen, and/or acetaminophen? Cough syrup? Antacid? Tampons (if applicable)? Etc? Have you ever read those inserts? Then convinced yourself of your newfound medical expertise, and summarily stopped using the products (as well as advocating that others do so) out of raw ignorant fear? Yeah, I bet not. Because *that* would seem ridiculous and reactionary.

  9. I find this article great! A sense of humour and the truth! Vaccination is best! Why risk the lives of your kids or others? Our pediatricians aren’t lying to us for their benefits! I had chicken pox as a kid, yup I’m OK now but wish the vaccine was around then so I don’t have a high risk of getting shingles!

    1. You actually have a higher risk of getting shingles because of the chicken pox vaccine. Without wild pox going around, your body loses ability to fight off the virus. That’s why we see so many shingles cases these days. It is going to only get worse.

  10. #1 I do not vaccinate because I love my children and understand the risk of vaccination, read the vaccine inserts. The National Children’s Vaccine injury Act of 1986 declared vaccines “unavoidably unsafe.” This means they can never be made safe. #2 You need to do some research. The death rates declined for these diseases long before vaccines were introduced. (And if vaccines are the reason… why are people not dying in the millions and millions of scarlet fever? No vaccine and death rates declined right along with all the other diseases you are afraid of.) #3 I did not get my information from memes. I learned about vaccines by reading vaccine inserts, research studies, MSDS, and #4 I DID get my immunity naturally. You shouldn’t assume things.And for those who did get vaccinated decades ago, vaccines to not give lifetime immunity and they are no longer considered immune anyhow. Most adults have not been considered fully vaccinated their entire adult life. So the whole, but you were vaccinate why not vaccinate you kid, is a faulty logic. #5 Do you know what education pediatricians receive about vaccines? I do. They are given the vaccine schedule 1/2 page of vaccine injuries are rare. And a whole class period on how to coerce vaccine-hesitant parents. Otherwise known as how to violate the Neurmberge code of ethics and the right to refuse treatment. And now for a news flash. IMMUNE SYSTEMS ARE FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY. This means my immune system will not protect anyone else from measles. Since it says right on the vaccine insert recently vaccinated persons should avoid immune compromised, please do not vaccinate to protect my child. The pertussis vaccine creates asymptomatic carriers who spread whooping cough. My children and I can’t be vaccinated. I do not want others to risk their lives with a vaccine under the false notion that it MAY protect us. It won’t. (Do you really think calling someone stupid will convince them you are right? If so, I encourage you to read The Fallacy Detective. It’s a great book on logic and reason and you need some practice.)

    1. There is no vaccine for scarlet fever. But thanks for playing anyway.

      1. There is no vaccine for scarlet fever and the disease has not become an epidemic she is saying it is proof that diseases can decline on their own without a vaccine. Diseases that we fear were lowered before the introduction of vaccines.

        Absolutely agree with Mama grape!

      2. That is because scarlet fever is a bacterial infection not a virus. The reason scarlet fever died out is because of the widespread use of penicillin in the 20th century to treat Streptococcus infections. I think you need to do more research on vaccines. As a medical student, it’s sad to see such uninformed parents. I feel bad for your children.

    2. Everything you posted you read from Fake News and inappropriate memes – but hey, they’re your kids…. so if they succumb to a preventable disease, or give it to some one who really CAN’T have vaccines, then that’ll be on your conscious. Meanwhile, I know I hve done everything in my power to be sure my children are protected from actual threats instead of the bogeyman.

    3. Why is our generation that were vaccinated living longer, I wonder is because we were vaccinated?

    4. Thank god for the “No jab, no play” rule is all I Can say!

    5. Actually there’s this thing called herd immunity in where if the majority of people get vaccinated, it will protect the few that aren’t due to immunocompromised or whatever. So please do more research before spouting ridiculous things.

      Furthermore, NOTHING can guarantee to be 100% safe. DRUGS are unavoidably unsafe as well. The idea is that the benefits outweigh the risks. So by that logic, don’t take any medications.

      Oh also hand sanitizers! They aren’t 100% either. . .guess you should stop using that too

  11. The flippant tone of this article is almost as tolerable as the obvious uneducated opinion on this subject. If you are going to write on a subject, you should at least have some basic knowledge of the views you are arguing against.

  12. As someone who was very staunchly pro-vaccine for many many years, I have found that people who once believed what I once did and say what I once said will never ever be open to learning the truth. I wasn’t. I threatened to sue if someone’s child got me sick as I have several autoimmune diseases. I’m well-educated and well-read. I believed fiercely that I knew the *TRUTH* and all of these people who dared question vaccines were obviously stupid and gullible and…
    Then I met a young girl who changed my life and turned everything I thought I *KNEW FOR SURE* on its head. She is disabled at 16 from Gardasil Syndrome (www.gardasilsyndrome.com I think).
    As an educated person who is a life-long learner, I decided to study both sides of the vaccine issue. I wanted to know what both sides had as their SCIENCE. So I read close to 3 dozen medical studies with a particular eye to HOW the study was conducted: was it a blind or double-blind study? What was the sample size? Were the controls done correctly? What financial bias may have influenced the study (who paid for it?) and how have the people involved in the study benefited since publication. Then, I watched more than 30 HOURS of interviews with data scientists, statisticians, doctors of all different kinds, lawyers with expertise on how the “vaccine court” really works, immunologists, researchers, and so on. Then I looked up every single one of those people, their history and background to see for myself how credible these people were. All this time, watching as my young friend has continued to go through the worst kind of hell due to her own vaccine injury.
    And after all of that what I know for sure is this:
    1. One does NOT have to be an “anti-vaxxer” to believe that all human beings deserve the right of informed consent. This means full disclosure of everything, and I mean EVERYTHING in that shot and ALL possible side effects. Spoiler alert, one of the commenters mentioned death being listed as a possible side effect and this is accurate. Death is listed as a side effect for every single vaccine. Another mentioned that our own government acknowledges that vaccines are “inherently unsafe” and this is also accurate.
    2. Yes, several vaccines do still have thimerasol in them, including the regular flu shot, the tentanus shot, and some versions of the Hep B shot. Thimerasol is mercury. For the shots that had mercury removed, other preservatives or adjuvants were put in to replace them such as aluminum, formaldehyde, polysorbate 80 to name just a few. All of these are toxic. Period.
    3. The vaccine manufacturers ARE Big Pharma. The same corporations who make pharmaceuticals also manufacture all of the vaccines used across the globe.
    4. In 1986, the Childhood Vaccine Safety Act was passed. This act set up the “vaccine court”, the Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System (VAERS), and most importantly for this argument, it 100% indemnified vaccine manufacturers from ANY LIABILITY regarding the vaccines they produce. If you or your child is injured or dies from a vaccine, it is illegal to sue the company who made it. You are forced to sue the US Government through the vaccine court. Average time between case filing and a decision: 12-15 YEARS. Why did our government give these companies 100% blanket immunity from any liability? Because not a single insurance company would cover the vaccine division of these pharmaceutical companies because of the unacceptable risk. So, the manufacturers threatened to “take away” all the vaccines and refuse to provide any vaccine stock to this country if the US Government did not give them this 100% liability protection (sounds a bit like blackmail to me). Then, these corporations have used the US Government’s protection as a case in point to force dozens of other countries into passing similar legislation.
    5. Arguing with someone who is of the mindset I once had is useless. I know because I was one of them and I would have an argument for anything you threw at me.
    6. The CDC is not a credible or reliable source of information when it comes to vaccines. They hold ownership stake (partial or full) in at least 20 vaccine patents. They also directly sell more than $4.6 billion worth of vaccines every single year to state and local health agencies. In fact, Robert F Kennedy Jr. has stated that “the CDC should be considered, at this point, a wholly owned subsidiary of the pharmaceutical industry.”
    7. “Vaccines have decades and decades of studies of their safety and effectiveness.” Nope. They don’t. This doesn’t mean that some vaccines have not been shown beneficial based on anecdotal evidence. But the actual proof, the SCIENCE, doesn’t exist. Let me repeat because I have searched and searched and searched. It doesn’t exist. And the few studies people try to use as proof have significant flaws in the way they were conducted. See the beginning of my comment re: studies.
    8. Vaccines do not cause autism. Technically, that is correct. Brain injury causes autism. Brain injury can occur through a variety of ways. Certain ingredients in some vaccines are one of those ways, including vaccines given to pregnant women. This also includes environmental factors, other means of heavy metal and toxicity exposure, alcohol and drug use while pregnant, etc. Brain injury that leads to neurological regression disorders like autism can be caused by many sources, usually a combination of things + genetic susceptibility. A better statement would be that in some cases, vaccine ingredients can contribute heavily to the development of neurodevelopmental regression and autism.
    9. To process the amount of mercury in one dose of the regular flu vaccine with total elimination and zero lasting negative impact on any system in the body, an individual would have to weigh 550+ lbs. That would be an impossibly enormous baby (they get the same dose as adults).

    After all this, what I know for sure is that we have been lied to as a general public. I know that I started my journey expecting my pro-vaccine stance to be thoroughly backed up by such huge amounts of evidence that it would bury the other side. I started out with my own bias. What I learned scares the hell out of me. I did not want to admit that what I had believed and even verbally attacked my own stepsister with had been based on lies.

    What I know for sure is that what we DON’T KNOW even still about the vaccine issue could fill entire libraries.

    And what I know for sure is that unless you meet someone who is vaccine injured or whose child is vaccine injured, you will cling to what you’ve been told by the government and the CDC and Big Pharma and beat people mercilessly with it for daring to disagree with you. I know because I was you. You MUST vaccinate because “IT’S WHAT WE DO!!!”

    I’m not giving advice to anyone about whether they should or should not vaccinate themselves or their children.

    The World Mercury Project, led by Robert F Kennedy Jr and others, currently has a $100,000 reward up for anyone in the world who can locate a correctly performed clinical study that proves the safety of thimerasol in vaccines. If the SCIENCE is really there, someone will find it. In fact, that person could be you. May the odds be ever in your favor.

    1. We vaccinate because dying from communicable diseases hurts.
      Maybe you should lose the tin foil and pick up a course on biology, you jackass.

      1. Of course everything the government and big pharma companies must be true.

      2. Maybe you should try to understand that your opinion doesn’t make her opinion wrong.

    2. Enlightened Learner

      Not everything scientific is open to the public you know. Actually, most papers aren’t. Unless you’re part of a scientific community or a university you have only scratched the surface. The surface visible on the internet is far from representative.

  13. This article scares me. I have a daughter almost two and before she turned one I was so scared she was going to get the measles. Reason because she has to wait until she is one to get the shot as most of you know. My opinion is if you choose not to vaccinate your child, that is your choice but as soon as you bring them in public, I feel like that is when you are taking away everyone’s choice by putting ours at risk. If you don’t want to vaccinate your child then don’t take them in public. I don’t know if I am right but this is how I feel trusting myself and Drs.

    1. It’s good you want to protect your children. Please be aware that newly vaccinated children and adults are also carrying the virus. Read up on vaccines shedding, The unvaccinated will look and act sick, so they will not be walking around infecting people. The vaccinated will have a contagious virus as well but will not look or act sick, so they are out in the world spreading things. Go to Learnthetruth.org to start your own research.

      1. Jan, you are stupid as shit.

        Vaccine shedding is not a thing. It’s a lie that anti-vaxxers made up to shift the blame on other people due to the measles coming back.
        And guess what, dumbass? The viruses in vaccines are none-functional. They don’t do anything. It’s like ripping off a crabs pincers and placing it in a room full of otters. It’s completely defenseless.
        Your source is bad and you should feel bad.
        Eat a dick, Jan.

      2. Really? I was told by the pediatrician who vaccinated my children that they shouldn’t be around sick people or very young babies for about a week. Why is that? Is it because they are so safe?? No, It is because they were injected with a live virus.

  14. Line up for your flu vaccine. We really don’t need people like you on the planet. Go get jabbed…

  15. There is so so much conflicting data on each side of this debate that I FEEL SORRY FOR PARENTS! The decision they are having to make with such strong opposing opinions, information and data is just sickening. As a parent of course I want to do what is best and safest but I have researched and researched over and over both sides of this debate EXTENSIVELY and I’m so lost. I have fully vaccinated my child and I still feel afraid and no peace either way. One cannot deny autism is on the rise and it is going strong. It is not uncommon to know several people now with autistic children. This is frightening. And the countries who don’t vaccinate, have the lowest cases of autism. But on the other hand polio and measles…? Wow how horrible to not vaccinate and risk these diseases?! This is a horrible and MAJORLY IMPORTANT topic of confusion in our modern world that I am shocked science hasn’t officially been able to prove a side! Oh and to add, FDA approves many many harmful things humans that places like parts of Europe and Japan have banned. Putting faith and trust in them to protect us is sadly mislead.

    1. No. There is no conflicting data. Vaccines are incredibly safe but for an incredibly small percentage of the population. Stop with the nonsense. If you claim to have researched then you would know this. You’re looking at nonsense garbage science anti-vax sites if you’ve come to any other conclusion. It’s anecdotal, but do you know anyone who has/had polio? You’re welcome.

    2. this is no link between autism and vaccines. however there is better diagnostic tools and a better understanding and larger understanding of what qualifies as autism.

      The fraud who made the disproven paper saying there was a link was proven to show he had a vested interest in having the MMR vaccine made into single doses, which is what his paper pushed for, by owning the patents for the single dose vaccines. Also he forged data and some of the children he said had autism in his research dont.

    3. In many of those countries you are talking about, access to a diagnosis is often harder to come by.

  16. So someone who has the vaccine can get sick from those who don’t? Isn’t that what the vaccine is supposed to prevent?

    1. Hate to break it to you, but vaccines aren’t 100% effective. Vaccines are a game of statistics and probability. Suppose you get a vaccine than just doesn’t produce an adequate immunogenic response (which will of course be unknown to you). You’ll still probably be okay (and NOT contract a serious disease) if you live in a population in which most people have received the vaccination that just didn’t work for you.

      But, based on your comment, I wouldn’t expect you to understand this.

  17. Your opinion is so very dangerous.

    Putting a mother who has no support and genuinely concerned for the safety of her children to get a story out there.
    Not only that but kick her when shes down.
    You have contructed an opinion from what.
    This is what makes it hard is the constant gang up on people who dont have enough to satisfy there question.
    Our dotor could only recite from a pamphlet and not give information actually another doctor gave us expired iron tablets.
    Vaccines are a product which they need to sell to make quota and money from.
    Why wont you support is it because you have already made the decision so if you were to support its negatives it would make you wrongfor doing so to your own kids. Dont go around insulting people who are not convinced of the safety of vaccines.
    Maybe once upon a time they were. But did you know science is never 100 percent complete but always being researched. So maybe 3 vaccines have 20 years research but not the other 55. What about the new one. That would need 20 years research before knowing the real consequences. I dont advocate my baby to be a research rat. 30 years ago smoking was cool and healthy now its the number 1 killer. Think about that for a second.
    Let it sink in.

    We are science rats in a very big and complex scientific experiment.
    Some vaccines are safe but new one’shave to be studied in real time. On real children.
    Use your logic.

    Support these children and there parents.

  18. You can call me stupid but I consider you the stupid one ! The medical community in this country makes a fortune off of stupid people like you who don’t believe our bodies can maintain their good health by taking proper care of our skeletal frame and the food we put in it !
    Go ahead and eat your junk food and man made substsnces and hope there is a pill to cure you
    Go ahead and get cancer and hope chemo will cure it
    I on the other hand will live my life and my children’s life as naturally as possible and follow the five steps of maximized living

    1. Tell that to a kid I know that has been debilitated by and (and is actively dying from) SSPE. Measles isn’t always just a fever and rash.

    2. You double down on the stupid, anti-vaccine and chiro. Best of luck with that.

  19. Twenty-one years ago, I caught my second case of chicken pox. I should’ve been kept far away from my mother who was battling lung cancer, but she insisted on nursing me back to health. Even as a child I understood what it meant by a cold could be dangerous for her, chicken pox moreso.

    Twenty years ago, my mother died. She had gone downhill after exposure to my chicken pox. I am still convinced my chicken pox were partly responsible for her death.

    I have asthma and would normally get the flu vaccine. I would update my vaccines whenever necessary, such as updating the whooping cough vaccine before my nephew was born.
    At the moment though, I can’t. I have been dealing with ongoing illness for over two years now and my doctor advised that, until we know what we’re dealing with exactly, it would not be wise to get my annual flu shot or any updates. I did find out I have an auto-immune condition (not lupus, but still not completely diagnosed…it might be Hashimoto’s). I caught a cold and it has knocked me for a loop! My friends and family understand I have to depend on herd immunity lest I catch something serious and it puts me in hospital. Of course, I can’t exactly count on everyone at doctor’s clinics or the hospital (where I have specialist appointments or if I need to go to emergency) being vaccinated, thanks to the anti-vax movement.

    1. The pertussis vaccine (whooping cough) creates asymptomatic carriers. If you get it you are endangering others who are immunocompromised. (There is a medical textbook, Vaccines and Autoimmunity, which illustrates how vaccines cause autoimmune disorders. You may recommend your doctor read it.)

  20. I’m 18 and I was immunocompromised last year after contracting mono. Within weeks of recovering from the mono, I became infected with whooping cough. Even though I was vaccinated, I still managed to get whooping cough due to decreased functionality of my immune system. The only reason I was exposed to the virus in the first place was because a mother of a student at my boarding school never vaccinated her kid, (also 18 years old at this point). If I had been younger, or sicker to begin with, I could have needed to be hospitalized. If the kid who infected me had come into contact with the boarding school staffs new babies or toddlers, there could have been deaths. This kid’s mom is lucky that only a strong, healthy young adult got sick because of her decision. There is no excuse for not vaccinating your kid unless there are real medical reasons against it. Refusing to vaccinate your kid may not hurt them, but 10 or 15 or 20 years later it could hurt someone else.

      1. So is the fact that vaccines cause autism. But you apparently don’t have a problem with that.

      2. BTW, I probably should have said: “Fact” that vaccines cause autism. (Spoiler alert: Vaccines absolutely do not cause autism).

    1. The pertussis vaccine (whooping cough) creates asymptomatic carriers. This means a vaccinated person can spread whooping cough and have no symptoms. They also know that the vaccine immunity to pertussis lasts between one and three years.There is no lifetime immunity to whooping cough.

  21. First off I do not really lean either way on this issue I am a single disabled mom with one disabled son Elijah has had every vaccination but at one time when he was young a “dr” forced a vaccination on him when he was already sick he landed up in the hospital he later developed autism he already had asthma and angelmon syndrome it was not necessarily the vaccine but the fact it was forced when he was already sick drs do not by any means know everything I have been struggling and declining in health for the last 5 years been to a number of specialists they don’t know squat I have been fighting since birth some conditions I have I was born with some I developed over time but what’s happening now not one dr knows or can do anything they’re not even trying so don’t give me a holier then though speech on how drs know all put them on a pedestal they don’t

    1. Maybe the vaccines you have been subjected to adversely affected your reproductive system. It seems that you don’t have any periods.

    2. That is the longest sentence with the worst spelling, grammar and wind I’ve ever encountered. I’m going to assume from all that that you are pretty badly educated. There’s a whole lot of what’s wrong right there.

      1. “badly educated”??? Really? Pot, kettle…..stones, glass houses — sound familiar? SMDH

    3. You’re disabled, and I’m sorry to see your son was born with issues, but it was possibly the vaccines that gave your son autism? Come on.

  22. This is a very intellectually immature article. The only thing this woman demonstrates is misanthropy, not knowledge. She just really doesn’t like people. I find it hard to believe that she is an actual mother.

    Ignorant people rely on insult. Intelligent people rely on argument. (Invoking college dropout like Jimmy Kimmel is really desperate form of insult).

    At any rate, vaccination is never really covered in medical school. That is a fact. So it’s preposterous to say that doctors have “studied vaccination for eight years.”

    Personally, I studied science at UC Berkeley and I like a sound scientific argument. But the only ones making a sound argument about vaccines these days are the vaccine skeptics. The vaccine true-believers are relying on insult. And insult is always a sign of ignorance (or deceit).

    1. Vaccines aren’t covered in med school? That’s weird. I have distinct memories of learning about them in med school. I have notes about vaccines.

      Where did these notes come from?

      1. PrimaryCareDoc, Learning the vaccine schedule, how to inject vaccines and coerce “vaccine hesitant” parents is not being educated about vaccines. Have you read vaccine inserts? Have you read the MSDS that say it’s safe to inject these chemicals? Did you read the studies that show its safe to inject our children with 74 vaccine doses before age 18? Did you read the study that shows it’s safe to inject a 1.4kg premature infant with the same dose that an 81kg grown adult would receive?

    2. If you intentionally don’t vaccinate your kids because you think that your experience with an alternative medicine blog is better for them than decades of trials, approval of the FDA, and the recommendation of literally every doctor that still has a medical license, you don’t have the right to say that someone’s satire article isn’t based on a sound argument.

      1. Decades of trials? Please show me one that shows that the schedule of 74 doses of vaccines before age 18 is safe?

    3. Vaccination is 100% covered in medical school (4 years). And pediatricians learn it inside and out in their pediatrics residencies (3 years). Your UC Berkeley “Science” degree does not qualify you to make that claim.

      – a graduating medical student…. who studied vaccines like every other medical student

      1. You learned the vaccine schedule, how to give vaccines and how to coerce “vaccine hesitant” parents into vaccinating. And yes, you studied vaccines “like every other medical student.” Congratulations. You did not learn to think for yourself and do your own research on vaccine safety. I encourage you to put your medical training to good use and read the medical textbook,.Vaccines, and Autoimmunity.

  23. Although I do agree that not getting your child vaccinated can be dangerous. But I highly advise you do your research on prolonged vaccinations and selective vaccinations. I do disagree that every vaccination is necessary for children. We are one of the most vaccinated countries in the world with some of the sickest people.
    On the flip side amusing that everyone who doesn’t get their child vaccinated is uneducated. I work for a doctor who has never vaccinated any of his three children.

    1. You’re a fucking idiot. Please shut your mouth and let the people with an education talk.

      1. Adam just demonstrated my point. Vaccine true believers are, at heart, misanthropes.

        Thanks, Adam.

      2. Still no answer on the study of vaccine, Burmese?

    2. “We are one of the most vaccinated countries in the world with some of the sickest people.”

      I’m assuming you talk about the USA. That being said, why do you link sickness with vaccines? Where are you taking this data from? Are you solely comparing countries on vaccination? Did you take into consideration other factors of disease, such as water quality, nutrition, pollution, quality of life, physical activity patterns, mental health?

      Linking disease to vaccinations as an exclusive relation is both a scientific and a logical fallacy.

      1. Camille, The highest number of infant vaccines and among the highest infant mortality rate. I’ll let you do the internet search, you seem bright enough.

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