5 Reasons To NOT Vaccinate Your Kids

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People shouldn’t have to vaccinate their kids. In fact, parents absolutely know what’s best for their kids in every situation, which is why you’ve never heard of a mom calling a doctor at two AM because her child has a fever.

Moms automatically know exactly what to do. They know better than anyone what their child needs or doesn’t need.

That’s why the vaccination debate is so ridiculous to me…because moms inherently know more than everyone. Which brings me to this… 5 Reasons To NOT Vaccinate Your Kids.

5 Reasons To NOT Vaccinate Your Kids #vaccinate #vaccinatedebate #vaccinations #kidsvaccinations #vaccinatekids

When a woman conceives a child, the entirety of human knowledge is written into her essence and as that child is brought forth unto this world, that knowledge flowers in her mommy brain and every decision she makes for her child is absolutely the right, and only right decision.

So who are we to judge those moms that choose NOT to vaccinate THEIR kids?

Before you get your mom panties in a knot, hear me out…

5 Reasons To NOT Vaccinate Your Kids

1. You don’t like them, anyway.

I get it. Some kids are just born a little more awful than others. So if your plan is to not vaccinate your kid in hopes that they’ll catch some horrible virus that’ll off them so you can start over, sure. That makes total sense.

It’s evil, and disgusting, and I hope you get a million fire ant bites, but hey, the good news is that’s less likely to happen to you than your child catching something deadly because you’re an inherent dumb-dumb.

5 Reasons To NOT Vaccinate Your Kids #vaccinate #vaccinatedebate #vaccinations #kidsvaccinations #vaccinatekids

2. You’re more scared of big scientific sounding words than you are of viruses that have killed millions upon millions of people.

I get it! Vaccines have a lot of big, scary words. And, some of the ingredients in vaccines have been linked to carcinogenic risks and I bet even a very eensy teensy tiny portion of the population might be allergic to some of the ingredients and they might have a bad reaction.

Know what? That’s why the doctor keeps you at the office for 15 minutes after your child receives a vaccine. That way if they react, the doctor can fix it. Nifty set up, huh?

As for the scary words, know what other scientific word kills people? Dihydrogen monoxide. And yet you still put it into your body every single day. So put away your dictionary, and stop freaking out over words that you maybe don’t understand.

5 Reasons To NOT Vaccinate Your Kids #vaccinate #vaccinatedebate #vaccinations #kidsvaccinations #vaccinatekids

3. You believe all internet memes are true.

“Gandhi was against vaccines. A mother flipping meme told me so.” Yeah, I’ve seen that meme. And I’ve looked it up. And you know what he compared vaccines to? Eating beef.

Vaccines are as bad as eating beef because cows and all life is sacred. So here’s where that comes from: the small pox vaccine was derived from cows infected with cow pox. Which means that every person who received a small pox vaccine was being given a small amount of cow.

I can definitely understand why a man whose religion holds cows as sacred would be against being injected with one. But unless you, too, are a fruitarian (which he was), perhaps you should put down your Big Mac and go get your kids their freakin’ vaccines.

4. You’d rather your children build their immunity to things like polio and measles naturally…just like you did.

Oh, wait. You didn’t have polio did you. Know why? ‘CAUSE YOUR PARENTS GOT YOU VACCINATED!

5. You know more about vaccines from that one article you read online than your pediatrician knows after eight years of higher education and thousands of hours of study.

I’ll just let the people in this video address that one…

Look, I understand that I don’t live in your house, I’ve not experienced your life and I certainly can’t judge you for your parenting choices. But I’m going to anyway.

Not getting your children vaccinated is really stupid. Like, it’s really stupid.

It makes me furious and makes the blood in my veins boil with hatred toward you for putting your children in such a vulnerable and dangerous position. And if it just affected YOUR children, I might even be able to hold back my vitriol; but, it doesn’t.

Your infected child can infect a child who is too young to be vaccinated. Your child can infect a child who is fighting cancer, or whose immunity has been compromised by something else entirely out of their control.

YOUR child can act as a walking time bomb and spread illnesses that haven’t been around for years all because the idea of giving them a medically sound shot scares you.

Your child deserves better. Get your kids vaccinated. Don’t be that parent that we all hate.

Jamie’s Note: To those parents who can’t vaccinate because their child is immunocompromised, or allergic, etc. this obviously isn’t directed at you. In fact, you should be the most pissed off at the people who don’t vaccinate their perfectly healthy children– because that is how your children stay safe!

5 Reasons To NOT Vaccinate Your Kids #vaccinate #vaccinatedebate #vaccinations #kidsvaccinations #vaccinatekids

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  1. There is one very simple solution to this entire thing – don’t have kids.

    No kids – no forced vaccination.

    And you don’t have to vaccinate anymore in your life, as an adult you have that right.

    Case closed.

  2. Why does everyone assume that the unvaccinated population is spreading disease? Ever heard of vaccine shedding? It is a VERY REAL possibility and I’m willing to bet that the rise of an “eradicated” disease is from the vaccine itself. Funny how everyone wants to flip out about a measles outbreak in California and is so quick to blame the unvaccinated children, when the infected kids were VACCINATED. Also, YOU CAN’T PROVE THAT AN UNVACCINATED CHILD SPREADS DISEASE. We have this fancy thing called sanitation now and we also wipe out butts with toilet paper and (most of us) have good hygiene…hello, disease decline. You can’t honestly expect people to be okay with purposefully injecting their baby, (not like a teenager or an adult) we’re talking about the most innocent of creatures, with aborted fetal tissue, monkey kidney cells, bovine serum, heavy metals, formaldehyde, etc. I would like to see you get every injection a baby gets in one visit and see how you feel afterward. You can’t tell an entire population to vaccinate their kids when you don’t know that some terrified mom out there isn’t going to have that one kid who reacts badly. ONE death is bad, ONE severe allergic reaction is bad, ONE case of autism is bad, ONE medical diagnosis is bad. Don’t downplay that one just to make your ego look better to your readers. That is severly insensitive.

    1. Yeah, you want to know how that happens? People stopped vaccinating, which allowed viruses to come back, pop up, and mutate. THAT’S WHY VACCINATED KIDS ARE GETTING DISEASES. VACCINE YOUR GODDAMN CHILDREN. For fucking fuck’s sake.

      1. VACCINATE*** your goddamn children.

      2. Kate I agree with you 100% I believe in building up immune systems to fight off disease. Eating real food. Taking probiotics and increasing Vit D3 is way more effective than being injected with animal parts, aborted babies and cancer causing ingredients. Our country is full of sickness because we think drugs are our answer for health.

      3. Vaccines are not made of aborted babies & cancer causing ingredients.. that is completely absurd. Also..NO…simply “building” up your immune system is NOT effective against highly contagious viruses like polio and measles. These deadly viruses have been largely eradicated because of vaccines, that is a scientific fact. Also, the unlucky few who cannot be vaccinated due to allergies depend on the population to be vaccinated so that they don’t become sick, it’s called herd immunity.

      4. So, Mel, Probiotics to my kids, and they’ll be covered from Measles, Mumps, Rubella & Polio? Check???? Where are have been hiding? Why dint you write a goddamn book?

      5. “Our country is full of sickness because we think drugs are our answer for health.” Ouch…when you compare vaccine with drugs…

      6. Yup,she’s educated folks,lol.If they ARE vaccinated,how would they get sick?It’s not failure to vaccinate causing new cases,it’s immigrants bringing these diseases back.

      7. No it isn’t. Everybody blames everything on immigrants but it’s not rational or fair or true.

      8. So vaccine shedding is not a thing. Most of the time, vaccines are disabled viruses that trigger an immune response so that you have memory cells should you come into contact with the disease again. Thus, no actual viruses are injected into you. I like to think of it as a fire alarm test for your body. You give your body harmless antigens so that your immune system can identify it and readily attack it should they encounter it again. Just like you practice fire alarms so that when a fire actually happens you are prepared and know what to do. Thus, vaccine shedding is false, and should not be an argument that you use against vaccines if you want to sound smart and back up your claims with facts. As to the rest of your argument, yes one allergic reaction, one death, and one bad reaction are bad. But you know what’s worse? Dying of Polio. I partially think that this generation is so against vaccinations because they could not see the devastating effect of some of the diseases that are almost eradicated now because of vaccines. If you saw people you loved dying a slow painful death due to polio, I doubt you wouldn’t vaccinate your child because some people believe it causes autism. In addition, basically every new thing you feed your child has the potential of inducing an allergic response and causing death. But I guess based on your argument you shouldn’t ever feed them peanuts, soy, shellfish, or any other foods besides your breast milk for fear of a reaction? I do believe that our country relies too much on medicine, especially antibiotics and pain medication, and I work to end that abuse. However, I strongly believe that vaccinations are one of the most important and revolutionary things that have ever been produced in the medical field.

    2. Please refrain from commenting if you don’t understand how infectious diseases work. Vaccinating creates herd immunity, so those that cannot be vaccinated and are susceptible to the disease are far less likely to get it (viral load in the population goes down). This is how diseases like smallpox were eradicated. You cannot eradicate an infectious disease by simply treating it without other preventive measures. You can look at any infectious disease you want, from Malaria, to TB, to any of the viral infections.

      When you vaccinate the virus won’t be able to infect any of the protected hosts so it won’t be able to continue producing new viral particles and shedding back into the environment.

      Some viruses like influenza can’t really be eradicated, but that’s not the case for many of the vaccines parents are choosing to avoid (i.e MMR)

  3. I’m reading these comments and it staggers me to think that people are out there so gullible that they are willing the risk their children’s lives on such uninformed and ignorant assumptions that lack any merit whatsoever. Get vaccinated, the risk is infinitesimal compared to not vaccinating.

    1. Not just their children. Other people’s children as well. It is terrifying.

      1. Also, not just other children. Adults who were not vaccinated as children are susceptible. One if the reasons for the reduction in the number of deformed children born was due to vaccinations for Rubella. There are many important reasons for children to be vaccinated. Also, vaccines are not drugs, not made from aborted fetus’, not made from poisons. Don’t people do research on anything before they jump to conclusions???

  4. PLEASE! GET A BETTER CONSULTANT FOR HEALTH-RELATED ARTICLES! The stock images you use….particularly the lead one, with the peraon supposedly getting ready to give that injection ….IS WEARING NO GLOVES!!!!!!! When the photos are ridiculous, it discredits the content!

    1. I hate to tell you this, Amy, but our pediatrician doesn’t always put gloves on when giving shots. Gloves are not there to protect the patient. They are there to protect the doctor!

      1. Actually, gloves are worn for the protection of the doctor and the patient. A patient does not need a doctor touching them without gloves on as that doctor has touched numerous other sick patients and can be a vector for infectious agents. I would insist that your pediatrician always wears gloves!

  5. Clearly the author of this article only knows what she was taught in school, told by her parents & have experienced in life. Anyone who is fully conscious & aware knows the dangers of many of these vaccines. I’d like to know what doctor keeps a child 15 minutes after they are given shots to monitor any reactions… That doctor would have came in handy when my chilf nearly died feom the Flu shot she received at 1 years old. Please tell me how people were protected from diseases before??? Oh, that’s right – BREAST MILK. That’s all the vaccination you need right there. People get so used to everything that society has told them that they end up writing idiotic articles as such, sounding like a total dumbass. Telling someone to vaccinate their kids by administering a disease to prevent a disease is like telling someone to keep drinking to prevent getting drunk & hungover. You sound like a dumbass.

    1. “Please tell me how people were protected from diseases before???”
      They were not. That is why the life expectancy in the USA has gone from 39.4years in 1880 to 78.7 in 2011. This rise in life expectancy is from the discovery of antibiotics, discovery of sanitation and from the discovery of vaccines. No longer do we have issues with out outbreaks of cholera, typhoid, hepatitis, cryptosporidiosis, ascariasis, measles, mumps, polio, rubella, small pox. whooping cough and all the other childhood diseases that maimed or killed our kids. Oh wait, some parents are foregoing vaccines because “they made my child sick” and now we are having outbreaks of these diseases again…
      Have you ever wondered why families from hundred+ years ago had lots of children? It is because there was a high chance that one or more of them would die before they became of age…

      1. Actually Andrew the life expectancy in the past was so low because of the high death rate in child birth which skewed the overall figure.
        I agree with you that antibiotics has increased life expectancy dramatically BUT not vaccinations.
        Basically if the non-vaccinated children get a disease it won’t affect the vaccinated children…right?

      2. Life Expectancy is not synonymous with Average Lifespan, it’s a completely different statistic.

      3. No of course it won’t effect the children already vaccinated. But it will effect babies too young to be vaccinated and those most vulnerable like the terminally ill and the like. Also once a disease has infected one person then another and another and another you end up with an epidemic which we don’t want. That is what vaccinating is designed to prevent by giving people the immunity to fight the disease when they come in contact with those who may be carrying the disease or who are already infected and are ill.

      4. Excellent point. It will also affect teachers who’s immunity to Rubella (German Measles) may have diminished over the years….. and their unborn kids….especially in early pregnancy when they might not know they’re pregnant.
        Rubella is a mild illness…. but if contracted by pregnant women, especially in 1st trimester, can cause Congenital Rubella Syndrome.
        Remember all those blind, deaf, and mentally disabled kids and with congenital heart diseases you knew in childhood? No? That’s because CRS basically ended and those outcomes drastically declined with the MMR vaccine.

      5. Medicine is based on benefits outweighing risks, there is not 100% answer, or solution, but relative right or wrong.

      6. Not necessarily so. Some children already vaccinated may also come down with a disease like measles if the vaccination didn’t “take”. Other people can come down with an illness if they haven’t had a booster shot in a while and their immunity has worn down. A person who is immunized, but hasn’t sufficiently built up immunity or whose vaccination didn’t “take” can also still be infected without showing symptoms, because they can be contagious up to four days for some illnesses such as Measles before showing any symptoms.That child brings that home to someone whose immunity has worn off, like Mom or Dad or Grandpa. Herd immunity only works so far. As fewer people get immunized against certain diseases, the incidence of outbreaks for those diseases increases.

      7. WRONG! You are putting children who are too young to have received the vaccine at risk. You are putting about 5% of everyone that had the vaccine at risk. And if you’re doing this? You’re a fool.

      8. I couldn’t have said it better!! Excellent response, and a polite one at that.

    2. Please talk to an emergency physician who has been working more than 15 years. Just. Ask. Them. How many kids did they watch die? Just ask them.

    3. And you sound like a Google opinionated person. The herd immunity is all that stops mass epidemics of easily avoided disease. My (fully vaccinated) 26 year old son has advanced bowel cancer. Brief contact with the common cold put him in hospital for 3 days. Something like whooping cough would probably kill him.
      An ill-educated decision not to vaccinate your child could take my son’s life. Happy with that are you anti-vaxxers??

    4. “Please tell me how people were protected from diseases before???”

      You mean, all those people who had polio? Are those the people you’re asking about?

  6. What a terrible article! Full of scare tactics and no real facts.

    Realise that science studies show that vaccinated people actually spread more of the virus than unvaccinated. Simply…. if you don’t have a virus then get a needle with a virus in it…. you react with symptoms that then spread!

    Secondly, polio in 95% of cases produces NO permanent problems. This argument by vaxers is the most ignorant trolop.

    Vaccines are good in small doses and longer time periods between vaccinations. And not all vaccines are necessary or even effective especially long term!

    Ask yourself… when was the last time you went for ALL your vaccine boosters? Plus the additional hail Mary new vaccines you all rave about!!?? I bet 90% of you vaxers pointing the fingers are in the same boat as non vaccinated peeps you hypocrites!! Lol

    1. Weird, my aunt had Polio as a child and lost a leg…. I really do think that is permanent, but I also haven’t checked to see if her leg grew back. Also the disease is not live and I have never once heard of a vaccine causing the disease. Remember 2014 when their was a measles outbreak at Disney, all because people stop vaccinating… people like you are the people who are going to end up wiping us out just because you have not “seen” the illnesses and what they can do to people, you don’t care to fight them.

  7. And what about Polio? Rubella? Diphtheria? Tetanus? Varicella? Pertussis? Mumps? Influenza? They are still around and can kill before you know what it is infecting a child. I am a polio survivor from 1953 (before the Salk vaccine). It was one of the worse years. 17 kids in my hometown that year died from it and many more were disabled. I now suffer from PPS (Post Polio Syndrome) and live in pain ever day. Although there has not been any documented cases for years in the US, in 2015 there were three cases identified in children that arrived from the Mideast where it is still prevalent.

  8. Here’s my two cents:
    Do you really think that the human species can only survive by injecting vaccines into our bodies?
    Whether you believe in God or evolution, isn’t it impractical to think that our survival is based on this practice?
    Maybe we as species are meant to have epidemics that wipe out people so that our species can get stronger.

    1. I say stop all medical research and let people die as they may. Too many of ’em anyway.

      1. Yes, there are too many people. Famine, wars, and water shortages are due to overpopulation.

    2. What do you mean, “Believe in Evolution”?

      God is something you have to believe in. Evolution and medication are the real world,

      Only 500 years ago, life expectancy was 40 years and children dying before the age of 10 was common. What happen? Science….

      Maybe we dont need every vaccination, but most dont just make you live as a child, but protect you as an adult as well. There are viruses we can handle as kids, but would be serious if you got them as an adult.

      Just in case,
      Vaccinations isn’t antibodies. Its a small weak version of the dangerous strain, which your body builds resistance to, and makes you immune.

      You don’t need to believe in anything said here. Look at facts among child mortality in parts of the world where all gets vaccination, and compare it with parts that don’t provide it.

      1. In 1880 (137 years ago), the life expectancy in the USA was 39.4 years. You don’t have to go back 500 years for it to be that low.

    3. “Whether you believe in God or evolution, isn’t it impractical to think that our survival is based on this practice?”

      As has been stated before, evolution isn’t a thing you believe in, any more than one believes in rain, gravity, arithmetic, or birds.

      But to your point: there’s nothing inherently impractical about the notion of eradicating, or at least curbing the spread of, deadly diseases. In fact, the argument could be made that vaccination is, itself, an evolutionary advantage: not only is it a result of the biggest adaptability traits of our species (sentience and toolmaking), but it serves to keep our species going.

      Did you mean something else?

  9. Ill make it simple… The author of this article is a MORON who obviously hasn’t had a child that has been harmed by a vaccine.. The author most likely hasn’t read WARNING LABELS on the vaccines and probably isn’t aware of the VACCINE INJURY FUND set up by the U.S. Government

    1. Please stay away from infants if you have not vaxed your child. Please. Also educate yourself on the horrors of bacterial meningitis and polio for a wake up call.

    2. Also, please stay away from hospitals because people there have weakened immune systems and you could kill them. I hope that makes you feel awesome

  10. pedovial (ped-ō-vile) noun (pedo–child, vials–poisoners)

    1. Deviant, vaccine-agressive pediatricians who won’t allow vaccine choice.
    2. Deviant, vaccine-agressive pediatricians who throw vaccine-aware parents out of his or her practice for monetary gain—especially to meet vaccine sales quotas.
    3. Corrupt politician who blindly votes for mandatory vaccination legislation while taking payoffs from vaccine industry lobbyists.
    4. Dr. Mengele wanna-be’s who don’t give one sh*t about your children. Examples: Pan, Offit, Hotez, Gates, Reiss, etc.

    1. “Vaccine-aware parents…”

      The fact that the parent is refusing vaccines is proof that the parent isn’t “vaccine-aware”. So nice try, buddy.

    2. Your defense is entirely based on profit as a reason for Vaccinations, as if you believe other countries don’t exist where Vaccinations are not part of some National Health Service.

      Try looking outside of America and seeing whether other countries are pushing Vaccinations as hard before you fall victim to the idiocy contained within your beliefs. If countries where the Doctor doesn’t profit from giving more Vaccines are doing the same thing, how can you believe it’s a financial thing? Stupidity would be the only way.

      If you cared about your children AT ALL you’d look at how other countries handle Vaccinations before spouting the same nonsense all paranoid anti-government Americans do that is hilariously portrayed on TV.

  11. I was irreparably harmed by a vaccine I received while in the Marine Corps! I now have 2-3 severe Migraines a week, I also have Cerebral Atrophy, my wife and I have done thousands of hours of research from all kinds of sources most of which was from the CDC’s own website not to mention having read the Manufacturer’s own Vaccine Inserts.. Of our 6 kids 2 (our first 2) had some vaccinations done our oldest son now 19 got his until he was 2 and our second born was given his first set of vaccines, both of them had asthma until we detoxed them and the asthma went away as for our other 4 kids none of them have ever been touched by a needle containing a vaccine and they have never been sick except for the very rare cold. All of their cousins and friends who have been vaccinated are always sick I can honestly count on 1 hand how many times all 6 of my kids combined have missed a day of school due to an illness.. Also as Pro-Life Christians we will not vaccinate our kids because then we would be violating our Christian Beliefs because the majority of vaccines are cultured on Human Diploid cells which are Human Fetal Kidney and Lung cells…. Then all of the Neurotoxins and other dangerous chemicals and animals cells… So no thank you we will not vaccinate our kids let alone ourselves..

    1. Please stop spreading misinformation about vaccines, your post is so full of lies I don’t even know where to begin. Typical fundamentalist Christian, I bet you also believe the earth is only six-thousand years old and that it’s flat.

    2. Its people like you who cause other babies, children and even adults to get sick or die

  12. Re: #3, animal products are used in the lab, so it’s actually a fair comparison. Products from cow’s blood are used to keep mammalian cells alive in culture.

    If you’d rather your kids get potentially fatal diseases than use even a small amount of animal products at all for the sake of medicine, well, I question our judgement but at least there’s a line of reasoning that isn’t based on false premises.

  13. Eight reasons to vaccinate your child

    1 – Your child is deficient in mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, viruses, foreign DNA or other ingredients proven to cause neurological damage.

    2 – Your child has an excess of healthy, functioning brain cells.

    3 – You need cash. The National Vaccine Injury Compensation program has paid out $4.8 billion dollars to parents of children injured or killed by vaccines.

    4 – You and your spouse are feeling alienated and you need a crisis to bring you together.

    5 – You believe that pharmaceutical conglomerates which earn billions from vaccines are more credible than consumer groups.

    6 – You think thousands of parents who report that their children became autistic two hours to two weeks after vaccination are lying.

    7 – You don’t see a problem in logic when the government tells you that vaccines work, but that vaccinated children can catch diseases from unvaccinated children.

    8 – You think the government should dictate which healing methods you and your children are allowed to use.

    -Alan V. Schmukler

    1. #9, Human DNA from Aborted Fetus Kidney and Lung Cells also known as Human Diploid Cells.. Are in the Vaccines because that is what a vast majority of the vaccines is cultured on.. So you are injecting Recombinant DNA into your babies Body..Bypassing the bodies natural defences thus altering your babies own DNA structuring

      1. How is the DNA recombinant? And if it was that easy to alter DNA, just by putting DNA near a cell, a whole lot of lab work would be a whole lot easier.

    2. Hahahahahahahahhahahahaha. That’s all I can do at the stupidity that comes from the vial you spew. Laugh. Goodness gracious. Please…PLEASE. Don’t ever procreate. The world doesn’t need more people like you. Your ignorance is perplexing and your hubris seems to spew out of every orifice, thinking you know more than the hundreds of scientists and thousands of studies that prove almost all of your comments incorrect.

    3. For 1., if you are worried about formaldehyde then you best move out of your house. It is the number one most common air pollutant in housing. If you are worried about mercury (which isn’t used in vaccines anymore) then you really ought to be against coal fired power stations as they release 65% of all airborne mercury in the USA, avoid eating seafood and stop using ammunition as they commonly use mercury fulminate as the primer.
      2. Got any proof of this?
      3. The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has not paid out 4.8B, it has paid out around 1.75B over 2100 court victories. Winning a claim with the fund is not actually that hard if you don’t mind some white lies (you don’t need to prove that vaccines caused the problem, you just have to show that it is possible and that there is no obvious other cause of the issue). Given the millions of vaccines given out since the program was instated in 1988, that would leave a injury rate of less then 0.001% of all vaccinations.
      4. Everyone that I know has their kids vaccinated, the worst side effect seen so far is a slight fever that went away after a day or two. No crisis’s… 🙁
      5. If “Big Pharma” was as evil as some people think then they would love to have vaccines eliminated. Do you know how much money they could make from just a single measles outbreak?
      6. How many parents have claimed this after the false study done by the English doctor compared to before? How many of these parents realise that the study claimed a link between the MMR vaccine and autism, not vaccines in general. The doctor behind the study had stock interests in a company that made vaccines to replace the MMR vaccine, no conflict of interest there. Japan uses a separate vaccine rather then the MMR vaccine, they have shown no change in rates of Autism.
      7. Vaccines are not perfect (nothing is) and viruses do mutate. The more infected hosts there are, the more chance there is for the virus to mutate into a form that can bypass the vaccination protection. Not to mention that some children are too young to be vaccinated, some are immuno-compromised and others have not had their full course of vaccines to attain full protection.
      8. Vaccines are most effective when everyone is vaccinated. Would you prefer a relatively harmless vaccination program or would you prefer to have the occasional quarantine enforced by patrolling military in hazmat suits?

  14. This article and some of the following comments just prove how completely uneducated the pro-vaccine side is. Keep spewing out the lines they give you. Maybe you could use your brain and read a medical journal, the CDC’S own website, or a vaccine manufacturer’s insert that comes with the vaccine. Oh wait, that’s right, you are an idiot sheep. I for one am not and will no longer damage more of my children because my first one was the unfortunate guinea pig.

    1. So big pharma is reliable when they’re printing vaccine inserts?

      1. Andrea, the Vaccine Inserts list Autism as a Side Effect of the MMR as well as other Vaccines.. But yet our Government claims that it doesn’t..

      2. The insert list side effects that have been observed in all studies of the drug, whether or not it is scientifically established that the side effect is correlated to the drug. Almost all of the side effects are coincidental observations and certainly don’t prove causation.

    2. You sound like the sheep to me. Believing whatever lies you happened to see on a meme one day when thousands upon thousands of scientific studies prove vaccines to be safe and effective. I cannot help but laugh at the anti-vaxxers…it perplexes me how some people can be so off-base and out of touch with reality. I would never hope for something like a sickness to happen to anyone, even those who don’t vaccinate (for whatever reason their small minds seem to make up at the time), but I pray you don’t ever realize that you and your family are the reason for making others sick. Because that’s what you’re doing by not getting vaccines…making others sick. But hey…as long as you live an extra year and feel better about your all-encompassing knowledge surpassing the hundreds of scientists that have studied much, much more than you. That’s what really matters, right?

    3. Are you sure you have read a medical journal? Or for that matter are you a fucking doctor? The sad thing is, is that your kids have a higher chance to infect another child that isn’t old enough to get vaccines, or develop a new strain of the virus and spread it to the rest of the children that are vaccinated. Get your head out of your ass and stop being a google doctor. People like you cause the end of herd immunity.

  15. I don’t use products that the manufacturer has no liability for. Even if the salespeople are persuasive and even if most other people are doing it. Science is an ideal not a religion.

  16. “It makes me furious and makes the blood in my veins boil with hatred toward you for putting your children in such a vulnerable and dangerous position.” And guess what? Educated parents are going to keep on NOT vaccinating for scientifically based reasons. So boil away, my friend. Because you do not own us or our children.

    1. please do enlighten us with your “scientifically based reasons” oh wise one

    2. Just keep your diseased children away from mine. Thank you.

  17. The person who wrote this article is a professional troll! Astounded by lack of knowledge and degrading of others.

  18. Oh, I’m sorry you are so misinformed. I don’t vaccinate because my oldest was left with a life changing vaccine injury. Ever research vaccine injury? I’m guessing not, because there’s no way you would have typed up this pile of garbage if you knew what vaccines were really capable of.

  19. This is one the most ignorant vaccination posts I’ve ever had the displeasure to read. If the author had attempted to actually back up her ‘facts’ she might have found that she is wrong on just about every single point she states as fact. Really a disgusting egocentric exercise, full of false information. Shame on you! History is going to make a real fool of people who write posts like this

    1. No, history is currently making fools of anti-vaxxers causing preventable measles outbreaks in first world countries and putting susceptible individuals at fatal risk.

    2. Its also not meant to have scientific facts. This is a woman who posted her opinion to the world and, low and behold, she got ignorant fucks like you to come out and say something because it offends you. Well guess fucking what. It offends the fuck out of me that you are probably a parent that didn’t vaccinate your kid and have the audacity to say anything about “false information”

  20. You won’t get anywhere with anyone with this post. It’s degrading and condescending. Only way to persuade people to change their mind is to educate them. When people trust you and see that you have their best interest, they will listen and take note of what you are saying. Making people feel like bad parents in any way will shut them down to anything else you say. So your post will fall on deaf ears because you have made moms and dads feel bad about the one thing they care most about.

    1. Unfortunately, education often doesn’t work either. The best way is to catch people with evidence before their mind is made up.

  21. Mmmmm when a mommy knows whats best anyways,
    why writing this article ?

  22. I consider refusal to vaccinate a child, child abuse. If you refuse to vaccinate your child that’s on you, but no child should be allowed to be enrolled in school, daycare, nursery etc without proof of vaccination.

    1. Well, you have every right to your “opinion” but the facts are, that millions of children have been killed or damaged by vaccinations and even the government admits they are “unavoidably unsafe”, so as parents we should have the personal choice whether to to take that risk with our children. I’ll risk a benign childhood disease which confers lifetime immunity over the risk of aluminum or mercury poisoning resulting in brain damagefor my children, thank you very much.

      1. Millions?…i would to see some proof of that claim…and from a legitimate source…

      2. Millions… that would be a mortality rate of 1/1,000. It’s not vaccines that kill that many, it’s childhood diseases in the absence of vaccination. Easily mixed up.

      3. “millions of children have been killed or damaged by vaccinations”

        The childhood mortality rate in the USA is 7 per 1000 live births. If vaccinations were so dangerous then why is the mortality rate of children so low (despite the best efforts of the anti-vaxxers the coverage rate for children is still 90%+ for most vaccinations)? The childhood mortality rate in 1960 was 30 per 1000 live births. If vaccines were as dangerous as anti-vaxxers make them out to be then the rate should be increasing rather decreasing (especially considering that there are a lot more vaccines given these days).

      4. So, in the past 10 years there have only been (roughly) 16,947 cases including death related to vaccinating your child. Even if you went back to the 1950’s you still wouldn’t be able to reach the millions. Unless you were talking about times before vaccines. How about we stop using google to tell you how to take care of your kids and use this amazing thing called a brain

      5. So, in the past 10 years there have only been (roughly) 16,947 cases including death related to vaccinating your child. Even if you went back to the 1950’s you still wouldn’t be able to reach the millions. Unless you were talking about times before vaccines. How about we stop using google to tell you how to take care of your kids and use this amazing thing called a brain

    2. well said Dave, a voice of reason amongst the self-centred, facebook informed “parents”

  23. If you choose to vaccinate your child then you should not be worried about those who choose to vaccinate their children!
    Remember, your child was vaccinated.
    I hope they live through it with reactions or permanent injuries.
    I could post lists and websites with vaccine cover-ups!
    It’s about the pharmaceutical companies making the almighty dollar at the expense of our children!

    1. …and for those who cannot get vaccinated because they are too young or immune suppressed? they NEED you to be responsible to help keep their own kids safe.

    2. You mean the debunked research from the guy who was paid to manufacture it, or the movie he wrote, directed, and produced to justify his lying ass. Face it you have no significant credible proof. Btw even natural essential oils can cause negative reactions when taken at inappropriate doses, but I’m sure you don’t care about that because it doesn’t prove your point. Children who have weakened immune systems can’t… oops there I go using information that you undoubtedly don’t care about because again it doesn’t prove your point. I’m sure your completely unbiased and in-depth (intense sarcasm) study of vaccines as yielded you with sufficient evidence to prove your half-baked theory.

      1. Sounds like I’ve done More research than you have ever done. What’s the mans name? Did you see the movie and it’s content? I assume not. Show me ONE safety study done of the entire overblown vax schedule. Just the one will do. You can’t. Doesn’t exist.

    3. You hope children get injured? That’s a horrible thing to think.

      Not everyone gains immunity from every vaccine. But have you ever noticed how everyone used to get measles, and now hardly anyone gets measles? As long as most people are vaccinated, the disease can’t spread. But if you introduce the live disease into a community, the ones who didn’t gain immunity will contract the disease.

  24. if you morons really think pharmaceutical companies can isolate one virus and protect the human population, keep vaccinating your children. look up SV40 in polio virus vaccines. it never seems to amaze me the stupidity. mds make tons of money on vaccines. keep getting your shots!

    1. I did look it up. It was only in vaccines between 1955-1961. So yes keep vaccinating!

      1. Not enough for you? Ok, then, now go look up XMRV retrovirus, immortal cell line, cell strains, animal, insect and aborted fetal tissue in vaccines, egg and peanut cultures for vaccines, (causing egg and peanut allergy), chronic fatigue, Gullian Barre syndrome, mercury and aluminum and the blood brain barrier… I can go on and on…

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