5 Reasons To NOT Vaccinate Your Kids

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People shouldn’t have to vaccinate their kids. In fact, parents absolutely know what’s best for their kids in every situation, which is why you’ve never heard of a mom calling a doctor at two AM because her child has a fever.

Moms automatically know exactly what to do. They know better than anyone what their child needs or doesn’t need.

That’s why the vaccination debate is so ridiculous to me…because moms inherently know more than everyone. Which brings me to this… 5 Reasons To NOT Vaccinate Your Kids.

5 Reasons To NOT Vaccinate Your Kids #vaccinate #vaccinatedebate #vaccinations #kidsvaccinations #vaccinatekids

When a woman conceives a child, the entirety of human knowledge is written into her essence and as that child is brought forth unto this world, that knowledge flowers in her mommy brain and every decision she makes for her child is absolutely the right, and only right decision.

So who are we to judge those moms that choose NOT to vaccinate THEIR kids?

Before you get your mom panties in a knot, hear me out…

5 Reasons To NOT Vaccinate Your Kids

1. You don’t like them, anyway.

I get it. Some kids are just born a little more awful than others. So if your plan is to not vaccinate your kid in hopes that they’ll catch some horrible virus that’ll off them so you can start over, sure. That makes total sense.

It’s evil, and disgusting, and I hope you get a million fire ant bites, but hey, the good news is that’s less likely to happen to you than your child catching something deadly because you’re an inherent dumb-dumb.

5 Reasons To NOT Vaccinate Your Kids #vaccinate #vaccinatedebate #vaccinations #kidsvaccinations #vaccinatekids

2. You’re more scared of big scientific sounding words than you are of viruses that have killed millions upon millions of people.

I get it! Vaccines have a lot of big, scary words. And, some of the ingredients in vaccines have been linked to carcinogenic risks and I bet even a very eensy teensy tiny portion of the population might be allergic to some of the ingredients and they might have a bad reaction.

Know what? That’s why the doctor keeps you at the office for 15 minutes after your child receives a vaccine. That way if they react, the doctor can fix it. Nifty set up, huh?

As for the scary words, know what other scientific word kills people? Dihydrogen monoxide. And yet you still put it into your body every single day. So put away your dictionary, and stop freaking out over words that you maybe don’t understand.

5 Reasons To NOT Vaccinate Your Kids #vaccinate #vaccinatedebate #vaccinations #kidsvaccinations #vaccinatekids

3. You believe all internet memes are true.

“Gandhi was against vaccines. A mother flipping meme told me so.” Yeah, I’ve seen that meme. And I’ve looked it up. And you know what he compared vaccines to? Eating beef.

Vaccines are as bad as eating beef because cows and all life is sacred. So here’s where that comes from: the small pox vaccine was derived from cows infected with cow pox. Which means that every person who received a small pox vaccine was being given a small amount of cow.

I can definitely understand why a man whose religion holds cows as sacred would be against being injected with one. But unless you, too, are a fruitarian (which he was), perhaps you should put down your Big Mac and go get your kids their freakin’ vaccines.

4. You’d rather your children build their immunity to things like polio and measles naturally…just like you did.

Oh, wait. You didn’t have polio did you. Know why? ‘CAUSE YOUR PARENTS GOT YOU VACCINATED!

5. You know more about vaccines from that one article you read online than your pediatrician knows after eight years of higher education and thousands of hours of study.

I’ll just let the people in this video address that one…

Look, I understand that I don’t live in your house, I’ve not experienced your life and I certainly can’t judge you for your parenting choices. But I’m going to anyway.

Not getting your children vaccinated is really stupid. Like, it’s really stupid.

It makes me furious and makes the blood in my veins boil with hatred toward you for putting your children in such a vulnerable and dangerous position. And if it just affected YOUR children, I might even be able to hold back my vitriol; but, it doesn’t.

Your infected child can infect a child who is too young to be vaccinated. Your child can infect a child who is fighting cancer, or whose immunity has been compromised by something else entirely out of their control.

YOUR child can act as a walking time bomb and spread illnesses that haven’t been around for years all because the idea of giving them a medically sound shot scares you.

Your child deserves better. Get your kids vaccinated. Don’t be that parent that we all hate.

Jamie’s Note: To those parents who can’t vaccinate because their child is immunocompromised, or allergic, etc. this obviously isn’t directed at you. In fact, you should be the most pissed off at the people who don’t vaccinate their perfectly healthy children– because that is how your children stay safe!

5 Reasons To NOT Vaccinate Your Kids #vaccinate #vaccinatedebate #vaccinations #kidsvaccinations #vaccinatekids

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  1. I have a public health background and am 100% supportive of immunizations to reduce morbidity and mortality not to mention eradicate diseases. The benefits are indisputable.

    I do suspect, as others do, that many infants and children are developing signs of autism due to less well recognized genetic variances or at least not well recognized by the general medical community as of yet. It is possible that the effects of these genetic variances become more observable around the same age as children are undergoing vaccinations. Cause and effect could be misconstrued. Or perhaps vaccination could be the “final straw” for pushing symptoms into the easily observed autism spectrum disorder in susceptible children. There is a good probability that these children would show symptoms even without vaccination.

    The variances I want to point out are largely due to nutrient intake…not enough, too much, and very important…not the right form of the necessary nutrients for that individual’s “body chemistry.”

    Some people, including infants and children are genetically more susceptible to difficulties metabolizing certain nutrients (natural and manufactured) and clearing heavy metals from the body. Do some research on the MTHFR Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNP). Variances in SNPs such as in MTHFR C677T and MTHFR A1298C, for example, can make it difficult to process natural forms of folate (vitamin B-9). For some, the manufactured version of folate, folic acid (different than foliNIc acid) are not only not usable but can block receptors from using natural forms of folate (like folinic acid). While the body can be flooded with folic acid and folinic acid they are genetically unable to utilize it properly.

    Some people with the above genetic variances will notice symptoms when they accidentally ingest folic acid. Beware when you do your research that “folic acid” name is often incorrectly used as if it a naturally occurring vitamin but it is not. Folate is a broad term to include all types of folates. Folinic acid is a natural occuring form of B-9. Folic acid is a chemically synthesized form of folate used because it is considerably cheaper than folinic acid.

    Folate = all types of folates (forms of B-9)

    Folinic acid – naturally occuring folate in food

    Folic acid=chemically produced variant of folate

    Our food supply is now heavily fortified with folic acid, especially since 1998. Read the reasoning excerpted from the FDA website:

    “Requiring folic acid in standardized enriched grain products is an example of a nutrient addition for a public health purpose. In September 1992, the United States Public Health Service (PHS) recommended that all women who are capable to become pregnant consume 400 micrograms of folic acid daily to reduce their risk of having a newborn affected by neural tube defects. Since 1998, in keeping with the recommendations of PHS, FDA has required that folic acid be added to standardized enriched grain products (21 CFR Parts 136, 137 and 139). The rationale for fortifying standardized enriched cereal grain products as a vehicle of fortification was that most women consume these products. Thus, fortification of these products would lead to increased folic acid intake of most women without requiring a change in their dietary patterns.”

    reference: http://www.fda.gov/Food/GuidanceRegulation/GuidanceDocumentsRegulatoryInformation/ucm470756.htm

    In addition to the FDA’s requirement of fortification of standardized enriched grain products, many manufacturers have added folic acid and other nutrients so they can market their products as “fortified”. The result of these things means that it is nearly impossible to avoid folic acid unless you eat only whole foods that you cook at home because folic acid is found in bread/rolls/buns, products made with flour, cereal, snacks, breakfast bars, rice, some beverages…and many packaged/prepared foods. Folic acid is also found in baby formula, children’s vitamins and in most commonly available multivitamins for any age group. Some individuals are getting considerably more than the FDA recommended daily allowance of B-9 in a form which they are unable to utilize.

    Vitamin B-9 is crucial in many biological processes. The inability to utilize natural folate and be additionally hindered by the inability to clear folic acid which blocks utilization of natural folate will have detrimental effects on any person and perhaps even more detrimental to a developing child.

    Many parents with autistic children have found noticeable improvements in their children when they eliminated all sources of folic acid and supplemented with more bio available forms such as methylfolate. The same goes for adults.

    Of course then there is the use of glutamic acid and other precursors to MSG (like “yeast extract”), in varying quantities, in baby formula and so many other foods. MSG is considered to be neurotoxic. Some SNP variances will effect a body’s processing of glutamic acid.

    You might find this link on the National Nutrition Association’s website a good place to start with an overview of neurotoxins and then continue your research from there. http://americannutritionassociation.org/newsletter/review-excitotoxins-taste-kills

    Other SNP variances will also contribute to depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, IBS, fibromyalgia, MS, blood clots, stroke, chemical sensitivities. I highly recommend that parents investigate their children’s SNPs through economically priced genetic testing such as that offered by 23andme to get a full scope of your DNA (not just on a couple of SNPs). You do not need to do this through a doctor’s office.

    Downloading your entire genetic data file and entering it into one of the helpful independent services online can help you make sense of your susceptibilities and make some recommendations on how you might move forward to improve your health and your children. If you or your children suffer some chronic conditions that are hard to pinpoint or treat you might find the answers in your DNA.

    Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional. Nothing here should be construed as medical advice. You should consult with your private physician before making any changes or additions to your diet, medications or supplements.

  2. I really appreciate that there are some logical and funny people in the world. It is so sad that kids will get sick and some of them die from the diseases these vaccines protect against. At the end of the day though some people would rather pass around fascinating articles from unreliable sources and pass it off as fact. Still keep on fighting the good fight maybe you might help to educate some into doing the right thing. To all you doctors out there who have to listen to these self-proclaimed experts, I am truly sorry that your years upon years of schooling isn’t enough for them. It is enough for me and my family though if that makes a difference.

    1. So basically your dr told you it was safe and you believed him?? you did ask your dr if it was safe, right??? i mean you don’t just blindly believe everything he says , you do question things right???

      See ppl who don’t have vax have proof the vaccines are causing heath issues.
      Ask your dr what the ingredients of any vaccine and see what his response is?
      Ask him if it’s ok for anyone? if he says yes he’s a freaking LIAR. AS right on the back of the insert DEATH, seizures, auto immune illness are all side effects,. Ppl like you , oh well, just keep it at that.

      1. 1. They have no proof. They just like to think they know more than people.

        2. No doctor is going to flat out say it’s safe. There are many complications with all drugs. Even Ibuprofen. Even essential oils (since I feel like you’re the type of person who relies on all wholistic things). But here’s the thing: would you rather your child get a vaccinations with an astronomical chance of something minor happening…or would you rather risk your child dying at the hands of diseases that can be prevented? If you choose the latter…I question your parenting skills.

        3. Of course vaccinations aren’t OK for everyone. That’s why there’s such thing as Herd Immunity (I know…that may be a foreign term. It’s ok if you need to pause and look it up to understand). However, now that people believe they know more about their child’s and other children’s health than physicians that have studied for decades and decide not to vaccinate their kids, it becomes a problems for those that cannot get a vaccination for a legitimate reason (not that their parent’s are complete prats and understand nothing about science).

        4. You can’t even capitalize words in the right places or spell the word “people”. Why would you think you have any credibility at all? I know elementary grammar may be above your education level (based off of your comment in general), but learn something for once…please.

  3. Am from Malaysia, government pay for my childs vaccination. So how does that make doctor make money.

    To me I hv a believe and so do you. We don’t have to judgmental. Since you said ever mom know what she doing, do let them do what they do.

  4. The average doctor barely knows a thing about the vaccines they are pushing other than having been taught they are safe. vaccines affect the immune system, the work and study of an immunologist…fool
    this entire article is shit… present a valid argument before you just play off everyone who doesn’t vaccinate as an idiot…satire serves no purpose other than convey you’re a dick.

    1. Of course the vaccines affect the immune system… that’s the point of vaccines!

      There is not one single valid argument against the standard set of vaccines. Not. A. Single. One.

      1. That’s. not. true. Look up peer reviewed literature on chicken pox vaccine in children causing shingles in the elderly. In the imunocompromised and those with anaphylaxis vaccination is often contraindicated. Prevenar is only effective for 4 months. Flu vaccinations ( total farce) are only for one strain….yet a retro virus mutates between each host making the vaccination worthless. Gardasil is only 2 or 4 strains of hpv yet over 20 hpv strains are linked to cervical cancer. Finally, vaccines are not nearly as effective as you think. Most sitting around 60 – 85 % efficacy. The USA has implemented a vaccine injury scheme…. currently in the US more children die from the measles vaccine than they do from measles

      2. Most of that is common knowledge, but the conclusions were awkward The immunocompromised people depend on us who can be vaccined and prevent them catching the illness Statistically there has to be about 90% of the population vaccinated and immune to stop an epidemic. Has it been a coincidence or an act of God that polio is rare and small pox is gone? There is no easy way out but this religion worshipping hear says and cursing medicine frightens me.

      3. Hi, mom of an immune comprised son here (heart transplant and HLH). People with compromised immune systems get most vaccines. They cannot receive LIVE vaccines. The majority of vaccinations are not live. Just want to clarify.

      4. Currently studying to be a doctor. As part of this degree, we learn how vaccines work which kinda makes sense if we are going to be prescribing and administering them. As Elizabet G said, of course vaccines affect the immune system. The immune system is what is used to fight infections so trying to work via another system would be…a novel approach, to say the least.

        Shingles is a manifestation of reactivation of the Varicella Zoster virus (Chicken pox). Occurrence of shingles in the elderly following chicken pox vaccine administration occurs in a minority and is a result of not being vaccinated as a child. If you’re vaccinated against chicken pox as an infant, you don’t need the shot as an old person and won’t get shingles as an old person.

        The influenza vaccine contains multiple strains and is based upon seasonal variation. Please fact check. It is recommended for those who are more susceptible to severe consequences e.g. those with lower immunity (kids, the elderly, HIV sufferers) or respiratory compromise e.g. asthma, COPD, CF. These people are more likely to die if they get the flu.

        Gardasil protects against four strains of HPV, two of which cause genital warts and the the other two are responsible for close to 100% of cervical cancer cases. It is worthwhile getting.

        The claim that more children die from the MMR vaccine than from measles itself has been debunked. Deaths have occurred in children receiving the MMR vaccine and these deaths were subsequently found to result from unrelated factors.
        The WHO states that, “During 2000-2015, measles vaccination prevented an estimated 20.3 million deaths making measles vaccine one of the best buys in public health.”

    2. That comment serves no purpose other than to convey that you’re a moron.

  5. Sounds like a bully to me. I’m pro vaccine but I am happy to. I have friends who don’t but I don’t hate them for standing up for their beliefs. How would you feel if people were bullying you to hurt your child ? Some nasty words in that article. Shame on you really.

    1. But belief is inappropriate here. Believing that that vaccines cause autism, there is no climate change, the world is flat, etc. does not make it true. And standing up for such a belief is not heroic. Rather it is just dumb.

      At some point you have to base your actions on evidence and fact rather than some bad feeling you have about something.

    2. It’s not a matter of belief in this situation. You see I’m sure that some parents believe that beating their kid to a bloody pulp would make them behave better, are you proud of those parents for standing up for their beliefs? Really at the end of the day when it comes to a child’s health and well-being, we can make few allowances for potentially reckless and at worst deadly mistakes.

  6. Oh well, if these idiots keep multiplying, governments will be forced to make vaccination compulsory. So maybe the solution is to encourage their paranoid delusions until we reach that critical mass.

  7. WHAT a Horribly horrendous written article this is. Your profound lack of insight into the real issue here is mind blowing. I’ll keep informing myself through my colleagues of general practitioners and cellular biologists, and my 10+ years of science based education and still come up with the same truth. Only some people should be having immunizations, it is not a one size fits all remedy, just as penicillin is not right for everyone and can cause damage and death to people, these other ingredients are the same. No difference. People are dying from the overreactions and your saing what exactly? What are you saying? Too bad you died but I still believe you should have no say, because I’m attached to the rigidity of my own belief systems.

    1. All of you commenters saying Jaime is an idiot, stupid, foolish and such, take a good look in the mirror!! YOU are the fools – not her!! Wake up and get your kids vaccinated!! When your unvaccinated kid gets the measles and dies…. Guess who will be to blame?! Yeah, YOU!! Because YOU chose not to vaccinate him/her!! Grow up!!

    2. Jacquie, apparently you didn’t pay attention to the education of 10+ years, or you didn’t have a scientific education and are lying your ass off.

      Comparing vaccines to penicilin just proves your complete ignorance of the matter.

    3. yes, there are people dying of penicillin, but most people survive different illnesses BECAUSE of penicillin.
      I’m one of those persons that CAN’T get vaccinated, and I thank you for not killing me with bugs that can be avoided!!

    1. I’m in the UK, so when the US has a massive explosion of preventable childhood diseases which kills or maims a large percentage of the anti-vaccine brigades children it won’t be my children who suffer. I won’t be laughing though. Just feeling pity for the poor children of such families. Your drug-free children won’t even be able to have the cures that others will get.

      1. “kills or maims a large percentage of the anti-vaccine brigades children….”

        —- You must work for a newspaper with such unsubstantiated nonsense – go get your kids vaccinated – do what you must – don’t spread inane nonsense without solid proof of what you’re saying…Just makes people in the UK look uneducated and narrow minded (and mis-informed)

  8. Formaldehyde….Aluminum….found in almost all vaccines! Aluminum is a heavy metal that goes straight to the brain.

    As far as trusting your doctor, where do you think doctors get their information? The CDC. Do some research on the CDC. The CDC is the LAST organization that I would trust (there is proof that they have covered up the link of vaccinations to the develoopment of Autism (conveniently linked to a buildup of heavy metals). Not only have they destroyed studies, but they have fudged numbers within studies to make the results appear more favorable.

    I would do my research!

    1. Even if the conspiracy theory that you speak of were true, the history, epidemiology, and infectious nature of the diseases which vaccines protect against, are factual data. They are no longer common diseases because whole generations have been vaccinated. At this rate of anti-vaccination, the outbreaks can easily become prevalent once again. Please do some research on the consequences of the polio, hepatitis, diphtheria, rubella, pertussis, and all the other diseases that vaccines help prevent before weighing your pros and cons of vaccination. Will you still be so confident in anti-vaccination when your your child develops heart damage and paralysis after contracting diphtheria from another unvaccinated kid?

      1. Stop repeating a marketing departments sales rhetoric

    2. Autism in one’s child is not the worst thing that can happen to a family…

      The reason we vaccinate against these diseases is not because they are terrible in most instances, or even fatal, but because of complications which *can* develop that ARE most definitely horrific, and which make even severe autism seem like a minor issue.

      The rate at which severe, permanent complications arise in unvaccinated and/or under-vaccinated populations is high.

      Even if ALL instances of suspected vaccine injury were caused by vaccines (they aren’t) the rate at which they occur is still lower than the rate of serious and permanently disabling complications of these diseases.

    3. “Aluminum is a heavy metal (…)”

      No, it’s not.

      Your ignorance is staggering.

    4. The “doctor” who came up with the autism link was talking absolute nonsense and was kicked out of the medical field for his claims. But lets pretend for a minute his claim had an ounce of truth do it; you would rather have a dead child than an autistic one? Okay cool.

      1. Actually he works tirelessly to ‘cure’ autistic children as he found the link – a multi billion dollar industry slapped him around a bit though and LUCKILY for them influenced people like you to post about a subject you know nothing about.

        SO he made a movie called VAXXED – maybe you should get informed first before posting ANYTHING

      2. Rubbish, he is a fraud. Had undeclared conflicts of interest, was being paid for specific results, did not clear painful unnecessary procedures on children with an ethics committee as he was required to and deliberately misrepresented data. Maybe you should get informed before spreading demonstrated lies that cause severe harm. Your ignorance is staggering as is the irony of you accusing others of it.

      3. He is also no longer a doctor – his medical license was revoked after his findings were found to be lies, through peer review and attempted research to repeat these results.

  9. You’re not ignorant, you’ve chosen ignorance. That’s called stupidity.

  10. To someone who has a brother with compromised immune conditions with other health problems (such as, Immunodeficiency Disorder AND Chronic Kidney Disease), I am so glad to read this and makes me proud that there are still really smart brainy people that support vaccination as my brother was never allowed to have his due to having a medical exemption with his illnesses.

    It pisses me of to high hell when people refuse to vaccinate their healthy children, because they not only just put newborns too young to vaccinate at risk but they also put cancer/leukaemia patients and immune-compromised patients are such high risk!

    Not to mention the elderly who immune system declines by age and pregnant women’s immune system drops very low because of her unborn baby taking the vast majority of what the pregnant woman needs.

    Vaccination is the most important thing to do for the safety of yourself, your child and the community who rely on herd immunity.

    1. You DO realize vaccinated kids are highly contagious and doctors have ceased to tell parents to quarantine their kids after shots, right?

      1. Children are given attenuated (meaning weakened) or killed pathogens.Immunologist make sure that the virus or bacterium no longer causes disease. They do not put infectious diseases in your body. To ensure the vaccine’s safety, it undergoes numerous clinical trials before being put on the market.Sometimes they don’t even use the infectious agent to stimulate immunity at all. You should read up on what a vaccine really is. Yes, some vaccine’s may be contagious but those are experimental vaccines, such as the HIV vaccines. Those are contagious because the virus can reactivate and cause disease. Even if your child does get disease by some minute chance, the symptoms are mild. The death toll as a result of people not vaccinating is unreal. Have you ever heard of rotavirus? 800 000 deaths per year because people didn’t (or rather weren’t able to gain access) vaccinate. If you think you’re protecting your child by not vaccinating, remember all the parents who lost their children because they couldn’t vaccinate. Also read up on herd immunity.

    2. What utter bollocks – sorry about your brother but if you’re linking his illness to vaccines you’re a numpty – your last line is priceless – ‘read up on herd immunity” – I suggest you read up on how that term came about – you’re repeating a belief system (as am I) –

      Herd immunity was a marketing term – vaccine companies get rich on the back of billions of people like you – (they do not actually give a single damn about anyone but profit)

      1. If you understood the principles behind herd immunity you’d understand why it’s not just a marketing term. I choose to not have a pessimistic outlook on the world. I still believe in people out there. There are scientists out there who actually want to help humanity. If this was a money-making scheme, many good-willed scientists would have come forward and exposed this, At present, however, we find conspiracy theorists and pessimists sprouting their opinions on matters they have know knowledge about. I would like to add that I’m not interested in the coining of the term “herd immunity”, but rather its modern concept. Many ideas change over time, with previous definitions becoming irrelevant. Look even if they’re making billions off of me, i couldn’t care less. I’d rather er on the safe side with things that actually have evidence. At least my family will be protected if it really does work.

  11. Wow.i just wasted a fee minutes of my life reading this garbage. You must work for the pharmaceutical mafia.

  12. Interesting since doctors don’t actually study vaccines.

    *Mic drop*

  13. Tell me how well your vaccines are working right now with the Mumps outbreak in Arkansas…..98 confirmed cases and every single one of them WERE VACCINATED with the MMR.

    1. Just imagine how high that number would be if everyone on Arkansas had the same mentality as you. And although 98 people being infected with a terrible disease is 98 too many, i am grateful that it is not 9,800 or worse.

      Just sayin’…

      1. Just saying or peddling the fear
        I would assume peddling the fear

  14. Seriously ohdee biased and ignorant. And was probably paid for by a company who sells vaccines. Soooo if vaccines work how are unvaccinated children a fucking threat to vaccinated children? If they work

    1. Some kids are unable to take vaccinations because of pre-existing medical conditions (for example, compromised immune system due to cancer treatments), so they are vulnerable and depend on the rest of society to do the right thing, which is to get vaccinated.

      1. Which means those kids are carrying the disease and spreading it to your poor child.

  15. This is literally the most idiotic and brainless thing I have ever had the misfortune of reading. The one thing that really stands out beyond all is the sheer ignorance. The only difference between those who vaccinate and those who don’t is one has done their research, and usually lots of it. Can you guess which camp this is? Shocker. Nobody has a clue how common “vaccine injury” is until they examine the web of deceit and decades of propaganda they have been dealt with. Infectious disease decline history shows steep declines across the board BEFORE vaccines, due to improvements in sanitation, water and hygiene. Vaccines have NEVER BEEN PROVEN to even work! Presence of antibodies does not denote immunity, as evidenced by the large numbers of vaccinated still contracting those very diseases. Doctors are politically aligned, often with pressure from their overseers, to label every vaccine injury as “coincidences” even the most obvious ones where perfectly healthy babies die just hours after their vaccines and are given the tragic and duplicitous label of “SIDS”. Vaccines are based on massive deceit and serve one and only one purpose: pharmaceutical profits. Hence why the vaccine load has gone from just a few doses in the late 70’s to around 49 doses today. Ridiculous and very disturbing to unleash that amount of vaccines onto tiny bodies starting from a day old. Then when they die, it is called SIDS! when they regress into autism literally overnight after vaccines, in front of their parents eyes, they are told it cannot be true because 21 autism-vaccine studies written by the CDC’s shining example, world’s biggest fraud wanted by the F.B.I Paul Thorsen. Ha. very credible. and yet, this is what they are using as “evidence” that vaccine doesn’t cause autism. What an utter joke. Study the corruption, study the deceit and suddenly it all becomes a lot clearer. That is why there is nothing FUNNY nor educated about this article. Somebody who knows nothing about vaccines mouthing off in a rude, trashy and hostile manner.

    1. Smallpox killed 400,000 a year in Europe around the year 1800 (when Europe’s population was roughly 200 million, about 60% of today’s USA population. Currently the number is zero. Are you saying you would be happier and feel safer if upwards of 600,000 americans were dying of smallpox every year, instead of zero? I’m interested in how you justify this viewpoint.

      1. I would say the viewpoint is justified because it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to work out that what you’ve just said is repeated nonsense that the vaccine makers love – the smallpox question – I guess next it’ll be polio that you pull our of the bag….Or even a ‘herd immunity’ line…..

        Injecting a perfect human sentient being with ANYTHING is a little strange no? But we must give em that Vitamin K shot as soon as their born….bit strange no?

        Read as much as you can – LOOK for the MONEY then follow that MONEY – stop repeating a ‘tag line’ – do yourself some good

    2. You do realize that some vaccines protect against only certain strains of a pathogen right? So yes you may very well still get a disease, but that’s because a vaccine is not all protective. You’re saying there’s no proof that vaccines work? Read up on Edward Jenner who created a vaccine before the discovery of antibodies. Not all vaccines work via antibodies. There is such a thing called cell-mediated immunity. Regarding your statement about antibodies not denoting immunity, while you may be correct in saying that, this is not the case for vaccines. Your body produces antibodies to pathogens, even deadly ones like HIV, but these do not neutralise the virus, Vaccines, however, stimulate strong immune responses that create neutralising anitbodies. This has been proven time and time again. Literally even the concept of an HIV test proves that antibodies work! Look up the principle behind an HIV rapid test. If you’re gonna be a conspiracy theorist do it at your own risk. Don’t spread your baseless propaganda to people who care for their children. If you want to condemn vaccines, find actual evidence to back up your claims. Don’t give statements like ” Vaccines have never been proven to work” unless you can prove it. The truth isn’t always negative, learn to deal with that.

  16. Lol i never had polio or measles not because i have beem vaccinated but because i havent . Stop this big fear vaccines are scams.which poison our kids we have born naturally with a immune system. For what? To protect us .world of fears at least leave the free choice to vaccinate or not. I have a good point here why some people are so scared and upset at anti vaxxers if your kid is vaccinated ” he should be protected isnt it against no vaxxed kids?” Or it maybe because the vaccines are uneffecient. Polio havent been removed my vaccines its a myth but by hygien third world countries have still those viruses a lot and as well a load of vaccinations so it doesnt do nothing.

    1. Seriously, did you even go to class for 7th grade English? If not, please go back. You’re hurting my brain. Perhaps it was not getting vaccinated that caused your spelling and grammar challenge?

      1. For all you know that person has dyslexia. Ever consider that? I have five kids, three of whom have that disorder. You’re freakin’ rude.

  17. I don’t have kids but have worked in the medical field with special needs children. I have seen the side effects of both getting the vaccines and not. The percentage is small that actually have a reaction but the parents have to make the choice which is worse. I’m all about being more healthy and cutting out chemicals and things that can harm us. I didn’t receive the chicken pox vaccine and did in fact get terribly sick and now have the risk of getting shingles which is a scary thought as I would likely have to be off work etc. I did have many other vaccines and had no side effects that I’m aware of. My personal experience is based on my experience only and I would have rather had it than not and would likely get my children vaccinated as well. The small risk of them getting sick and possibly dying being on my hands is something I couldn’t handle. That’s my opinion and everyone’s entitled to their own. There are risk on both sides but I believe one choice has way more than the other and that is clear. Doctors are far more educated than the normal person as they have more education. When someone is deathly ill that’s where you turn to. That is funny. The ppl complaining about Drs I’m sure would go to them if something major happened. Just my opinion. I plan on having children and do tons of research but will vaccinate my kids.

  18. The public has been lied to, far too long. The pharmaceutical industry is making so much money off of people who blindly follow whatever their doctor says, and all at the expense of our children! And listen. When we start accepting that the government can MAKE anyone INJECT drugs into their bodies… we are no long free. We are owned by the government. Very sad things are happening, and people like the author of this article just have no idea…… very scary.

  19. You are ignorant. Get educated, and stop writing such hateful article.

  20. When people have no comprehension of science, rational thought or logic… let alone immunity, vaccination or disease…. They think nonsense articles like this make reasoned and logical arguments

  21. As I understand it in Australia the number of whooping cough hospitalisations has risen from less than 5 a year before vaccination to more than a 1000 a year now..

    Investigation has shown that there a 5 strains of whooping cough which I shall call the common one and the others. The common one is benign and gives immunity to the others which are quite nasty. Vaccination targets the common one and gives no protection against the other strains. Good that they investigated the increase, but I doubt they will publicise their results. More likely they will say that 1000+ hospital case a year shows how dangerous whooping cough is.

    A natzi state forces people to do what it wants. A pity really.

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