5 Reasons To NOT Vaccinate Your Kids

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People shouldn’t have to vaccinate their kids. In fact, parents absolutely know what’s best for their kids in every situation, which is why you’ve never heard of a mom calling a doctor at two AM because her child has a fever.

Moms automatically know exactly what to do. They know better than anyone what their child needs or doesn’t need.

That’s why the vaccination debate is so ridiculous to me…because moms inherently know more than everyone. Which brings me to this… 5 Reasons To NOT Vaccinate Your Kids.

5 Reasons To NOT Vaccinate Your Kids #vaccinate #vaccinatedebate #vaccinations #kidsvaccinations #vaccinatekids

When a woman conceives a child, the entirety of human knowledge is written into her essence and as that child is brought forth unto this world, that knowledge flowers in her mommy brain and every decision she makes for her child is absolutely the right, and only right decision.

So who are we to judge those moms that choose NOT to vaccinate THEIR kids?

Before you get your mom panties in a knot, hear me out…

5 Reasons To NOT Vaccinate Your Kids

1. You don’t like them, anyway.

I get it. Some kids are just born a little more awful than others. So if your plan is to not vaccinate your kid in hopes that they’ll catch some horrible virus that’ll off them so you can start over, sure. That makes total sense.

It’s evil, and disgusting, and I hope you get a million fire ant bites, but hey, the good news is that’s less likely to happen to you than your child catching something deadly because you’re an inherent dumb-dumb.

5 Reasons To NOT Vaccinate Your Kids #vaccinate #vaccinatedebate #vaccinations #kidsvaccinations #vaccinatekids

2. You’re more scared of big scientific sounding words than you are of viruses that have killed millions upon millions of people.

I get it! Vaccines have a lot of big, scary words. And, some of the ingredients in vaccines have been linked to carcinogenic risks and I bet even a very eensy teensy tiny portion of the population might be allergic to some of the ingredients and they might have a bad reaction.

Know what? That’s why the doctor keeps you at the office for 15 minutes after your child receives a vaccine. That way if they react, the doctor can fix it. Nifty set up, huh?

As for the scary words, know what other scientific word kills people? Dihydrogen monoxide. And yet you still put it into your body every single day. So put away your dictionary, and stop freaking out over words that you maybe don’t understand.

5 Reasons To NOT Vaccinate Your Kids #vaccinate #vaccinatedebate #vaccinations #kidsvaccinations #vaccinatekids

3. You believe all internet memes are true.

“Gandhi was against vaccines. A mother flipping meme told me so.” Yeah, I’ve seen that meme. And I’ve looked it up. And you know what he compared vaccines to? Eating beef.

Vaccines are as bad as eating beef because cows and all life is sacred. So here’s where that comes from: the small pox vaccine was derived from cows infected with cow pox. Which means that every person who received a small pox vaccine was being given a small amount of cow.

I can definitely understand why a man whose religion holds cows as sacred would be against being injected with one. But unless you, too, are a fruitarian (which he was), perhaps you should put down your Big Mac and go get your kids their freakin’ vaccines.

4. You’d rather your children build their immunity to things like polio and measles naturally…just like you did.

Oh, wait. You didn’t have polio did you. Know why? ‘CAUSE YOUR PARENTS GOT YOU VACCINATED!

5. You know more about vaccines from that one article you read online than your pediatrician knows after eight years of higher education and thousands of hours of study.

I’ll just let the people in this video address that one…

Look, I understand that I don’t live in your house, I’ve not experienced your life and I certainly can’t judge you for your parenting choices. But I’m going to anyway.

Not getting your children vaccinated is really stupid. Like, it’s really stupid.

It makes me furious and makes the blood in my veins boil with hatred toward you for putting your children in such a vulnerable and dangerous position. And if it just affected YOUR children, I might even be able to hold back my vitriol; but, it doesn’t.

Your infected child can infect a child who is too young to be vaccinated. Your child can infect a child who is fighting cancer, or whose immunity has been compromised by something else entirely out of their control.

YOUR child can act as a walking time bomb and spread illnesses that haven’t been around for years all because the idea of giving them a medically sound shot scares you.

Your child deserves better. Get your kids vaccinated. Don’t be that parent that we all hate.

Jamie’s Note: To those parents who can’t vaccinate because their child is immunocompromised, or allergic, etc. this obviously isn’t directed at you. In fact, you should be the most pissed off at the people who don’t vaccinate their perfectly healthy children– because that is how your children stay safe!

5 Reasons To NOT Vaccinate Your Kids #vaccinate #vaccinatedebate #vaccinations #kidsvaccinations #vaccinatekids

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  1. When you’re at peace with your own decisions, you don’t feel the need to try and force everyone else to go along with you.

    There’s clearly one side of this debate that isn’t at peace with their decision…

  2. Reading through the replies in this thread shows one conclusion…

    For the most part, one side of the debate seems determined to want to force everyone to agree with them and do what they do no matter what…

    The other side seems content and happy with their own decisions, and has no problem with the “other guys” making their own decisions.

    It’s as if the pro-vax side is trying to convince everyone to go along with them at any cost in order to make themselves feel better about their decision to vaccinate….

    …almost like they need some kind of weird reinforcement to quiet that inner voice in their head that’s asking them why they injected toxins into their own children.

    Because if everyone else is doing it, it must be OK… right?

    1. because it affects more than just themselves and why the fuck wouldnt u protect yourself if u could u would rather just get sick possibly sicken others because u thought theres to many chemicals involved or something else equally retarded it is introducing a small amount of the illness into the body so then your body becomes able to defend from a larger amount of this illness in the future and it is a small enough amount where your not going to get violently ill or ill at all for that matter

      1. You go right ahead and explain that to my daughter who was functioning as an intelligent person before her vaccination. Now she’s showing autistic traits and has gone backwards in her abilities to function. But hey as long as everyone elses kids might possibly not get sick, my childs future and quality of life really doesn’t matter. I must be one of the people who wants my children to die since I’m not risking any more of my babies becoming autistic. Interesting that you are happy to pump your kid with carcinogens and something they are potentially allergic to and claim people who don’t are the ones killing their kids. I bet you think flouride is safe too. Since its made from chemical wastes that factories can’t legally dump due to their hazzard to the environment, oh and are directly linked to brain damage. Do your research properly before telling the world your opinion.

      2. So you’d rather have a dead child than an autistic one?

      3. That argument might hold water if vaccine preventable illnesses were a guaranteed death sentence. Unfortunately for that argument, that’s not the case in places where people have access to adequate nutrition, clean water, and medical care.


      5. It doesn’t cause Autism, it’s been proven Autism is genetic! It doesn’t always show right away that’s why most children aren’t diagnosed until school age. The shot however can bring Nuero symptoms on faster than normal. Most Autistic children are very intelligent and lead very normal lives. Do your homework and god bless your daughter!!!

      6. Look up mercury and why vaccines have it…youll be surprised if you actually research all the ingridients. 😉

    2. because it doesn’t just affect you.. people who don’t vaccinate their children can affect more than just their own kids.. if it just affected you we wouldn’t give a shit..

      1. If your kids vaccinated against them why do you care? Are you afraid your vaccination won’t work?

    3. Ok, not true! People our saying that we are killing our kids by giving then “dangerous” vaccines. You are only seeing what you want to see! So biased as most hippies are.

    4. Herd immunity. It is not about YOU.
      It is about the welfare of everyone around you.

  3. My concern is that if I vaccinate my children, they might not get taken up in The Rapture. I read on the Internet that this can happen.

  4. First of all I agree children and adults should all be vaccinated. For the benefit of the child and adult. That being said just because you are vaccinated does not mean you won’t catch something. People that have immunizations and low immune systems have an even greater chance. This is why we must all be vaccinated to help prevent the spread of disease. As a former H1N1 survivor who had never had the flu shot and now having a compromised immune system and continued health issues as a result, I can say I’ve had all recommended immunizations since that time and I’m still not 100%

  5. Yet another “expert” who didn’t do her research. So boring.

  6. I literally don’t know how you sleep at night. You are complete trash.

    1. If you put your kids and others’ children at risk of suffering and death because of your ignorance and inability to read scientific peer-reviewed research, you are acting much more like “trash”

  7. As an ER nurse I have seen parents bring their children in for a long list of maladies including fever, pink eye, stomach pain after eating a huge Thanksgiving dinner and a fever/rash combo after not vaccinating their kids and traveling to a foreign country where they caught measles. They then came home, passed the measles on to five other children, went to McDonalds to eat, then sat in a large waiting room at a local hospital. I call this “lack of coping skills”. This same lack typifies people who do not believe in vaccinating their children. Their child ended up in Isolation in ICU at a Children’s Hospital with high fever and dehydration that caused the child to not produce any urine for almost 24 hours. Would you wish that on your child?

  8. I love how people who know nothing about biology, medicine or the likes can be so “knowledgable” as to their effect. Not even a scientist can profess to know with 100% certainty all of the effects of a vaccine – even though we have compelling suggestions they’re safe.

    Evidence would suggests they’re mostly okay. Instead it’s important that parent juxtaposes the probability of contracting that disease and how severe it is. I can’t blame a parent for weighing the probabilities and deciding against them when weighing the pros and cons.

    Before you shoot me – just know I weighed my choices and vaccinated my son.

  9. I was hepatitis B carrier, and I found it out 3 years ago when I need some medical test for applying for a job. It scares me a lot, and I have been so hopeless since I heard it, I feel like I’m an outcast and different from others. I cry all night, I can’t think properly, I’m so down. Even my doctor advised that I cannot transmit the virus using same utensils, saliva, etc., except if I have sexual intercourse. I’m still sick, no one in my family has this disease. And I don’t know where I got it. I have taken blood tests many times and my liver is okay, and I never feel pain in my body, but I can’t sleep well every night since I have known my situation.I came on the internet to see if I will be able to get any Information as to curing this disease, on my search i saw various testimony about (Abumere herbal center) who cure Hepatitis and all manners of diseases,i contact them, and I got Hepatitis b medicine, after the period of days given to me by the MED LAB, i was completely cure, CONTACT THEM IF YOU ARE diagnosed OF HEPATITIS B VIRUS or any other sickness, email. abumereherbalcentre gmail com

    1. You evil, sick, twisted, greedy, disgusting waste of DNA! How DARE you get on a blog about vaccinating children, to protect them from disease, and try to peddle some herbal oatmeal-and-grass clippings horseshit?

  10. I was angry when I opened the site, then realize the sarcasm. Vaccination needs to be required of all children who plan to attend any type of educational institution, whether public or private, as a matter of public health. I’m ok if parent, in their infinite wisdom, decide to home school and not vaccinate their children. However, if they develop a preventable disease and spread it to other children, the parents’ of those children should be able to sue the offending parents for negligence.

  11. Hey Mary,

    Do they have a vaccine for obesity? It’s one of the leading causes of death, and it seems like it may effect you as well.

    1. Weight can be shed. That’s not the case with stupidity. You’re on your own on that one.

    2. This is definitely a serious issue that should be addressed.

  12. I think the #1 thing we fail to call out when countering anti-vaxxers is the absolutely chilling level of ableism they carry with them. These are parents who have decided that they would rather see their children die from a disease that could have been easily prevented, than run a slight risk that they might develop autism. Like, even if there were a shred of truth to this repeatedly disproven lie, how ugly of an attitude towards ASD and the people who have it is that?

    (Btw, no, there aren’t carcinogenic ingredients in vaccines, at all. No maybes. Thimerosal is not a carcinogen to begin with, as the mercury is bonded to a molecule that allows it to be quickly flushed out of the body without affecting the vaccinated individual’s health. And vaccines no longer contain thimerosal anyway. This is actually really unfortunate for developing countries- thimerosal is a preservative that had allowed multiple doses of vaccine to be drawn out of the same vial. Now, each dose must be stored in a separate vial, which really drives up the price in places where medical supplies were already hard to come by in the first place. Source: cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/concerns/thimerosal or literally just taking a class in biochemistry)

    1. The risk of Autism has been thoroughly discounted – even by the doctor who initially published the theory.

    2. On March 27, 2014, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released new data on the prevalence of autism in the United States. This surveillance study identified 1 in 68 children (1 in 42 boys and 1 in 189 girls) as having autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

      So rare, right?

      also, show me all these preventable diseases unvaccinated kids are dying from.

      let me go find that neighbor boy with polio, or the infant next door who managed to get Hep B.

      Have you ever done any research as to what is in vaccines? it’s not even just the autism that parents are worried about.

      1. oh my f*cking god MEASLES CAME BACK IN CALIFORNIA IN 2015 BECAUSE OF THE OBSCENELY HIGH NUMBER OF ANTIVAXXERS WHO LIVE THERE. THIS WAS A DISEASE THAT HAD BEEN ERADICATED IN THIS COUNTRY BACK IN 2000. cdc.gov/measles/cases-outbreaks.html so you don’t have to take my word for it.

        As for the “other stuff” in vaccines, READ THE PARAGRAPH ON THIMEROSAL AND HOW IT WAS REMOVED FROM ALL CHILDHOOD VACCINES NEARLY 20 YEARS AGO THAT IS LITERALLY PART OF THE COMMENT YOU ARE RESPONDING TO. Generally the only other potentially harmful chemical in an attenuated or dead vaccine is latex, which some people are allergic to, and as the author stated in the article, they keep you in the doc’s office for a while after you get the shot to be sure that they can treat you immediately if you have a reaction. (Anything else you are thinking of right now is either not harmful, or is used as part of the manufacturing process but removed at the end, leaving negligible amounts in the finished vaccine.)

        As for autism, I’m going to quote the words of a friend of mine: “Mt. Everest wasn’t discovered until 1856 but I’m pretty sure the damn mountain existed before then.” Just because we are able to identify and diagnose cases of ASD now rather than just writing these people off as “yeah that’s cousin Bob, there’s one in every family” doesn’t mean that the actual incidence of ASD in the population has increased in the past few decades. And even if it has, the “””””link””””” between vaccines and ASD was a conclusion drawn from fabricated data “discovered” by a man who had his medical license revoked as a result of this “study”, and it has been disproven many times over by actual, peer-reviewed, evidence-based studies conducted since. Vaccines DO NOT cause autism. Period.

        Like, I hate being hostile, but your willful ignorance is truly blowing my mind here!!!


      3. California is not a good example. A state that has more STDs than they have legal citizens.

    3. Please share a long term, double blind, placebo controlled study that proves the safety and efficacy of these vaccines. Until then, I will always support religious and philosophical objections.

    4. Where were you when my baby died of a vaxx for a disease that my child had a .000001 chance of contracting?

  13. I agree with you about vaccination. Having said that, it is immoral that the medical profession uses aborted fetuses to formulate the vaccines. The incidence of autism has increased exponentially since aborted children became part of the formula. Several years ago, we discovered that the beef industry was feeding beef by-products to cattle in feedlots which resulted in BSE, mad cow disease. There is a correlation between the practice of feeding cows to cattle and getting a disease in return and injecting baby humans with baby humans and getting a disability

    1. 1. Correlation does not equal causation
      2. See above post- ASD has always been around, more cases are being diagnosed now due to ADVANCEMENT of mental health knowledge and research
      3. Literally, only two aborted fetuses were used for their cell lines for vaccination research. This was in the 60s. Abortions are not used for this now, and it’s not like medical companies are using aborted cells left and right to create vaccinations.

    2. Jacqui:

      – “it is immoral that the medical profession uses aborted fetuses to formulate the vaccines […] injecting baby humans with baby humans”

      Here’s what the Catholic Church (which can, to put it lightly, be described as fairly keen on the whole pro-life thing) has to say about that:

      Catholic Bioethics Center: “The cell lines WI-38 and MRC-5 are derived from tissue from aborted fetuses. Any product grown in the WI-38 and MRC-5 cell lines, therefore, has a distant association with abortion. The cells in these lines have gone through multiple divisions before they are used in vaccine manufacture. After manufacture, the vaccines are removed from the cell lines and purified. One cannot accurately say that the vaccines contain any of the cells from the original abortion.”

      “Sometimes alternative products, which are not associated with these cell lines, are available for immunization against certain diseases. […] If doing so is practical, you should ask your physician to use an alternative vaccine, but there is no moral obligation to use products that are less effective or inaccessible.”

      “One is morally free to use the vaccine regardless of its historical association with abortion. The reason is that the risk to public health, if one chooses not to vaccinate, outweighs the legitimate concern about the origins of the vaccine. This is especially important for parents, who have a moral obligation to protect the life and health of their children and those around them.”

      “…there is a responsibility to inform one’s conscience properly. There would seem to be no proper grounds for refusing immunization against dangerous contagious disease, for example, rubella, especially in light of the concern that we should all have for the health of our children, public health, and the common good.”

      Bascially, even the Catholic Church holds that it is a moral wrong to refrain from vaccinating children because of the long-ago original provenance of certain cell lines.

      – Signed: an autistic Catholic
      (No, my MMR vaccinations didn’t make me this way. And yes, I’m glad I received them.)

  14. I was never vaccinated. My cousins were though, and when we were little they still ended up with chickenpox. I was sent over to stay with them for a few days to “naturally vaccinate”, but I never caught it. I rarely ever get sick, I’ve never had the flu. So you’re wrong, and no I will not be vaccinating my daughter. Also my 3 sisters and my brother have never been vaccinated, and they are of equal or better health than myself! So I have real proof, where’s yours?

    1. How old are your cousins? Because if they’re over 20, they probably didn’t get the varicella vaccine. It wasn’t required to attend school before the graduating class of 2015ish in most states. Also, if they did get it, but only received the first dose (it’s a two part vaccine), then yeah they may have still contracted chicken pox, but it was in a much milder form than if they had never been vaccinated.

      Hepatitis B can kill your child.
      Rotavirus can kill your child.
      Diphtheria can kill your child.
      Tetanus can kill your child in an absolutely excruciating manner.
      Whooping cough (pertussis) can kill your child.
      Measles can kill your child.
      Polio can kill your child, and if they survive they will almost definitely be disfigured – using crutches, in a wheelchair or even on a ventilator for life.
      Meningococcal meningitis can kill your child before you can get them to a doctor.
      Hepatitis A is unlikely to kill your child, but can cause devastating side effects and liver failure.
      Mumps is unlikely to kill your child, but can cause deafness.
      German measles (rubella) is unlikely to kill your child, but does cause a nasty, unpleasant rash.
      Chicken pox is unlikely to kill your child, but can cause scarring, pneumonia, encephalitis, and Reye syndrome (sudden major liver and brain damage). Additionally, having chicken pox as a child has a high likelihood of resulting in an extremely painful shingles infection or six later on in life.
      Frankly? You’re an idiot. Would you really be willing to open up the potential that your children will die or even just suffer from one of these horrible, completely preventable diseases just because you’re scared of the categorically disproven possibility the vaccines will cause you to have a kid who can’t shut up about trains? I would strongly recommend you do some research on the typical nature, complications, and long term effects of each of these diseases before you answer that question.

      1. Life kills everyone, ironically.

        Shut up with your stupidity and try reading up about actual FACTS about the diseases you’re so desperately trying to seem like Ebola.

        Frankly? You’re an idiot. I hope the medical field kills you like it does to many people. Since, you know, it’s the 3rd leading cause of death in this country. Where’s the vaccine for that?

    2. So your proof is that since, BY CHANCE, you never got sick, so vaccines aren’t necessary? You didn’t get sick because most other people are vaccinated so there was no one to spread the disease. It is a concept called herd immunity. You got lucky. If idiots similar to you are increasing the amount of unvaccinated people in this world then there WILL be a resurgence of deadly diseases (this has already started to happen), and then you might not be so lucky. Your statements are so unbelievably moronic that I feel bad for you. I cannot fathom how someone as stupid as you is functioning in this society.

      1. …except for the fact that “herd immunity” was a concept discovered by a German doctor who was studying measles long before any measles vaccine.

        He found that when at least 68% of the population developed natural immunity to measles, the rest of the population was protected from measles.

        In other words, herd immunity has NOTHING to do with vaccines, and EVERYTHING to do with natural immunity.

        But of course, the medical community hijacked the term, slapped a “99%” number on it with absolutely ZERO scientific studies to back up their claims, and claimed it was all about vaccines.

        Please educate yourself instead of repeating tired, worn-out soundbites.

        You’re not doing your side any favors.

      2. Regarding herd immunity- it’s related to IMMUNITY. Not vaccines, nor ‘natural immunity’ as you want people to believe. It’s related to the HERD. To the population.

        So while this concept (as you so adroitly put it) was worked out with natural measles infection, it was fine tuned by the immunologists and epidemiologists regarding the concept and how much of EACH vaccine coverage is needed before the herd immunity is achieved by vaccine coverage.

        Pretty sure the term didn’t get ‘hijacked’ any more than Ford and Toyota hijacked the term CAR from Chrysler.

        And you’re the one that has has thrown down the 99% figure…

        Yes high coverage is desirable because the thought is – save everyone, or as many as possible. The less cracks in the defenses the stronger the defense.

        Also prevention is preferable to picking up the pieces. Because it’s so easy and fun and inexpensive treating all the diseases that could more easily be prevented.

  15. “People shouldn’t have to vaccinate their kids. In fact, parents absolutely know what’s best for their kids in every situation”
    this sentence is enough for me not to read the rest…

    1. No, please read the rest, once you do you’ll be able to tell how that sentence is dripping with sarcasm.
      The author is FOR vaccines, and hates people who don’t vaccinate their kids.

  16. Well some of the Amish don’t get vaccination and they seem to do just fine.

    1. Remember that the Amish don’t often mix outside of their communities. If the community doesn’t have the disease, the individuals in that society are less likjely to get it.

      1. Now you’re starting to understand the real meaning of herd immunity.

        It has nothing to do with vaccines, and everything to do with naturally-acquired immunity.

      2. And you’re missing it again.
        It’s the population not the vaccine
        Remember your history small pox decimated the Western Hemisphere with its natural immunity when it was ‘discovered’ by the Spaniards looking for gold and taking over the natural population.

        Natural immunity from small pox KILLS one in three along the way…not great odds.
        33% dead. Not great natural immunity if it kills you. Bet some of them wished they’d had a way to not die.

      3. yes, lets all get our immunology information from a DC. What could go wrong?

  17. The problem with tongue-in-cheek writing is that there are always those who will think you’re serious. Then, pretty soon, there’s a movement going around that it’s OK to Not come in out of that lightning storm because so-and-so said so.

    I admit, I think the sarcasm is pretty clear here, but as I get more exposure to social media, I’m amazed at the many different interpretations that can be made from a simple statement.

  18. I don’t have kids. There’s far too much BS involved in raising one for me. This debate is old as the hills. I’m not vaccinated. Never have been and never will be. My husband is. The point is I think you should do what’s right for you and yours. The bad diseases are making a comeback. My vaccinated nieces have been hospitalized every year of their life for measles, mumps, chicken pox, flu, etc

    I’m horrible confused as to what’s right or wrong with this debate

  19. Hi, if anyone is reading this, I just want to ask for you to respectfully consider that there are highly intelligent and educated people who have made an informed decision to not vaccinate their children. This article is a very demeaning and disrespectful display of complete ignorance of the arguments against immunizations. Please go back, research the opposite side of the argument, and then rewrite this post demonstrating that you understand the arguments both for and against. If you don’t change your position regarding whether or not you support vaccines. I dare you to come to a complete and intelligent understanding of the other side and still maintain your position…

    1. While I welcome the call for civility, respectfully I have to disagree with the proposition that an anti-vaccination viewpoint can be considered informed. Because of the lack of scientific (and in issues of medicine, peer-reviewed scientific evidence should be the metric by which we inform ourselves) evidence in support of an anti-vaccination viewpoints, I struggle to see how the position can be considered informed. I have done extensive research on both sides of this argument and respectfully, in my personal opinion, there is not a well-founded, informed anti-vaccination position that I have come across. I welcome a response highlighting such a position that I have missed.

      1. How about the reason that vaccines are not always safe for everyone or there would be listed no side effects from the vaccine. side effects are listed maybe not many and them being rare but in order to list side effects someone has to be that few and rare.

      2. All medications have the potential for side effects. Even certain foods have the potential for “side effects”. For those who don’t know, when a study is being done for the FDA, ANY issue that happens to the study patients has to be listed as a potential side effect, even if it is completely unrelated. But if you look a little closer, you will see that the incidence of these unrelated “side effects” is infinitesimally small. I love the arguments from people who know people who were never vaccinated and never got sick. Sorry but that is called anecdotes, not scientific study. I know several people who have driven home drunk as could be and did not get in a wreck. That does not prove it is safe to do so.

      3. I appreciate your honesty and respect.

        I’d encourage you to do some research into the growing amount of evidence linking vaccines to what were once considered “idiopathic” diseases, especially autoimmune diseases, like adult-onset diabetes.

        Yes, the evidence is out there, but no, it’s not easy to find, because it goes against what’s considered “accepted” in the medical field.

        I’m a doctor myself, and have studied the immune system for the past 25 years as my specialty.

        Here’s a question that not one other doctor who supports vaccines has ever been able to answer:

        The body’s primary lines of immune defense, the mechanisms for developing immunity to any foreign toxin/bug/disease, are contained in the skin and mucous membranes.

        A vaccine is injected directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the body’s natural lines of immune defense.

        Asking the body to develop an effective, long-lasting immune response to a disease while bypassing it’s means for doing so is similar to asking a 12-year old to work out with 10 lbs dumbbells for a month and then expecting him to dead-lift 500 lbs the next month in the Olympics.

        It’s simply biologically impossible.

        And when the body can’t develop a proper response to a foreign invader, it gets hyper-stimulated and starts attacking itself….

        …thus, the growing number of auto-immune disorders, especially later on in life.

        Again, the research is out there… if you’re really willing to look and give it the proper attention.

      4. What vaccine is injected “into the bloodstream”? As a doctor you should know that no vaccine is given IV… And how do you explain the drastic decrease in instances of vaccinated diseases (influenza excepted) if they are “biologically impossible”?

      5. Oh wait… you’re a chiropractor… not a physician… that explains not knowing the route of admin for vaccines… you can’t prescribe them…. makes sense now.

      6. Dr. Gambee, can you point me towards such research? I have to say, again respectfully, that I find your description to raise a few additional questions based on my research and background to date. Has the research that you are citing (again would appreciate if you could provide) undergone the peer-review and clinical trial stages?

      7. He can’t because it’s all hyperbole.
        He’s already shown this with his prior statements and this one’s lack of scientific knowledge. The skin IS part of the immune system – but there are many other tissues that take part. Vaccines go in many parts of the body depending on the delivery method. He paints with too broad a stroke. His analogy is analogous to nothing – can’t compare those. Like comparing a chiropractor to a physician – pretty dissimilar.

      8. You are a liar, and a bad one at that, ‘Doctor.’

      9. Your a chiro, not an MD, PhD, DrPH, or DO. The fact that you are allowed to call yourself a doctor is an insult to those other professions who are based in facts, science, and reality, unlike yours which is purely grounded in pseudo-scientific nonsense.

    2. Thank you J Turtle. Very egocentric and condescending article and author. Very sad. I like to say *most* of us vaccinated, until we didn’t. Why not ask us what caused us to stop before calling us all uneducated baby killers. My goodness gracious. Does this author even have children?

  20. I’m glad all this is being looked at. Thank you for the article. No parent should be bullied or forced by the medical staff or the government to decide what to do for their child. Recall the infant, just days old that got 8 vaccines in the hospital and DIED. People just scoff oh it wasn’t that…
    It would be foolish not to consider something wrong with the added poisons we put into our bodies daily. People think, Oh CDC says they’re safe, so vaccine away. Not so when there is the potential for a reaction to occur.

    Thank you so much.

    1. My wife researches genetics and the toxicity of drugs (as her job). She has a PHD and has pretty well lived in a university lab during the day for the past 15 years. I tend to trust her opinion on these matters. Mandatory vaccinations have saved far far more people than they’ve harmed. The vaccine debate is dumb. There’s no reason to not vaccinate your kids.

      Even if there is a crazy remote chance of a kid getting sick from a vaccine, you’re more likely to kill your kid in a car wreck or an accident on the playground. The stairs in your house are more likely to harm your child. Do you avoid playgrounds, cars, and stairs? The benefits of those outweigh the risk. JUST LIKE VACCINES.

      1. Yeah…say this when your child dies from complications from the vaccine. Yeah…then I bet your “The benefits of vacs outweigh the risk” stand changes. uh huh.

    2. U failed to see the sarcams in the article… to bad u didnt get the vaccin againdt stupidity

    3. Did you actually read the article? She is FOR vaccines. If you are too stupid to pick that up then it makes sense that you are too stupid to support vaccines.

    4. No one should give a hospitalized infant, who is obviously ill or they wouldn’t be in the hospital, 8 vaccines. Even the vet won’t give your dog a vaccine if he/she is already sick. There is something wrong with that story.

  21. Eight reasons to vaccinate your child

    1 – Your child is deficient in mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, viruses, foreign DNA or other ingredients proven to cause neurological damage.

    2 – Your child has an excess of healthy, functioning brain cells.

    3 – You need cash. The National Vaccine Injury Compensation program has paid out 4.8 billion dollars to parents of children injured or killed by vaccines.

    4 – You and your spouse are feeling alienated and you need a crisis to bring you together.

    5 – You believe that pharmaceutical conglomerates which earn billions from vaccines are more credible than consumer groups.

    6 – You think thousands of parents who report that their children became autistic two weeks after vaccination are lying.

    7 – You don’t see a problem in logic when the government tells you that vaccines work, but that vaccinated children can catch diseases from unvaccinated children.

    8 – You think the government should dictate which healing methods you and your children are allowed to use.

    1. I don’t think I’ve ever read such a steaming pile of horse s**t before in my life. What will you do for a follow up? Eight reasons 9/11 was done by the gov’t? Eight reasons we never landed on the moon? Eight reasons the Earth is flat?

      1. This article is complete bs! Do your RESEARCH AND PAY ATTENTION!! I know for FACTS the vaccines are dangerous for our children even us as adults!! My son was vaccine injured completely fine met all milestones was talking waving playing everything a healthy normal 2 year old does UNTIL he received his 24 months vaccines then over night everything was gone no eye contact no talking nothing! it’s like he forgot everything over night iv been doing alot of research lately an have found more than 500 people with same issue with the vaccines as I did. Why the hell do you think the autism rates are going up!! It’s the vaccines the government made vaccines. That is ment to slowly decrease the human population. Do your research before you make a uneducated article. Where are your FACTS? Go to you tube an watch bill Gates talking about vaccines then look up what’s in the vaccines an while your at it look up how many people have DIED this year from the flu SHIT.. look up how many children were fine until the MMR vaccine an D-tap vaccines an see for yourself how many children developed Autism after those vaccines. Look up how many children were pearlized from the vaccines. Then come at me with your bull shit so call narrow minded facts!! Ohhh an how about put your freaking “big Mac” down. So you can pay attention to what’s going on in this sick world. Your brainwashed

      2. Very compelling argument Tiffani. I’m worried that my kids might become pearlized by Bill Gates too! Can you point me in the direction of your research?

      3. Tiffani, you’re such an idiot. There is NO LINK between vaccines and autism. Looks like you’re getting your information from The Onion or some satirical website. Do you just believe anything on the internet that has to do with a negative result from vaccines? Vaccines save lives. There are instances that, yes, a bad reaction could occur, but that’s like 1/100000000. It’s very unlikely that it would happen to you or anyone you know, but there is an extremely small chance it does. The odds, like I said, are astronomically small that you have a better chance of finding a $1,000,000 briefcase on the floor or getting struck by lightning or anything of that sort. You tell them to bring in facts when there are thousands of academic journals and studies done. Where is your proof? You mentioned Bill Gates talking about vaccines. He’s no where close to being called a doctor. He probably has the same degree of medical knowledge as my younger sister has. WebMD apparently makes everyone so called doctors. Grow up and go vaccinate your kids.

      4. How dare you people come down on a mother who shared a life experience to help others realize that vaccines can be dangerous! Do you think she didn’t know her own child? Mothers instinct is far superior to lsb coats. There are MANY stories like hers all over the internet and in our communities. Mothers know their babies and know when they’ve been harmed!

      5. I have TWO grandchildren who were meeting all milestones until 24 month shots and as in Tiffini’s case, over night stopped talking, no eye contact, and suddenly autistic characteristics began to appear. Both are developmentally delayed and having to take therapies to bring them up to normal!! There is some causing this and vaccines are the only common thread!! While I don’t agree with all the Tiffani said, I do understand her frustration and when it’s your kids affected, other people’s blindness to it makes it more frustrating!

      6. You’re kid is still “fine,” if he has autism. They’re not broken, just a little bit different. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

      7. Holy fucking shit the arrogance of telling someone that their child is fine without any experience as a parent of an autistic child is unbelievably naive and insensitive.


        The creator of the article seems to be the one who needs to lay off of the Big Macs.

      8. This is the worst argument ever made. No link has been shown between vaccines and autism and every anti-vax “article” is uneducated because there is no legitamate research. If you are going to blame increased autism rates on vaccines why aren’t you blaming it on all the other toxic chemicals you probably put in your/your kids body everyday (whether you mean to or not) due to the food industry, pollution, drugs/alcohol, etc. Also, did you know that autism signs start to appear around 1-2 years of age and because of that you blame vaccines, that is not a causal relationship. If the government wanted to reduce the population they aren’t doing a good job of it. Plus, kids were not fine before these vaccines, rates of deadly diseases were much higher hundreds of years ago and life expectancy was much shorter due to diseases, eventhough society today takes much worse care of themselves than ever (obesity, heart disease, diabetes, etc.). And people considered high risk (elderly, young, and immunocompromised) still die of the simple flu and benign bacteria because they aren’t vaccinated and get serious complications.

        Unfortunately, there is no shortage of unintelligent, biased people who make ridiculous accusations and think “research” constitutes a google blog. Most people don’t get free access to real research trials online so pay attention.

      9. Anthony – what a legend. Couldn’t agree more.

        It’s all very well and dandy that you can choose what you like for your baby, but I’m gonna be a little pissed at those who don’t vaccinate if a disease like polio comes around again.

        Besides, if I had the choice in my hands as a child, I would choose to immunize regardless of what my parents say.
        My mother is a devout catholic, I chose atheism from the age of 8 despite what she wanted. That’s just a very soft example of how parents don’t always know what is best. I’m sure some people can give some more graphic and traumatic examples.

      10. Polio is transmitted through fecal matter contact, which incidentally was dropping of as indoor plumbing was increasing.

        Please tell the three young women I know who have been permanently damaged from the Gardasil vaccine what you know about vaccines and what the makers say. 1. Paraplegic 2. Leukemia 3. Seizures

      11. Babies don’t use indoor plumbing. They eliminate in diapers, which are handled by their care givers. A deadly enterovirus like Polio would thrive in an environment like daycare centers, don’t you think? Use your brain. We need these vaccines- they are MUCH safer than the diseases they prevent. There is no question about this.

        There is no way that Gardasil caused leukemia. None. HPV does not cause leukemia.

      12. whether you like or not, we live in a world covered in fecal matter. Chances are the phone, tablet, or computer you are using to spout your nonsense has microscopic traces of fecal matter on it. Its a fact of life.

    2. Thank you so much.. new mom of an almost 2 month old and i’ve been doing all the research I can but am a bit discouraged at times when articles like this appear. (As illogical/sarcastic/unsupported as they tend to be lol)

  22. I don’t have children and so don’t usually chime in on this topic, but your attitude irritates me. Yes, women don’t get a download of all knowledge, but they do have their own brain and I assume it is capable of logic. Here is some logic for you. Who wants vaccinations to be widespread accepted and popular? Vaccination makers… why?? Because they love you and your baby? No, they want to make money. These folks hire people called “lobbyists” who try to make every one have their product. You will notice that pie makers do not have to force pies on people… because people like them. If pies had a marginal chance of ruining your families health… because they put mercury and aluminum in with the fruit… would you still buy them?

    1. yes, i’m sure that the number of children who suddenly ceased to be maimed or die after vaccines against polio, the measles, meningitis, smallpox, and other illnesses had nothing to do with the proliferation of vaccines;it was all about profit for the vaccine makers. and doctors, of course, are all complicit in this vast conspiracy; none of them wanted to go into medicine to help people but, rather, to make sure that children died or sickened in droves.they spent all those years in med school learning how best to accomplish that.

  23. I’m glad that you believe in the vaccine propaganda. I have no problem if you want to inject your child with anything. Now, accept the fact that we won’t judge you, don’t judge those of us who believe differently than you. You have no idea what we have lived or seen that can influence our decisions. Much like breast feeding vs. bottle feeding, there are many differing opinions. All I ask is that we agree to disagree and let others live the lives they choose. You have no right to make decisions for my children, as I have no rights to make decisions for yours.

    1. i will judge the hell out of you if your child shows up at disneyland with rubell and, as a result, every pregnant woman s/he comes into contact with there ends up giving birth to a child tragically affected by that. i will judge the hell out of you if your child with ANY preventable disease shows up at disneyland or any other public place and, as a result, exposes people with immune deficiencies who then sicken and/or die. the selfishness inherent in your post is heartbreaking.

      1. Spoken like a true zombie. Kim you’re an idiot

      2. I agree, Richard! If people had had any personal experience with any of these terrible diseases, they would be much more likely to vaccinate their children. I was infected with polio when I was 5 years old — before they developed the polio vaccine. I was one of the lucky ones; my case was without paralysis. But exactly the incubation period after I was sick, my mother came down with it. And within a day-and-a-half, her entire body was paralyzed, except for her two thumbs. She couldn’t breathe, swallow, or move. Her face was so paralyzed that her own father didn’t recognize her. By the grace of God, she survived, but she was pretty severely handicapped for the next 42 years of her life. This is only one of the diseases that can now be prevented by vaccinations, but believe me when I say that it is not a disease that you want to take a chance on your child contracting. And there have been some cases in recent years — it is not totally eradicated, especially in third world countries. And our world is a much smaller place now than when I was a child. Please protect your children people!!

      3. Spoken like someone who doesn’t give two shits about children or their health, Kendra.

    2. I’m going to go ahead and reserve my right to judge you Sharon. My judgement: you’re stupid.

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