
‘YOU’ Season 3 Has Been Confirmed, And Here Is Everything We Know

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I’m warning YOU upfront, there WILL be spoiler in this post. Keep reading at your own discretion.

YOU has officially been picked up for a THIRD season, and we now have a bit more information on the season to come.

I am OBSESSED with YOU, the Netflix show starring Penn Badgley as a stalker, and — spoiler alert — serial killer.

Courtesy of Netflix

It took me four days, but I finished binge watching Seasons 1 and 2 in basically one go. Haha! I only left the couch to sleep and use the bathroom. Don’t judge.

Is it crazy that I totally LOVE Joe. Yes, he’s weird, quiet, and — you know — kills people, but he’s a romantic in his own way.


In case you need the reminder, I’ll catch you up:

So, straight after Joe offs his girlfriend Beck, he moves to L.A., where he changes his identity, and meets Love Quinn.


He has a grand plan in his minds, where he is going to change his ways, but the stalker in him is just too great.

Courtesy of Netflix

Things happen. Bloody things.


And, it turns out — Will — or is it Joe? — might have met his match in Candace — I mean Love. Poor Joe, he just has too many soul mates.


I am about to drop a HUGE spoiler, so if you haven’t seen Season 2 of YOU, you have about 2 seconds to look away.

At the end of Season 2 — right when Love is about to meet her maker, we find out Love is pregnant, and we have reason to believe the baby is Joe’s — although there are theories otherwise.


The writers of YOU left us with a pretty dang big cliffhanger.

Here is what we know about Season 3:

The show is set to premier in 2021. Good Gosh, that is a LONG time!! No word on if the date got pushed any further, thanks to the COVID-19 shutdown of everything.

Season 3 is most likely going to take place in California. Afterall, that is where Joe — er, Will? — met Love, and we are assuming they are staying together based on the pregnancy announcement.


We might be exploring Love’s mom, and their twisted relationship. We could find out if Love’s mom knows the TRUTH about Love, or if she even has any idea that Love is a murderer.


We will most definitely see how Joe reacts to being a father. He has “saved” Paco and Ellie in the past, so it’s clear he has a soft spot for younger kids. We are about to find out how he adjusts to being a parent to his own little one.

One thing is FOR SURE — I can’t WAIT for the new season! Come on, 2021. Get here faster!!


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