15 Easy to See Signs You’re in a “Meh-lationship”

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Relationships can be a rollercoaster, and sometimes, it’s tough to tell if your ride is fueled by genuine love or just convenience. Being in it for the wrong reasons can lead to long-term dissatisfaction and emotional stress. Let’s look at 15 signs that your relationship might be more about convenience than love. Spotting these signs can help you evaluate where you stand and make the best decisions for your future.

Lack of Emotional Intimacy

concerned woman in airport
Image Credits: Depositphotos/ChinaImages.

Are your chats with your partner mostly surface-level? If you’re avoiding deep emotional topics, it might be a sign that your relationship is more about convenience. True emotional intimacy means sharing your innermost thoughts and feelings. Without it, your connection might feel empty and unfulfilling, creating a significant emotional gap over time.

Routine Over Romance

couple bored at the kitchen table
Image Credit Depositphotots Wavebreakmedia.

Does your relationship feel more like a routine than a passionate connection? When love is in the air, partners make an effort to keep the spark alive. If your interactions are predictable and lack spontaneity, it might be more about comfort and habit than love. A romance that turns into a routine can become stagnant and boring, leading to complacency and a lack of fulfillment.

Avoidance of Conflict

woman looking upset in bed
Image Credits: Depositphotos/focuspocusltd.

Do you and your partner steer clear of conflict? Healthy relationships involve constructive arguments and resolutions. If you’re consistently avoiding conflict, it could mean you’re just keeping the peace for convenience’s sake. This can create a superficial sense of harmony while important issues go unresolved, leading to resentment and dissatisfaction.

Lack of Future Planning

woman taking a selfie
Image Credits: Depositphotos/nicoletaionescu.

Are you and your partner rarely discussing or planning for the future? Couples in love typically envision and work towards a future together. A lack of future planning can indicate a lack of long-term commitment, making the relationship feel directionless and lacking purpose.

More Independence Than Togetherness

narcissist hugging lit mirror
Image Credits: Depositphotos/KrisCole.

While independence is healthy, too much of it can signal a convenience-based relationship. If you and your partner spend more time apart and prefer it that way, it might indicate a lack of emotional connection. Excessive independence can create emotional distance, making the relationship feel like two separate lives rather than a united partnership.

Lack of Physical Affection

couple arguing in bed
Image Credit_ DepositPhotos AndrewLozovyi

Notice a significant drop in physical affection? Physical touch is crucial for building intimacy and emotional bonds. If hugs, kisses, and hand-holding are becoming rare, it could be a sign of convenience over love, leading to feelings of loneliness and disconnection.

Minimal Effort in the Relationship

Image Credits: Depositphotos/keeweeboy.

Are you or your partner putting in minimal effort to nurture the relationship? Love-driven relationships require ongoing effort, care, and attention. When effort is lacking, it signals a lack of commitment, resulting in feelings of neglect and unappreciation and potentially leading to the relationship’s deterioration.

Preference for Familiarity Over Growth

man looking stressed and upset at computer with hands on head
Image Credits: Depositphotos/Vadymvdrobot.

Do you and your partner avoid new experiences or personal growth? Love-driven relationships encourage growth, both individually and as a couple. Sticking to familiar routines can lead to boredom and a lack of fulfillment, preventing the relationship from evolving.

Lack of Support in Personal Goals

man rubbing eyes at desk
Image Credits: Depositphotos/VitalikRadko.

In a loving relationship, partners support each other’s ambitions. It might indicate a convenience-based relationship if you or your partner are indifferent to each other’s dreams. This can create feelings of isolation and lack of fulfillment, making the relationship feel one-sided and unsupportive.

Emotional Disconnection

confused woman looking to the side
Image Credits: Depositphotots/VGeorgiev.

Feeling emotionally disconnected from your partner? Emotional connection involves understanding and empathizing with each other’s feelings. Without it, you’re not truly invested in each other’s emotional well-being, leading to loneliness and dissatisfaction.

Avoidance of Serious Topics

woman with hand up
Image credits: Depositphotos/fedemarsciano.

Do you avoid discussing serious or meaningful topics? Love-driven relationships involve open and honest communication about important issues. Avoiding these discussions suggests a lack of depth and commitment, resulting in unresolved issues and a superficial relationship dynamic.

Living Separate Lives

woman looking confused and upset with hand on head
Image credits: Depositphotos/olly18.

Do you feel more like roommates than romantic partners? Living separate lives with minimal interaction and shared experiences suggests a convenience-based relationship. This separation can lead to feelings of loneliness and dissatisfaction, making the relationship feel more practical than loving.

Lack of Enthusiasm

sad woman staring with her head on her chin
Image Credit Depositphotos yacobchuk1

Is there a lack of enthusiasm in your relationship? Enthusiasm involves excitement and passion for being together. Without it, the relationship can feel routine and uninspiring, leading to boredom and complacency.

More Focus on Practicalities

couple money planning
Image Credits: Depositphotos/AllaSerebrina.

Is your relationship more about shared responsibilities and financial arrangements than emotional connection? While practical considerations are important, they shouldn’t overshadow emotional intimacy. Focusing on practicalities can make the relationship feel more like a business arrangement than a romantic partnership.

Minimal Effort in Celebrations

sad couple in bed
Image Credit_ DepositPhotos Wavebreakmedia

Do you and your partner make minimal effort to celebrate important milestones? Love-driven relationships involve celebrating special moments together. Minimal effort suggests a lack of enthusiasm and investment, resulting in feelings of neglect and unappreciation.

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woman looking shocked at the grocery store prices
Image Credit: Depositphotos stokkete.

Managing grocery expenses can be challenging for many households, especially with rising food costs and fluctuating budgets.

However, with some creativity and resourcefulness, you can implement numerous clever hacks to reduce your never-ending grocery bill without sacrificing the quality or variety of your meals.

15 Clever Hacks To Reduce That Never-Ending Grocery Bill

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Image credit: Depositphotos HayDmitriy.

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