5 Reasons To NOT Vaccinate Your Kids

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People shouldn’t have to vaccinate their kids. In fact, parents absolutely know what’s best for their kids in every situation, which is why you’ve never heard of a mom calling a doctor at two AM because her child has a fever.

Moms automatically know exactly what to do. They know better than anyone what their child needs or doesn’t need.

That’s why the vaccination debate is so ridiculous to me…because moms inherently know more than everyone. Which brings me to this… 5 Reasons To NOT Vaccinate Your Kids.

5 Reasons To NOT Vaccinate Your Kids #vaccinate #vaccinatedebate #vaccinations #kidsvaccinations #vaccinatekids

When a woman conceives a child, the entirety of human knowledge is written into her essence and as that child is brought forth unto this world, that knowledge flowers in her mommy brain and every decision she makes for her child is absolutely the right, and only right decision.

So who are we to judge those moms that choose NOT to vaccinate THEIR kids?

Before you get your mom panties in a knot, hear me out…

5 Reasons To NOT Vaccinate Your Kids

1. You don’t like them, anyway.

I get it. Some kids are just born a little more awful than others. So if your plan is to not vaccinate your kid in hopes that they’ll catch some horrible virus that’ll off them so you can start over, sure. That makes total sense.

It’s evil, and disgusting, and I hope you get a million fire ant bites, but hey, the good news is that’s less likely to happen to you than your child catching something deadly because you’re an inherent dumb-dumb.

5 Reasons To NOT Vaccinate Your Kids #vaccinate #vaccinatedebate #vaccinations #kidsvaccinations #vaccinatekids

2. You’re more scared of big scientific sounding words than you are of viruses that have killed millions upon millions of people.

I get it! Vaccines have a lot of big, scary words. And, some of the ingredients in vaccines have been linked to carcinogenic risks and I bet even a very eensy teensy tiny portion of the population might be allergic to some of the ingredients and they might have a bad reaction.

Know what? That’s why the doctor keeps you at the office for 15 minutes after your child receives a vaccine. That way if they react, the doctor can fix it. Nifty set up, huh?

As for the scary words, know what other scientific word kills people? Dihydrogen monoxide. And yet you still put it into your body every single day. So put away your dictionary, and stop freaking out over words that you maybe don’t understand.

5 Reasons To NOT Vaccinate Your Kids #vaccinate #vaccinatedebate #vaccinations #kidsvaccinations #vaccinatekids

3. You believe all internet memes are true.

“Gandhi was against vaccines. A mother flipping meme told me so.” Yeah, I’ve seen that meme. And I’ve looked it up. And you know what he compared vaccines to? Eating beef.

Vaccines are as bad as eating beef because cows and all life is sacred. So here’s where that comes from: the small pox vaccine was derived from cows infected with cow pox. Which means that every person who received a small pox vaccine was being given a small amount of cow.

I can definitely understand why a man whose religion holds cows as sacred would be against being injected with one. But unless you, too, are a fruitarian (which he was), perhaps you should put down your Big Mac and go get your kids their freakin’ vaccines.

4. You’d rather your children build their immunity to things like polio and measles naturally…just like you did.

Oh, wait. You didn’t have polio did you. Know why? ‘CAUSE YOUR PARENTS GOT YOU VACCINATED!

5. You know more about vaccines from that one article you read online than your pediatrician knows after eight years of higher education and thousands of hours of study.

I’ll just let the people in this video address that one…

Look, I understand that I don’t live in your house, I’ve not experienced your life and I certainly can’t judge you for your parenting choices. But I’m going to anyway.

Not getting your children vaccinated is really stupid. Like, it’s really stupid.

It makes me furious and makes the blood in my veins boil with hatred toward you for putting your children in such a vulnerable and dangerous position. And if it just affected YOUR children, I might even be able to hold back my vitriol; but, it doesn’t.

Your infected child can infect a child who is too young to be vaccinated. Your child can infect a child who is fighting cancer, or whose immunity has been compromised by something else entirely out of their control.

YOUR child can act as a walking time bomb and spread illnesses that haven’t been around for years all because the idea of giving them a medically sound shot scares you.

Your child deserves better. Get your kids vaccinated. Don’t be that parent that we all hate.

Jamie’s Note: To those parents who can’t vaccinate because their child is immunocompromised, or allergic, etc. this obviously isn’t directed at you. In fact, you should be the most pissed off at the people who don’t vaccinate their perfectly healthy children– because that is how your children stay safe!

5 Reasons To NOT Vaccinate Your Kids #vaccinate #vaccinatedebate #vaccinations #kidsvaccinations #vaccinatekids

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  1. You present an uniformed article and present no facts related to this issue besides trusting what Western Medicine preaches. Sanitation has done more to decrease major diseases than what vaccines have. Do you know how many vaccines are recommended in the United States and how much money drug companies make from this vaccine-against-everything movement? There is even a vaccine against chicken pox. Why are you wasting people’s time with poor, uninformed writing? If you are against the anti-vaccine movement, than why don’t you present some quality information instead of a worthless article?

    1. Jacob, I and several other family members who are still living had measles, chicken pox, scarlet fever, and mumps. Some of our family died from a few of those, and two of my siblings had polio. Itwas long thought that smallpox had been eradicated, but it is infecting people once again. Why not you stop criticizing everyone who writes an article for what they don’t include, and just do your own research?
      That way, you won’t look like such a massive dumbass when you sit down to type.

    2. That’s a great answer! Thanks for that.
      People who are so much after vaccines should watched Vaxxed!

    3. There is no reason for her to present facts because it is COMMON KNOWLEDGE that vaccines are safe & have saved literally millions of lives.
      If you wrote a blog post about people who believe the earth is flat, would you feel it necessary to provide the science that proves it is round? Or would you just laugh at the idiots who think the earth is flat & make a funny post about their stupid beliefs?
      When people are so stupid they think the earth if flat, or that vaccines cause autism, there is no point in trying to educate them. They have a belief that goes against all evidence, they will not have their minds changed by a blog post.

  2. Why are pro vaxxers so afraid of unvaxxed people? Your vaccines are supposed to protect you, right?

    1. I have had whooping cough….. Imagine waking up in the middle of the night not being able to breathe or cough and not being able to speak half an hour after the attack and now imagine it happening once in every hour. It is absolutely horrible. I had a weaker version because i wasnt a small kid.
      I was vaccinated… it was just that the effect wore out before i had another vaccination against it.

    2. We’re not afraid for ourselves. We are afraid for your children and all the other children of idiots who don’t vaccinate their children. Doctor’s go into medicine to save lives, not to make money. You don’t spend 16 – 20 years of your life studying and pay half a million dollars just to make money. If doctors wanted to make money they would use their intelligence for a career that didn’t bankrupt you and make you wait until you’re in your mid 30’s to make money.

  3. Brilliant! I love these 5 reasons for not vaccinating your child! You are brilliant

  4. Thanks for sharing your well researched “knowledge” on such an important and serious subject and turn it into a joke. Obviously you have met thousands of “anti vaxxers” to come to the conclusion that they are stupid and unresearched and unable to make decisions for themselves or their children. Yes, lets become an ignorant society that is not allowed to question, not able to think for themselves, or do their own research and make decisions for themselves. We may as well become robots. And have you had your booster shots lately? because if you haven’t, you are also a walking time bomb that is capable on contracting alot of those infectious diseases and passing them on to cancer patients and babies. So go get your shots. There is no such thing as herd immunity, when most of the adult population is not vaxxed. And if you feed your children the crap that you offer in your “Delicious Food” section, well now that is child abuse. If you think giving your children a shot and then stuffing their faces with a Starbucks unicorn frap and its 15 teaspoons of sugar is going to save them, well good luck with that one. Maybe you should leave subjects alone that you have absolutely nothing intelligent to say and stick to what you know best, and that is how to disrespect and abuse the sacred temple, known as your body, with crap.

    1. Sure coffee is in the bronze area haha…but vaccines are GOLD for your body! I will kick a disease’s teeth out while sipping my coffee and reading a plethora of medical proof on the effectiveness of vaccines thank you very much! But don’t forget to get your dog it’s shots! LMAO BOMB! 🙂

  5. I’m all for vaccines, if they’ve been properly tested of course.
    Quite unfortunately, we had a very bad experience when my youngest daughter was given one of the “HPV” vaccine shots. As it turns out, the “vaccine” in question has been linked to very serious side effects and, in more than one case, death. Our family GP suggested that she shouldn’t have the second shot at all.
    This vaccine is given to young girls between the ages of 9 and 12, in an effort to curb cervical cancer. From the information that is available, it seems that certain HPV vaccines that have been rolled out did not follow all the testing procedures as is required.
    This leads us to the question of why?
    Pharmacy is a remarkable science. As mentioned in this article, however cynical, vaccines have helped us to almost eliminate certain viral diseases. We have genius pharmacists to thank for that.
    But what happens when one of the largest industries in the world seeks greater profit? Does the search for profit compromise the quality of the product?

    In my humble opinion, pharmaceutical companies should be non-profit organizations.

    1. Glenn,

      Exactly how should pharmaceutical companies function as non-profit organizations? Who would fund the research to get a drug to market? Taxpayers?

      1. Exactly Savannah Jones. These people who think that just because a business makes money they must be corrupt, are just ridiculous. They want more research to be done on vaccines, but don’t think the company should make any money on their vaccines with which they could fund said research.
        Hmm… it’s almost as if they don’t really care about the research because it wouldn’t effect their opinion either way. They’d just claim the study was biased because it was done by “big pharma”. You can never win with antivaxxers. People like that don’t operate on logic & reason.

  6. What a sad state weve come to where people think that what they assume to be true is actually true and hence justifies a spill of headline after headline whilst demeaning genuine concern from mothers for their children and at the same time implying that memes is the limit of research. Not hypocritical at all.
    Ya know there are quite along dumb folk that will actually think what is written here is sensible and at least you can say you contributed. Congratulations. What a genius. Where do I sign up to join your mass produced cult? Oh pleeeease, I need a meme to direct my next thought. Just cant think for myself anymore… gotta be a pill for that!

  7. I was forwarded this in my FB newsfeed by people who were anti-vac. I am constantly ashamed to be part of the same species as them.

    Yes, this author puts her points out there in a vicious manner, but it is time to be vicious about this. Anti-vac parents are causing a resurgence of formerly conquered and ENTIRELY PREVENTABLE life-threatening illnesses in children. It is the actions of these individuals what are putting children’s lives under very real threat. Should we be silent about it for fear that raising the topic will make the small percentage of parents who can’t vaccinate their kids feel bad?

    Do I feel for parents whose children have suffered a bad reaction? Absolutely. I would hate it if it was me. Do I also feel for the parents whose children have died unnecessarily from whooping cough, measles and other vaccinable illnesses because they were too young to be vaccinated? Yes.

    Watch a 2-week-old baby trying to breathe through whooping cough and tell me that anti-vaccers are harmless, nice people.

    Also, what is the deal with making fun of the author’s weight? What has that got to do with anything? Resorting to insults is generally a sign you don’t have much of an argument.

    And commenter who noted something about avoiding GMO foods – GMO foods threaten the diversity of our environment, not the people who eat them. There have been several long-term studies on the subject. Read them instead of the nature-medicine blog you no doubt subscribe to.

    All medicine has ill effects for a percentage of the population, people – all medicine. If the anti-vac parents did their research, they would find out what every other thinking parent has found out, namely that the original study was inherently flawed and influenced by the main author’s desire for an outcome, that the paper was quickly revoked by the Lancet, that the author was struck off the medical register, and that the original study covered only one vaccine type. They would also find that there have been ongoing studies on vaccines as they are developed, that there are protocols that must be met before vaccines can be released, and that not everyone along the extremely lengthy chain of decision-makers is an evil money-grabber – in fact, the procedures and safety measures put in place are there because many people are aware of how much large pharmaceutical companies love money. (P.S. a vaccine on a government list is not going to make Big Pharma the $$$ they want. Governments are entitled to argue down the prices they pay for the medicines they approve. It’s actually better and much easier for Big Pharma to develop things that aren’t on the govt list and sell them… things like, oh, I don’t know, natural therapies, for example).

    I don’t have a science degree, but I do have a dictionary and access to the internet. It’s not that hard.

  8. Hey I think you’re a real LUNATIC to blantantly make fun of vaccine injured children and adults. YOU BETTER PRAY YOUR KARMA DOESN’T COME IN THE FORM OF VACCINE DEATH TO YOUR FAMILY MEMBERS YOU INSENTIVE IGNORANT COW.

  9. Lmao this overweight/obese mommy blogger looks like the epitome of health and wellness…?

    If my kids got vaccines and were lucky enough to not suffer from long term damage, the last place I’d be is on the internet making fun of families with chronically ill and many times dead children. Talk about privilege! ?

    How can anyone come up with such garbage….

    I’m no size zero, nor a beauty queen (and in fact am about 100 lbs overweight — thanks to the side effects of Big pHARMa meds used to treat VACCINE-INDUCED conditions) but this overweight/obese slob has no room to tell anyone else about how to be healthy. She’s the extreme result of an exclusive gmo diet, OTCs and vaccines. Fried brain cells.

  10. Nasty article that belittles and condemns in a manner that the “author” thinks is humorous. But then, it’s always funny to make generalizations about whole groups of people that you don’t know, isn’t it? (Because of course, these people are not as intelligent, are not capable of doing the extensive research on vaccines that I’m sure would have been prudent for this “author” to have done, and they certainly don’t love their children!)

    Many parents that choose not to vaccinate have very valid reasons and experiences – and for many it is a heart and gut-wrenching decision (often the lesser of two evils). If your child was one of “the very eensy teensy tiny portion of the population might be allergic to some of the ingredients and they might have a bad reaction”, and suffered a life-changing, or even fatal reaction, you would be singing a different tune. A tune that was not quite so condescending. To those parents, that decision to vaccinate will haunt them forever. And yes, my children are fully vaccinated.

  11. Maybe if they removed the GMOs, hormones from infected cows, pigs, chickens and monkeys, untested virus combinations (like H1N1), aluminum, mercury, emulsifiers, and crossbred bacteria from animals, mosquitoes, and diseased humans, some people wouldn’t be afraid to inject it directly into their babies bloodstream?

  12. In some/many (No I do not have the stats) Indigenous communities in Australia Whooping Cough is prevalent. You all have probably seen on TV a child especially a baby with Whooping Cough, absolutely heart breaking to view. Why did that child get Whooping Cough ? maybe no Injection, maybe other reasons, I will let the Medicos answer that one. I am a person of European heritage who lives in an Indigenous Community and goes to a Health Centre set up to treat predominantly Indigenous persons. It is funded by the Federal Government for that reason so I am a minority (often called a White c ) in my own country and community. A Doctor said to me one day “When was the last time you had a Whooping Cough injection ? ” Me being a smart A replied ” I don’t remember I was too young “. With that comment, ” Roll up your sleeve you ARE getting a Whooping cough booster ! ” Jab ! Who knew that because Whooping cough is still in existence as an adult we need a Booster injection ? Only because of the knowledge and Ethics of that Doctor I am now covered against the possibility of getting something that I had Never thought about. So even in this day and age even though you may have had the traditional injections as a child you may still contract one of them. I understand living in Australia, our Medical system is light years ahead of USA and most other countries, and it is FREE. Yes I have lived in the USA and worked with USA troops in Defence. I also spell words the way they are meant to be spelt Ha Ha ! Who am I ? A single, never married 60yo with a little basic knowledge. So get your children immunised, even if financially it is difficult, it is too far to travel, it doesn’t suit your lifestyle and all those other excuses that don’t reall hold up to scrutiny. You love your children ? How comfortable would you feel if your beloved child catches one of these preventable diseases and has to live with the consequences ? All the best from Down Under.

  13. Meanwhile Minnesota is experiencing the largest MEASLES outbreak in 30 years. Thanks anti-vaxxers!

    1. So you know with irrefutable evidence it was an unvaccinated child right. There’s no possible way that a vaccinated person could still be a carrier right? Common sense my ass.

  14. Oh, look at that… Jamie has brought nothing new to the discussion.

    Some parents have an issue with the scheduling rather than the vaccines, and they get lumped inti the media created ‘anti vaxxers’… but I don’t expect you to know anything about that since you haven’t read beyine the first to returns on your half-assed google search.


  15. Vaccines. Are. Needed.

    You are not a scientist. Your research involves scrolling through Google until you find a reason why not to vaccinate ignoring the rest. A scientist’s research involves years and years of scientific study over thousands of volunteers testing every last detail.

    There is NO conclusive evidence that vaccines cause anything close to things like Autism, and the risk of any reaction from these vaccinations are negligible. As was stated you are kept for 15 minutes to monitor for reaction. So even if anything does occur you have professionals with years of training by your side.

    For example: The polio vaccine has a 1 in 2-3 million severe reaction rate. (According to http://vaccine-safety-training.org/rates-of-adverse-vaccine-reactions.html )
    The chance of being struck by lightning is a shockingly low 1 in 10,000.
    The lifetime odds for a person to die in a car related accident is 1 in 606. (for a person born in 2003)

    So please, before you do your “research” and scream at people who don’t believe you, take this into account. These vaccines are nothing to be afraid of and there is no reason to worry about reaction. Be more worried about not vaccinating does.

  16. To all the mother’s out there that don’t vaccinate please remember what vaccines have done for us!! All the things your kid coul get but don’t due to vaccines. When’s the last time you saw chicken pocks? Oh ya to you haven’t due to vaccines.. I had them when I was little.. Children get vaccinated for a reason, don’t be the reason why old probloms come back… I don’t want to hear when someone complains there kid got something that could have been dealt with to begin with!! Yes you are that child’s mother you know best, but maybe you should get your facts staight first before you become a mother!!!

  17. I am (?was) a health manager for many years. My expertise was health contracts. I became an expert in health language. What alerted me to vaccines was the ‘words’ they used in the brochure they gave to parents to say it is safe. They do not quite say it. The ‘words’ are always weasely and not quite definite. So I started thinking. Did I say I have a high IQ and a science degree?

    There is absolutely no question in my mind that the proponents of vaccines are making money and are prepared to risk the lives of others in order to make that money. That does not make the vaccines dangerous.

    But then I hear doctors saying that it is ok and their arguments are vague at best and spurious at worst. Doctors are technical people plumbers. They are not in general research scientists or even thinkers. They have a history – even a recent history – of taking soft bribes to say the right things. Did you know that more Doctors smoke Camels than any other brand? But did they tell you that is because Camels gave them the cigarettes for free? In my own experience I watched Doctors being sponsored to overseas conferences (what a coincidence, near where they came from or where their parents live) and being given a car so they could drive to the airport (keep the car) and come back talking about ‘miracle cures’ which only cost a small fortune.

    There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that my small country (New Zealand) was used recently as a population check for a new vaccine.

    There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that nobody, but nobody, can tell what the long term effects of complex modern vaccinations are.

    There is no doubt in my mind that vaccinations and money are the main equation.

    And there is no doubt in my mind that vaccinations might be useful – but that the argument is sufficiently skewed so that we could not know the truth or the concerns.

    The development of Xrays is a case in point. Xrays were invented in 1895 and were safe until about 1980. Then people started to realise that Xrays were in themselves dangerous. So they started to make the Xrays as least powerful as they could get away with. There is no doubt that Xrays save lives. It is also believed that 1 in every 100,000 xrays causes cancer. It is a trade off. And a valid trade off.

    But what is the trade off for vaccines which have not had a long term exposure?

    So be careful people be very careful.

    1. Thank you for this!!!! Mary Malcolm I truly hope you do more research before writing harmful articles like these that can mislead women who come to your platform for guidance

    2. The words on brochures are always weaselly – so that people don’t sue them on the rare occasion that there is a reaction. I agree – when money is involved, many businesses will value money more than customers health. But as you say – that does not make vaccines dangerous. They are highly regulated.

      I am a medical student (trainee doctor) and I have also completed a science degree and most of a PhD. So to put down doctors as being unscientific is like putting down any other group of people as all the same. Some have explicit research training and some just have general science knowledge but either way they have more than the average member of the community. Likewise some a moral and some aren’t (like any group of people). But I think its very unreasonable to group them all together and imply that a few bad eggs spoil the bunch. Generally speaking doctors are caring people that want to do good. I know this because I work with them in many practices every day.

      You have made an unsubstantiated claim which is extremely vague regarding testing a new vaccine. What vaccine – what evidence do you have to claim this?

      I think your Xray analogy is quite a good one – there is an element of risk in everything, to even crossing the street. You’re more likely to get hit by a car if you cross the road. You are more likely to get cancer if you have many Xrays. You are more likely to have anaphylaxis if you are injected with a vaccine. But the question is not “is there a risk” ofcourse there is – with absolutely everything. The question is “On balance is that risk warranted”. Now just as you choose to cross the road because getting to the other side is more important than the tiny risk of a car accident. Just as you get an Xray for a broken bone because it healing correctly is more important than the “1/100,000” chance of cancer. Just like these things – Vaccination on balance has a huge positive effect reducing risk of many serious and life threatening illnesses and with a minute amount of risk. This cost/benefit is so profound that most do not even entertain why you would not vaccinate. Another view is that as vaccination is now the standard, not vaccinating is actually harming your children by putting them as risk compared to those who have vaccinated.

      However much you want to, you cannot protect your children from every bad thing that might happen to them. But you can and should minimise their chances of something bad happening. So please, please, vaccinate.

    3. Parents have EVERY right to question the current immunisation schedule, without predijuice and be informed properly of the potential risks. They do not have to be bullied into immunising their children. After four children, my experience is that the very real risks are never discussed from GPs or nurses, neither are they clearly outlined in the brochures. The current culture is to be labelled a “antivaxer” if you question any vaccination or oppose them because you are concerned. I encourage all parents to research the risks and make more informed decisions before vaccinating your child.

      1. But that is exactly the point that was made above – most mothers aren’t researchers with science backgrounds and there is a lot of misinformation on the internet. So how are they to “research” and “make an informed decision”? You’d expect they would ask a specialist in that area (a doctor) to provide a summary of that information. Likewise if I had an issue with my electricity I was consult an electrician rather than research and make an informed decision myself – because the consequences of being wrong are severe.

        If you were to openly ask your doctor about vaccination, they will tell you, they are not trying to hide or mislead you. However – what is frustrating for doctors is when people go and “do their own research” and then come saying they are informed and have chosen not to vaccinate because of the risk of autism or any number of other fabricated information which is out there.

        The problem is that the conventional “informed consent” which is a pillar of modern medicine has broken down regarding vaccination due to people believing they are informed after cursory glance at google, listening to their favourite celebrity or reading bias misinformation on anti-vaccination sites, rather than listening to the medical professionals and researchers who actually know the topic. If there were actually well informed conscientious objectors – I don’t have the problem with that – as you say, that is their right. However, the reason there is a negative attitude towards “antivaxers” is if they were truly informed, the benefits are so much greater than the risks, that there really isn’t much of a choice to make. The assumption (and my experience so far) has been that almost everyone who objects does so because they are uninformed and/or they refuse to be informed by those who actually know. As a result antivax has become synonymous with wilful (arrogant) ignorance – hence the disdain. It has nothing to do with removing peoples right to autonomy – people should have autonomy – but they should also know the limits of their own expertise and ask for help from those with experience when they do not know.

      2. Well put Brendan. I would add that this idea of ‘go and do your research’ has got to stop. Looking stuff up on Google is not research. It’s just looking stuff up on Google. Research is what academics, scientists and intellectuals do to add to the general knowledge base of humanity. Your medical specialist has read the research and your job is to ask questions and get answers til you are satisfied.

      3. Glenn,

        Exactly how should pharmaceutical companies function as non-profit organizations? Who would fund the research to get a drug to market? Taxpayers?

      4. Yes! Googling is not research!

  18. I agree with you, babies don’t come with a manual, yes we have mothering instincts, but to not vaccinate your kids if you can, I agree is irresponsible, and selfish to others in society, the vaccines were designed to keep us healthy and alive for longer!, great article!

    1. I agree with the fact that baby’s do not come with a manual, but to vaccinate one’s kids without doing any research whatsoever is irresponsible.
      The doctors know a lot about our health and wellness, but not everything. They know that they must follow a schedule to administer vaccines and they know they procedure very well. That does not go to say that they know what is in the vaccines and how children might react to them. I am not saying that vaccines are bad, but ignore the ads put out by the CDC and pharmaceutical industry for a bit and listen to what whistleblowers and scientists have to say to get a better idea of what a vaccine actually is.

      1. The doctors know more than someone with an education from Google. Google is not research.

  19. You may as well say all mothers are stupid and that the connection between all mothers and babies is bullshit and it really funny when your told by the doctors and midwifes that mothers no best right? And intuition in regards to your child is bullshit too right? Unfortunately new mothers will question their own intuition because of this stupid article, and they are the only person that will protect their child with their life, you are very small minded to belive any one else would do the same

    1. It’s know not no. Quit the run-ons, incorrect word choice, and lack of punctuation and someone might actually listen to your opinion.

  20. The message of this post is “Stop thinking, don’t question, the system knows what is best for you”.

    I wonder how many people that push vaccine propaganda knows how vaccines works besides the simple explanation of putting a dead virus inside you so that your immune system learns from it.

    But the think is nobody knows how it really works, for example some viruses like aids don’t have a vaccine and nobody knows why it doesn’t work with aids.

    Most vaccines need repetition because it’s ineffective so in this period you are still likely to get infected.

    There are studies (like one done in a catholic school, google it) that show that in groups with close contact and without proper hygiene vaccines are ineffective, this makes one thing that soap and hygiene are the most effective virus (and bacteria) protection.

    There is no long term research on vaccinated people, we know that some viruses can cause cancer (like many other things) and putting so many inactive viruses in your body can have all kind of unknown effects that nobody is willing to research, there might be one of the biggest factors besides the chemicals we eat.

    Vaccines have so many additives and strange ingredients that can be literally called poison but the small dosage doesn’t kill you immediately but long term accumulation (from lots of vaccines) can likely cause some damage.

    If vaccines are so safe why doesn’t the pharma industry or the government offer an insurance like a lifetime pension or a big compensation for vaccine side effects?

    1. Your science is worse than your English. You should stop writing and read a f**ing book. A real book. And get your GED while you are at it. Long term studies? Isn’t three generations enough?

  21. shut up and stop arguing in the comments. if you dont get your kid vaccinated, and there’s no medical reason why, you’re an idiot. if you kid literally can’t have a vaccine for medical purposes, i can understand that, but just because you think “you have the knowledge of vaccines” – you don’t. after reading pretty much every answer in this comments section, there’s no logical reason to not get your kid vaccinated without consulting with your doctor.

    WHY would the MEDICAL COMMUNITY be LYING. WHY do you seem to think that every little thing is out to get you? the vaccine community is not a ‘fraud’ its there to PROTECT CHILDREN. if you’re so picky about it consult with your DOCTOR about the ingredients in the vaccines and talk to THEM about it.

    jesus christ. take your venti chai latte, drop your kids of at soccer practice and talk to the manager somewhere else.

  22. I did not decide not to vaccinate because of something I read on the internet etc. I chose not vaccinate or rather not to vaccinate until my children were older and to vaccinate selectively because one of my babies quite breathing and almost died a few hours after being immunized. When the ambulance arrived he had regain consciousness but he laid there with flaccid muscles, moaning with little movement as he was transported. At the hospital he came around but when we checked out he had lost his ability to to smile spontaneously, to hold his head up and to grasp my arm and hold on when I carried him. I was told he had a very rare reaction. I was told that the reaction probably looked worse to his mother than it really was. The doctor that told me this did not know that I had been a paramedic for many years. After a month my son regained the level of development that he lost, however he is the only one of my four children that has a designated learning disability. I reported his deficits to the health authorities when they called me to follow up. They said they would not include the information in the statics that they collected because they said it was normal for babies to gain, then lose then gain abilities/milestones as they develop. The head person in BC from the Health Authority called me and asked me to keep vaccinating my child. I asked her if she would include the deficits my son suffered in the data they collected and made available to doctors and the public and she said no because his deficits were not related to the immunizations.

    I am a super busy Momma of 4 kids and I took time away from them this evening because it is important to me that you stop and think before you let people shame you into vaccinating your kids or into not vaccination your kids. People with extremely one side views rarely represent the truth but rather their own personal opinion that they call the truth.

  23. This is one of the most ignorant, asinine, myopic, ridiculously arrogant things I’ve ever read. Shame on you for putting this overly simplified misinformation out there. “That’s why the doctor keeps you at the office for 15 minutes after your child receives a vaccine. That way if they react, the doctor can fix it.” Oh really? Please, do tell, how do they “fix it”? Tell that to the countless deaths and injuries registered at the VAERS. You imbecile.

    As many have already mentioned in the comments, there has NOT BEEN A SINGLE double blind placebo study proving that any existing vaccine is safe, much less those insane combo shots. Not one study. In the history of humanity. Since that type of study is the basis of ALL scientific research, don’t you find that the least bit curious or unnerving?

    Many people want vaccines for their children… I certainly do… and I don’t disagree with them from a pure theoretical POV. But until there is tangible, solid, scientific proof that the exact cocktails they want to inject into my child is safe, that smorgasbord of poisons they call the “vaccine schedule” is not coming anywhere near my family. Shouldn’t they have to scientifically prove something is SAFE before putting it to use and not the other way around Meaning, it shouldn’t be set up to have to prove it’s harmful to stop using it… it should’ve already been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that it’s one billion percent safe before one person was injected. But corruption and greed are the priorities, unfortunately, NOT health.

    FYI, I have multiple master’s degrees in engineering, and a 160 IQ and do research for a living. Trust me when I say that I’ve done the research. The vaccine industry as it exists IS a fraud and IS killing us. They are not safe, but I hope someone can produce a study and prove me wrong. But that’s not going to happen.

    1. Engineering and medicine is different. And if you know math, you know that a 160 IQ is a totally bogus number. You added a decimal place. Maybe it is really 16.0. Six standard deviations from the average IQ of 100 does not exist. You made that up.

      1. What are you on about? A girl last year in the UK got a 162 at age 11. There most certainly is a range of 160 on IQ testing. The max on the mensa test is 161 for adults & 162 for children. There are many versions of IQ tests.

    2. We don’t do double blind studies on healthy kids. Period. Or pregnant mothers. Period.
      Guaranteed you call your MD when your kid has pneumonia or meningitis. Or would you go to the vitamin store or give him some kale?

      1. So you suggest we just straight up trust the pharmaceutical industry and the US gov’t agencies in their pockets? Ridiculous. You’re obviously a mouthpiece hired by the pharmaceutical industry to combat negative comments against vaccines. “We don’t do double blind studies on healthy kids. Period.” – then what’s the solution? There is NO SCIENTIFIC PROOF they are safe. Why does the medical industry refuse to discuss this issue? You quack so called doctors are so inflated with your God complexes and wrapped up in greed, you’ve lost sight of what it means to be a doctor.

      2. If you do not study on it before putting it to market, then the market *is* the study…and worse than a study, you won’t track the actual outcomes and we will be told it is safe before there is a basis for determining the safety.

        You merely prove the point in a way I am sure you aren’t intending it.

      3. So…it’s unethical to test drugs on pregnant mothers, but okay to prescribe those same drugs to them? Vaccines and nausea drugs for cancer patients are given to pregnant mothers left and right with absolutely no scientific testing. It’s called Schedule C and it’s total insanity.

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